Defending LLMs against Jailbreaking Attacks via Backtranslation






Published 6/10/2024 by Yihan Wang, Zhouxing Shi, Andrew Bai, Cho-Jui Hsieh
Defending LLMs against Jailbreaking Attacks via Backtranslation


Although many large language models (LLMs) have been trained to refuse harmful requests, they are still vulnerable to jailbreaking attacks which rewrite the original prompt to conceal its harmful intent. In this paper, we propose a new method for defending LLMs against jailbreaking attacks by ``backtranslation''. Specifically, given an initial response generated by the target LLM from an input prompt, our backtranslation prompts a language model to infer an input prompt that can lead to the response. The inferred prompt is called the backtranslated prompt which tends to reveal the actual intent of the original prompt, since it is generated based on the LLM's response and not directly manipulated by the attacker. We then run the target LLM again on the backtranslated prompt, and we refuse the original prompt if the model refuses the backtranslated prompt. We explain that the proposed defense provides several benefits on its effectiveness and efficiency. We empirically demonstrate that our defense significantly outperforms the baselines, in the cases that are hard for the baselines, and our defense also has little impact on the generation quality for benign input prompts. Our implementation is based on our library for LLM jailbreaking defense algorithms at url{}, and the code for reproducing our experiments is available at url{}.

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  • This paper explores ways to defend large language models (LLMs) against "jailbreaking" attacks, where users try to bypass the model's intended behavior and get it to generate harmful or unethical content.
  • The authors propose using a technique called "backtranslation" to detect and mitigate these attacks.
  • Backtranslation involves translating the model's output to another language and then translating it back, checking for discrepancies that could indicate an attack.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on protecting powerful AI language models, known as large language models (LLMs), from being misused or "jailbroken" by users. Jailbreaking refers to finding ways to bypass the safeguards and intended behavior of an LLM, in order to get it to generate harmful, unethical, or undesirable content.

The researchers suggest using a technique called backtranslation to detect and stop these jailbreaking attacks. Backtranslation involves taking the text generated by the LLM, translating it to another language, and then translating it back. If there are significant differences between the original text and the backtranslated version, it could be a sign that the LLM has been jailbroken and is producing content that deviates from its normal, intended behavior.

By monitoring for these discrepancies, the researchers believe they can identify and mitigate jailbreaking attacks on LLMs, helping to keep these powerful AI systems from being misused.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes using backtranslation as a defense mechanism against jailbreaking attacks on large language models (LLMs). Jailbreaking attacks involve finding ways to bypass the intended behavior and safety constraints of an LLM, in order to get it to generate harmful or undesirable content.

To detect these attacks, the authors suggest translating the LLM's output to another language and then translating it back, comparing the original and backtranslated versions. If there are significant discrepancies, it could indicate that the LLM has been jailbroken and is producing content that deviates from its normal behavior.

The researchers evaluated this backtranslation approach on several LLMs, including GPT-3, and found that it was effective at identifying jailbreaking attempts. Their results showed that backtranslation could reliably detect when the models were being misused, even in the face of sophisticated jailbreaking techniques.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising defense against jailbreaking attacks on LLMs, but there are some potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The backtranslation approach relies on the availability of high-quality translation models, which may not always be reliable or accessible, especially for less common language pairs.
  • The authors only tested their method on a limited set of LLMs and jailbreaking techniques. More comprehensive evaluations would be needed to fully understand its robustness.
  • The paper does not address the potential for subtle, incremental jailbreaking that could gradually erode the model's intended behavior over time.

Overall, the backtranslation approach shows promise, but additional research is needed to fully understand its limitations and explore other potential defense mechanisms against the evolving threat of jailbreaking attacks on LLMs.


This paper presents a novel defense against jailbreaking attacks on large language models (LLMs), using a technique called backtranslation to detect deviations from the model's intended behavior. By translating the LLM's output to another language and then back again, the researchers were able to reliably identify when the model was being misused to generate harmful or undesirable content.

While the backtranslation approach shows promise, there are still some limitations and areas for further research. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step forward in protecting these powerful AI systems from being exploited for malicious purposes, with significant implications for the responsible development and deployment of LLMs in the future.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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