Semi-Parametric Retrieval via Binary Token Index






Published 5/6/2024 by Jiawei Zhou, Li Dong, Furu Wei, Lei Chen



The landscape of information retrieval has broadened from search services to a critical component in various advanced applications, where indexing efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and freshness are increasingly important yet remain less explored. To address these demands, we introduce Semi-parametric Vocabulary Disentangled Retrieval (SVDR). SVDR is a novel semi-parametric retrieval framework that supports two types of indexes: an embedding-based index for high effectiveness, akin to existing neural retrieval methods; and a binary token index that allows for quick and cost-effective setup, resembling traditional term-based retrieval. In our evaluation on three open-domain question answering benchmarks with the entire Wikipedia as the retrieval corpus, SVDR consistently demonstrates superiority. It achieves a 3% higher top-1 retrieval accuracy compared to the dense retriever DPR when using an embedding-based index and an 9% higher top-1 accuracy compared to BM25 when using a binary token index. Specifically, the adoption of a binary token index reduces index preparation time from 30 GPU hours to just 2 CPU hours and storage size from 31 GB to 2 GB, achieving a 90% reduction compared to an embedding-based index.

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  • The paper introduces a novel semi-parametric retrieval framework called Semi-parametric Vocabulary Disentangled Retrieval (SVDR)
  • SVDR supports two types of indexes: an embedding-based index for high effectiveness, and a binary token index for quick and cost-effective setup
  • SVDR consistently outperforms existing methods on open-domain question answering benchmarks, achieving higher top-1 retrieval accuracy

Plain English Explanation

Information retrieval, the process of finding relevant information from a large dataset, has become a critical component in various advanced applications, such as question answering and multi-vector retrieval. In these applications, indexing efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and data freshness are increasingly important but remain less explored.

To address these demands, the researchers developed a new framework called SVDR. SVDR combines two types of indexes: an embedding-based index, similar to existing neural retrieval methods, and a binary token index, which is like the traditional term-based retrieval but more cost-effective.

The embedding-based index provides high retrieval effectiveness, while the binary token index allows for quick and cost-effective setup. By using these two indexes together, SVDR can achieve superior performance on open-domain question answering tasks compared to existing methods.

Technical Explanation

The researchers evaluated SVDR on three open-domain question answering benchmarks, using the entire Wikipedia as the retrieval corpus. SVDR consistently demonstrated superior performance compared to other methods.

When using an embedding-based index, SVDR achieved a 3% higher top-1 retrieval accuracy compared to the dense retriever DPR. And when using a binary token index, SVDR achieved a 9% higher top-1 accuracy compared to BM25, a traditional term-based retrieval method.

Importantly, the binary token index in SVDR significantly reduces the cost and time required for index preparation. Compared to the embedding-based index, the binary token index reduces the index preparation time from 30 GPU hours to just 2 CPU hours, and the storage size from 31 GB to 2 GB – a 90% reduction.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling solution to the growing demands of information retrieval in advanced applications. By introducing the SVDR framework with its two-pronged index approach, the researchers have addressed the key challenges of indexing efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and data freshness.

While the results are impressive, the paper does not discuss potential limitations or areas for further research. For example, it would be interesting to understand how SVDR performs on more diverse types of retrieval tasks beyond open-domain question answering, or how it compares to other emerging binary token representation techniques.

Additionally, the paper could have provided more insight into the trade-offs between the embedding-based and binary token indexes, and how users might choose between them depending on their specific needs and constraints.


The SVDR framework introduced in this paper represents a significant advancement in information retrieval, addressing critical challenges in indexing efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and data freshness. By combining an embedding-based index for high effectiveness and a binary token index for quick and cost-effective setup, SVDR demonstrates superior performance on open-domain question answering tasks.

The potential impact of this research extends beyond question answering, as the SVDR framework could be applied to a wide range of advanced applications that rely on efficient and cost-effective information retrieval. As the field of information retrieval continues to evolve, the insights and techniques presented in this paper will likely play an important role in shaping the future of this critical technology.

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