Efficient Inverted Indexes for Approximate Retrieval over Learned Sparse Representations






Published 4/30/2024 by Sebastian Bruch, Franco Maria Nardini, Cosimo Rulli, Rossano Venturini



Learned sparse representations form an attractive class of contextual embeddings for text retrieval. That is so because they are effective models of relevance and are interpretable by design. Despite their apparent compatibility with inverted indexes, however, retrieval over sparse embeddings remains challenging. That is due to the distributional differences between learned embeddings and term frequency-based lexical models of relevance such as BM25. Recognizing this challenge, a great deal of research has gone into, among other things, designing retrieval algorithms tailored to the properties of learned sparse representations, including approximate retrieval systems. In fact, this task featured prominently in the latest BigANN Challenge at NeurIPS 2023, where approximate algorithms were evaluated on a large benchmark dataset by throughput and recall. In this work, we propose a novel organization of the inverted index that enables fast yet effective approximate retrieval over learned sparse embeddings. Our approach organizes inverted lists into geometrically-cohesive blocks, each equipped with a summary vector. During query processing, we quickly determine if a block must be evaluated using the summaries. As we show experimentally, single-threaded query processing using our method, Seismic, reaches sub-millisecond per-query latency on various sparse embeddings of the MS MARCO dataset while maintaining high recall. Our results indicate that Seismic is one to two orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art inverted index-based solutions and further outperforms the winning (graph-based) submissions to the BigANN Challenge by a significant margin.

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  • Learned sparse representations offer effective and interpretable models of text relevance for information retrieval
  • However, retrieving over sparse embeddings remains challenging due to differences from traditional lexical models like BM25
  • Researchers have focused on developing specialized retrieval algorithms and approximate systems to address this challenge
  • This paper proposes a novel inverted index organization that enables fast yet effective approximate retrieval over learned sparse embeddings

Plain English Explanation

Learned sparse representations are a type of text embedding that can effectively capture the relevance of text. This makes them useful for information retrieval tasks like search.

The sparse and interpretable nature of these embeddings is appealing. However, actually using them for retrieval is challenging. This is because they are quite different from the traditional lexical relevance models like BM25 that search engines typically rely on.

To address this challenge, researchers have focused on developing specialized retrieval algorithms and approximate search systems tailored to sparse embeddings.

This paper proposes a new way to organize the search index that enables fast yet effective approximate retrieval over learned sparse embeddings. The key idea is to group the index entries into cohesive blocks, each with a summary vector to quickly determine if the block is relevant to the query. This allows for very fast search speeds while maintaining high accuracy.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel inverted index organization called "Seismic" that enables efficient approximate retrieval over learned sparse text embeddings.

The core idea is to group the inverted lists into geometrically-cohesive blocks, each equipped with a summary vector. During query processing, the system can quickly determine if a block of the index should be evaluated by checking the block's summary against the query. This avoids unnecessary processing of irrelevant blocks.

The authors show experimentally that their Seismic method can achieve sub-millisecond per-query latency on various sparse text embeddings of the MS MARCO dataset, while maintaining high recall. Compared to state-of-the-art inverted index-based solutions, Seismic is 1-2 orders of magnitude faster. It also significantly outperforms the winning submissions to the recent BigANN Challenge, which used graph-based approximate nearest neighbor search.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the Seismic index organization and demonstrates its strong performance on standard benchmarks. However, a few potential limitations or areas for further research are worth noting:

The evaluation is focused on throughput and recall, but does not consider other important factors like index construction time or index size. These practical concerns may be important in real-world applications.

Additionally, the experiments are limited to sparse text embeddings. It would be valuable to understand how well the Seismic approach generalizes to other types of high-dimensional sparse data beyond just text.

Finally, while the paper references the BigANN Challenge, it does not provide a deeper analysis of how Seismic compares to the specific techniques used by the winning graph-based submissions. A more nuanced technical comparison could yield additional insights.

Overall, the Seismic index organization represents a promising advance in enabling fast approximate retrieval over learned sparse representations. However, further research is needed to fully understand its strengths, weaknesses, and applicability across a broader range of domains and use cases.


This paper introduces a novel inverted index organization called Seismic that enables fast yet effective approximate retrieval over learned sparse text embeddings. By grouping the index into geometrically-cohesive blocks with summary vectors, Seismic can quickly filter out irrelevant parts of the index, leading to sub-millisecond query latencies while maintaining high recall.

The Seismic approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art inverted index-based solutions as well as the winning submissions to the recent BigANN Challenge. This work represents an important step forward in making learned sparse representations practically usable for real-world information retrieval tasks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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