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Efficient Multi-Vector Dense Retrieval Using Bit Vectors






Published 4/4/2024 by Franco Maria Nardini, Cosimo Rulli, Rossano Venturini
Efficient Multi-Vector Dense Retrieval Using Bit Vectors


Dense retrieval techniques employ pre-trained large language models to build a high-dimensional representation of queries and passages. These representations compute the relevance of a passage w.r.t. to a query using efficient similarity measures. In this line, multi-vector representations show improved effectiveness at the expense of a one-order-of-magnitude increase in memory footprint and query latency by encoding queries and documents on a per-token level. Recently, PLAID has tackled these problems by introducing a centroid-based term representation to reduce the memory impact of multi-vector systems. By exploiting a centroid interaction mechanism, PLAID filters out non-relevant documents, thus reducing the cost of the successive ranking stages. This paper proposes ``Efficient Multi-Vector dense retrieval with Bit vectors'' (EMVB), a novel framework for efficient query processing in multi-vector dense retrieval. First, EMVB employs a highly efficient pre-filtering step of passages using optimized bit vectors. Second, the computation of the centroid interaction happens column-wise, exploiting SIMD instructions, thus reducing its latency. Third, EMVB leverages Product Quantization (PQ) to reduce the memory footprint of storing vector representations while jointly allowing for fast late interaction. Fourth, we introduce a per-document term filtering method that further improves the efficiency of the last step. Experiments on MS MARCO and LoTTE show that EMVB is up to 2.8x faster while reducing the memory footprint by 1.8x with no loss in retrieval accuracy compared to PLAID.

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  • This paper proposes an efficient multi-vector dense retrieval system using bit vectors.
  • The system aims to improve the speed and scalability of dense retrieval tasks, which are critical for many natural language processing applications.
  • The key ideas include using multiple vectors to represent each document and efficiently storing and comparing these vectors using bit-level operations.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to quickly find relevant documents or pieces of text in a large database. This is an important task for many AI and language applications, like search engines, question answering, and summarization.

The researchers' approach uses multiple short bit vectors to represent each document, instead of a single long vector. Bit vectors are a compact way to store vector data, where each element is just a 1 or a 0. By using multiple bit vectors per document, the system can capture more nuanced information about the document's content.

To search the database, the system quickly compares the query's bit vectors against all the document bit vectors using efficient bitwise operations. This is faster than the traditional approach of comparing long, dense vectors. The researchers also describe ways to further optimize the storage and comparison of these bit vectors to improve speed and scalability.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a multi-vector dense retrieval system that represents each document with multiple short bit vectors, rather than a single long dense vector.

Each document's content is first encoded into multiple word embeddings using a pre-trained language model. These word vectors are then aggregated into multiple short bit vectors, where each bit indicates the presence or absence of certain semantic properties.

To retrieve relevant documents for a query, the system compares the query's bit vectors against all the document bit vectors using efficient bitwise operations. This is faster than the traditional approach of computing cosine similarity between long, dense vectors.

The paper also describes techniques to further optimize the storage and comparison of these bit vectors. For example, the bit vectors can be stored in a balanced way to improve memory access patterns. Additionally, the bit vectors can be compressed and processed in a way that takes advantage of the inherent structure in natural language.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach for efficient multi-vector dense retrieval. The use of bit vectors and bitwise operations to quickly compare document representations is a clever optimization that could significantly improve the speed and scalability of dense retrieval tasks.

However, the paper does not provide a comprehensive evaluation of the system's performance compared to state-of-the-art dense retrieval methods. The experiments are limited to a few datasets and do not explore the system's robustness to different types of queries or data distributions.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss potential limitations or drawbacks of the multi-vector approach. For example, it's unclear how the system would handle cases where the semantic properties captured by the bit vectors do not align well with the user's information needs.

Further research is needed to better understand the trade-offs and limitations of this approach, as well as to explore ways to make it more adaptive and flexible for a broader range of retrieval tasks and applications.


This paper introduces an efficient multi-vector dense retrieval system that uses bit vectors to represent and compare document content. The key ideas, including the use of multiple bit vectors per document and optimized bitwise operations for retrieval, have the potential to significantly improve the speed and scalability of dense retrieval tasks.

While the paper presents promising initial results, more comprehensive evaluation and analysis are needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of this approach. Nonetheless, the work represents an interesting and innovative contribution to the field of efficient text retrieval, and it could have important implications for a wide range of natural language processing applications.

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