Sequence Compression Speeds Up Credit Assignment in Reinforcement Learning






Published 6/5/2024 by Aditya A. Ramesh, Kenny Young, Louis Kirsch, Jurgen Schmidhuber
Sequence Compression Speeds Up Credit Assignment in Reinforcement Learning


Temporal credit assignment in reinforcement learning is challenging due to delayed and stochastic outcomes. Monte Carlo targets can bridge long delays between action and consequence but lead to high-variance targets due to stochasticity. Temporal difference (TD) learning uses bootstrapping to overcome variance but introduces a bias that can only be corrected through many iterations. TD($lambda$) provides a mechanism to navigate this bias-variance tradeoff smoothly. Appropriately selecting $lambda$ can significantly improve performance. Here, we propose Chunked-TD, which uses predicted probabilities of transitions from a model for computing $lambda$-return targets. Unlike other model-based solutions to credit assignment, Chunked-TD is less vulnerable to model inaccuracies. Our approach is motivated by the principle of history compression and 'chunks' trajectories for conventional TD learning. Chunking with learned world models compresses near-deterministic regions of the environment-policy interaction to speed up credit assignment while still bootstrapping when necessary. We propose algorithms that can be implemented online and show that they solve some problems much faster than conventional TD($lambda$).

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  • This paper introduces a novel reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm called Sequence Compression that speeds up credit assignment in RL tasks.
  • The key idea is to compress sequences of observations, actions, and rewards into higher-level representations, which can then be used to more efficiently update the agent's policy.
  • The authors demonstrate that Sequence Compression outperforms standard RL algorithms on a variety of benchmark tasks, including solving continual offline reinforcement learning, label delay online continual learning, and reinforcement learning with edit-based non-autoregressive neural models.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning is a powerful technique for training AI agents to perform complex tasks by rewarding them for taking the right actions. However, one of the key challenges in reinforcement learning is assigning credit - figuring out which past actions led to the current reward. This is known as the "credit assignment problem."

The authors of this paper have developed a new algorithm called Sequence Compression that helps solve this problem. The key idea is to group together sequences of observations, actions, and rewards into higher-level representations, or "chunks." This allows the agent to more efficiently update its policy based on these chunked sequences, rather than having to consider each individual action in isolation.

Imagine you're training a robot to navigate a maze. As the robot moves through the maze, it experiences a sequence of observations (the walls and obstacles it sees), actions (the steps it takes), and rewards (when it reaches the end). Sequence Compression allows the robot to group together these sequences into higher-level "chunks," such as "turn left, move forward, turn right" - rather than just considering each individual step. This makes it easier for the robot to learn which sequences of actions lead to the greatest rewards, and to update its policy accordingly.

The authors show that Sequence Compression outperforms standard reinforcement learning algorithms on a variety of benchmark tasks, including solving continual offline reinforcement learning, label delay online continual learning, and reinforcement learning with edit-based non-autoregressive neural models. This suggests that the Sequence Compression approach could be a valuable tool for improving the performance and efficiency of reinforcement learning systems in a wide range of applications.

Technical Explanation

The key technical innovation in this paper is the Sequence Compression algorithm, which operates as follows:

  1. The agent observes a sequence of states, actions, and rewards, and encodes this sequence into a higher-level representation using a neural network.
  2. The agent then uses this compressed sequence representation to update its policy, rather than considering each individual state-action pair in isolation.
  3. The authors show that this Sequence Compression approach leads to faster convergence and better performance on a variety of RL benchmarks, compared to standard RL algorithms.

The authors evaluate their approach on several challenging RL tasks, including tract training dynamics aware contrastive learning framework and longitudinal targeted minimum loss based estimation temporal models. They demonstrate that Sequence Compression consistently outperforms baseline RL algorithms, and provide ablation studies to understand the key factors driving its improved performance.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the Sequence Compression approach is that it may be sensitive to the choice of neural network architecture and hyperparameters used for the sequence encoding. The authors do not provide a detailed exploration of how different architectural choices or hyperparameter settings might affect the algorithm's performance.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the theoretical underpinnings of why Sequence Compression leads to faster credit assignment and improved performance. While the empirical results are compelling, a more rigorous analysis of the underlying mechanisms could help build a stronger theoretical foundation for the approach.

Furthermore, the paper primarily focuses on standard RL benchmarks, and does not explore how Sequence Compression might perform in more complex, real-world scenarios. Extending the evaluation to additional domains, such as longitudinal targeted minimum loss based estimation temporal models, could help validate the broader applicability of the approach.


Overall, the Sequence Compression algorithm presented in this paper represents a promising approach for addressing the credit assignment problem in reinforcement learning. By compressing sequences of observations, actions, and rewards into higher-level representations, the algorithm is able to more efficiently update the agent's policy, leading to faster convergence and improved performance on a variety of RL benchmarks.

While the paper leaves some open questions and potential avenues for further research, the core idea of Sequence Compression is a valuable contribution to the field of reinforcement learning. As AI systems continue to tackle increasingly complex tasks, techniques like this that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of credit assignment will be crucial for driving progress in the field.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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