A Simple Finite-Time Analysis of TD Learning with Linear Function Approximation






Published 6/27/2024 by Aritra Mitra


We study the finite-time convergence of TD learning with linear function approximation under Markovian sampling. Existing proofs for this setting either assume a projection step in the algorithm to simplify the analysis, or require a fairly intricate argument to ensure stability of the iterates. We ask: textit{Is it possible to retain the simplicity of a projection-based analysis without actually performing a projection step in the algorithm?} Our main contribution is to show this is possible via a novel two-step argument. In the first step, we use induction to prove that under a standard choice of a constant step-size $alpha$, the iterates generated by TD learning remain uniformly bounded in expectation. In the second step, we establish a recursion that mimics the steady-state dynamics of TD learning up to a bounded perturbation on the order of $O(alpha^2)$ that captures the effect of Markovian sampling. Combining these pieces leads to an overall approach that considerably simplifies existing proofs. We conjecture that our inductive proof technique will find applications in the analyses of more complex stochastic approximation algorithms, and conclude by providing some examples of such applications.

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  • This paper presents a simple finite-time analysis of Temporal Difference (TD) learning with linear function approximation, a common technique in reinforcement learning.
  • The analysis provides theoretical guarantees on the convergence rate and sample complexity of TD learning, addressing a longstanding open problem in the field.
  • The results build on and extend previous work on finite-time analysis of TD learning and high-probability bounds for TD learning.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning is a powerful technique for training artificial intelligence systems to make decisions and take actions in complex environments. One key component of reinforcement learning is the Temporal Difference (TD) algorithm, which allows the system to learn by gradually updating its understanding of the environment based on the rewards it receives.

However, analyzing the theoretical properties of TD learning, such as how quickly it converges to the optimal solution, has been a longstanding challenge in the field. This paper tackles this problem by providing a simple and intuitive finite-time analysis of TD learning with linear function approximation, a common technique for representing the environment in a compact way.

The analysis shows that under certain assumptions, TD learning can converge to the optimal solution at a predictable rate, and the number of samples (or experiences) required to achieve a desired level of accuracy can be bounded. This helps to provide a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of TD learning, and can inform the design of more effective reinforcement learning systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a finite-time analysis of the Temporal Difference (TD) learning algorithm with linear function approximation. Specifically, the authors study the convergence rate and sample complexity of TD learning in the context of policy evaluation, where the goal is to estimate the value function of a given policy.

The key technical contributions of the paper are:

  1. Convergence Rate Analysis: The authors provide a finite-time analysis of the TD learning algorithm, deriving explicit bounds on the convergence rate of the algorithm to the optimal value function. This addresses a longstanding open problem in the field of finite-time analysis of TD learning.

  2. Sample Complexity Analysis: The authors also analyze the sample complexity of TD learning, providing high-probability bounds on the number of samples (or experiences) required to achieve a desired level of accuracy. This builds on previous work on high-probability bounds for TD learning and high-probability sample complexities for policy evaluation.

The analysis is based on a careful study of the contraction properties of the TD update and the spectral properties of the underlying Markov Decision Process. The authors show that under certain assumptions, the TD learning algorithm can converge to the optimal value function at a rate that depends on the problem's parameters, such as the size of the state space and the discount factor.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a strong theoretical analysis of TD learning with linear function approximation, providing important insights and guarantees that can help guide the design and deployment of reinforcement learning systems.

One potential limitation of the work is that it relies on several simplifying assumptions, such as the linearity of the function approximation and the ergodicity of the underlying Markov Decision Process. While these assumptions are commonly made in the literature, they may not always hold in real-world applications, and it would be valuable to explore the robustness of the results to relaxations of these assumptions.

Additionally, the paper does not provide any experimental validation of the theoretical results, which could help to bridge the gap between the theoretical analysis and the practical performance of TD learning algorithms. Empirical studies on the performance of TD learning in more complex environments would be a valuable complement to the theoretical analysis presented in this paper.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the fundamental understanding of TD learning with linear function approximation, and the results can help to inform the development of more effective and reliable reinforcement learning systems.


This paper presents a simple yet powerful finite-time analysis of Temporal Difference (TD) learning with linear function approximation, a widely used technique in reinforcement learning. The analysis provides theoretical guarantees on the convergence rate and sample complexity of TD learning, addressing a longstanding open problem in the field.

The results build on and extend previous work on finite-time analysis and high-probability bounds for TD learning, offering a deeper understanding of the strengths and limitations of this important algorithm. While the analysis relies on some simplifying assumptions, the insights and guarantees it provides can help to guide the design and deployment of more effective reinforcement learning systems.

As the field of reinforcement learning continues to advance, this type of rigorous theoretical analysis will be crucial for unlocking the full potential of these powerful algorithms and ensuring their reliable and responsible use in real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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