An Improved Finite-time Analysis of Temporal Difference Learning with Deep Neural Networks






Published 5/8/2024 by Zhifa Ke, Zaiwen Wen, Junyu Zhang
An Improved Finite-time Analysis of Temporal Difference Learning with Deep Neural Networks


Temporal difference (TD) learning algorithms with neural network function parameterization have well-established empirical success in many practical large-scale reinforcement learning tasks. However, theoretical understanding of these algorithms remains challenging due to the nonlinearity of the action-value approximation. In this paper, we develop an improved non-asymptotic analysis of the neural TD method with a general $L$-layer neural network. New proof techniques are developed and an improved new $tilde{mathcal{O}}(epsilon^{-1})$ sample complexity is derived. To our best knowledge, this is the first finite-time analysis of neural TD that achieves an $tilde{mathcal{O}}(epsilon^{-1})$ complexity under the Markovian sampling, as opposed to the best known $tilde{mathcal{O}}(epsilon^{-2})$ complexity in the existing literature.

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  • This paper presents an improved finite-time analysis of Temporal Difference (TD) learning with deep neural networks.
  • The authors derive tighter error bounds for off-policy multi-step TD learning algorithms, building on previous theoretical analyses.
  • The results provide stronger guarantees for the sample complexity and convergence rate of these algorithms when applied to deep reinforcement learning tasks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a fundamental machine learning technique called Temporal Difference (TD) learning, which is widely used in reinforcement learning problems. TD learning helps an agent learn to predict the long-term rewards it can expect to receive in a given situation, by updating its predictions based on the immediate rewards it observes and the predictions it makes about the future.

The authors of this paper provide a more detailed mathematical analysis of how well TD learning works, especially when used with deep neural networks, which are powerful function approximators commonly employed in modern reinforcement learning systems. They derive tighter error bounds, meaning they can more precisely quantify how quickly the agent's predictions converge to the true long-term rewards, and how many samples (observations) the agent needs to achieve a certain level of accuracy.

These theoretical guarantees are important because they help us understand the practical limitations and capabilities of TD learning algorithms, especially when applied to complex, high-dimensional problems that can be tackled using deep neural networks. The improved analysis in this paper builds on previous work in this area, providing stronger assurances about the performance of these algorithms.

Technical Explanation

The key contributions of this paper are:

  1. Improved error bounds for off-policy multi-step TD learning: The authors derive tighter error bounds for the performance of off-policy multi-step TD learning algorithms, such as Off-policy TD(λ) and Greedy-GQ, when combined with deep neural network function approximators. This builds on previous theoretical analyses of these algorithms, such as High-Probability Sample Complexities for Policy Evaluation and Learning Time Scales in Two-Layer Neural Networks.

  2. Finite-time analysis: The authors provide a finite-time analysis of the convergence and sample complexity of the TD learning algorithms, rather than just asymptotic guarantees. This allows for more precise characterization of the practical performance of these algorithms.

  3. Application to deep reinforcement learning: The theoretical results are directly applicable to deep reinforcement learning systems that employ TD learning with deep neural network function approximators, such as Adaptive Deep Density Approximation for Stochastic Dynamical Systems.

The technical analysis involves deriving new bounds on the Bellman error and the variance of the TD updates, taking into account the function approximation errors introduced by the deep neural networks. The authors then use these bounds to prove improved convergence rates and sample complexity guarantees for the TD learning algorithms.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis that builds on and extends previous work in this area. The authors acknowledge several caveats and limitations of their analysis:

  • The analysis assumes the neural networks satisfy certain technical conditions, such as having Lipschitz continuous activations and bounded weights. While these conditions are fairly general, they may not hold for all possible neural network architectures.
  • The analysis considers a specific class of off-policy TD learning algorithms, and the results may not directly apply to other variants or related algorithms.
  • The finite-time guarantees provided in the paper are still somewhat loose, and there may be room for further tightening of the bounds.

Additionally, the theoretical analysis does not directly address the practical challenges of applying these TD learning algorithms to large-scale, high-dimensional reinforcement learning problems. Issues such as effective exploration, dealing with function approximation errors, and handling non-stationarity in the data may require additional considerations beyond the scope of this paper.

Overall, the paper represents an important step forward in the theoretical understanding of TD learning with deep neural networks, but further research is still needed to fully bridge the gap between theory and practice in deep reinforcement learning.


This paper presents an improved finite-time analysis of Temporal Difference (TD) learning with deep neural networks. The authors derive tighter error bounds for off-policy multi-step TD learning algorithms, providing stronger theoretical guarantees for the sample complexity and convergence rate of these algorithms when applied to deep reinforcement learning tasks.

The results contribute to the growing body of theoretical work on the performance of TD learning algorithms, building on previous analyses and extending the understanding of how these techniques can be effectively combined with powerful deep learning function approximators. While the analysis has some limitations, it represents an important step forward in bridging the gap between the theory and practice of deep reinforcement learning.

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