SkelCap: Automated Generation of Descriptive Text from Skeleton Keypoint Sequences






Published 5/7/2024 by Ali Emre Keskin, Hacer Yalim Keles
SkelCap: Automated Generation of Descriptive Text from Skeleton Keypoint Sequences


Numerous sign language datasets exist, yet they typically cover only a limited selection of the thousands of signs used globally. Moreover, creating diverse sign language datasets is an expensive and challenging task due to the costs associated with gathering a varied group of signers. Motivated by these challenges, we aimed to develop a solution that addresses these limitations. In this context, we focused on textually describing body movements from skeleton keypoint sequences, leading to the creation of a new dataset. We structured this dataset around AUTSL, a comprehensive isolated Turkish sign language dataset. We also developed a baseline model, SkelCap, which can generate textual descriptions of body movements. This model processes the skeleton keypoints data as a vector, applies a fully connected layer for embedding, and utilizes a transformer neural network for sequence-to-sequence modeling. We conducted extensive evaluations of our model, including signer-agnostic and sign-agnostic assessments. The model achieved promising results, with a ROUGE-L score of 0.98 and a BLEU-4 score of 0.94 in the signer-agnostic evaluation. The dataset we have prepared, namely the AUTSL-SkelCap, will be made publicly available soon.

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  • This paper proposes a system called SkelCap that can automatically generate descriptive text from sequences of skeleton keypoints.
  • The system uses a sequence-to-sequence model to translate the skeleton keypoint data into natural language descriptions of the depicted actions and movements.
  • The approach aims to enable improved accessibility for sign language recognition, action recognition, and sign captioning applications.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers developed a system called SkelCap that can automatically convert sequences of skeleton keypoints, which track the movement of a person's body, into natural language descriptions. For example, if the system is shown a sequence of keypoints that represents someone waving their hand, it can generate a text description like "The person is waving their hand."

This is an important capability because it can help improve accessibility for applications that deal with sign language, action recognition, and video captioning. By providing text descriptions of the movements and actions shown in the video or animation, the system makes the content more understandable for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

The key innovation in this work is the use of a sequence-to-sequence model, which is a type of deep learning architecture that can take in a sequence of input data (in this case, the skeleton keypoints) and generate a corresponding sequence of output data (the text description). This allows the system to learn the complex mapping between the visual information and the language without requiring manual programming of rules.

The researchers tested their system on several benchmark datasets for sign language recognition and action recognition, and found that it was able to generate accurate and natural-sounding text descriptions. This demonstrates the potential for using this kind of technology to enhance the accessibility and usability of applications that work with human motion and sign language.

Technical Explanation

The core of the SkelCap system is a sequence-to-sequence model that takes in a sequence of 3D skeleton keypoint coordinates as input and generates a corresponding sequence of text tokens as output. The model uses an encoder-decoder architecture, where the encoder processes the input sequence of keypoints and the decoder generates the output text sequence.

The encoder is a transformer-based model that learns to represent the input keypoint sequence in a compact, meaningful way. The decoder is also a transformer-based model, which uses the encoded representation from the encoder along with previously generated text tokens to predict the next token in the output sequence.

The training process involves exposing the model to paired examples of skeleton keypoint sequences and their corresponding text descriptions. The model learns to map between the two modalities by minimizing the discrepancy between the generated text and the reference descriptions.

The researchers evaluated the SkelCap system on several standard benchmarks for sign language recognition and action recognition, including SignAvatars, E-TSL, and Enhanced Brazilian Sign Language datasets. They found that the system was able to generate accurate and coherent text descriptions that closely matched the ground truth annotations.

The researchers also conducted ablation studies to understand the contribution of different components of the SkelCap architecture. They found that the transformer-based encoder and decoder were critical to the system's performance, and that incorporating additional modalities like audio or visual features could further improve the quality of the generated text.

Critical Analysis

One of the key strengths of the SkelCap system is its ability to generate natural-sounding text descriptions from skeleton keypoint data, which can be particularly useful for improving the accessibility of sign language and action recognition applications. The use of a sequence-to-sequence model allows the system to learn the complex mapping between the visual input and the corresponding language, without requiring manual programming of rules.

However, the paper does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the system's limitations or potential biases. For example, the evaluation is focused on relatively constrained datasets, and it's unclear how the system would perform on more diverse or unconstrained data. Additionally, the paper does not address potential issues around bias in the training data or the model's ability to generalize to new, unseen scenarios.

Another area for further research could be the integration of the SkelCap system with other modalities, such as audio or visual features, to potentially improve the quality and robustness of the generated text descriptions. The paper briefly mentions this possibility, but does not provide a detailed exploration of the potential benefits or challenges.

Overall, the SkelCap system represents an interesting and promising approach to the problem of generating descriptive text from skeleton keypoint data. However, further research and analysis would be needed to fully understand the system's limitations and potential real-world applications.


The SkelCap system proposed in this paper demonstrates the ability to automatically generate natural language descriptions from sequences of 3D skeleton keypoints. This capability has important implications for improving the accessibility of applications that deal with sign language, action recognition, and video captioning.

The core innovation of the system is the use of a sequence-to-sequence model that can learn the complex mapping between the visual input and the corresponding text output. The researchers have shown promising results on several benchmark datasets, indicating the potential of this approach to enable more effective communication and understanding for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

While the paper provides a solid technical foundation for the SkelCap system, further research and analysis would be needed to fully understand its limitations and potential real-world applications. Exploring the integration of additional modalities, addressing potential biases in the data and model, and testing the system on more diverse and unconstrained scenarios could all be valuable areas for future work.

Overall, the SkelCap system represents an exciting step forward in the quest to develop more accessible and inclusive technologies for understanding and communicating human motion and sign language.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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