SparseLLM: Towards Global Pruning for Pre-trained Language Models






Published 5/27/2024 by Guangji Bai, Yijiang Li, Chen Ling, Kibaek Kim, Liang Zhao
SparseLLM: Towards Global Pruning for Pre-trained Language Models


The transformative impact of large language models (LLMs) like LLaMA and GPT on natural language processing is countered by their prohibitive computational demands. Pruning has emerged as a pivotal compression strategy, introducing sparsity to enhance both memory and computational efficiency. Yet, traditional global pruning is impractical for LLMs due to scalability issues, while local pruning, despite its efficiency, leads to suboptimal solutions. Addressing these challenges, we propose SparseLLM, a novel framework that redefines the global pruning process into manageable, coordinated subproblems, allowing for resource-efficient optimization with global optimality. SparseLLM's approach, which conceptualizes LLMs as a chain of modular functions and leverages auxiliary variables for problem decomposition, not only facilitates a pragmatic application on LLMs but also demonstrates significant performance improvements, particularly in high-sparsity regimes where it surpasses current state-of-the-art methods.

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  • This paper presents a novel gradient-free pruning method for pre-trained language models that adaptively prunes model parameters to achieve high sparsity without significant performance degradation.
  • The proposed approach, called Gradient-Free Adaptive Global Pruning (GFAGP), leverages a combination of gradient-free sensitivity analysis and adaptive global pruning to identify and remove less important model parameters.
  • GFAGP aims to address the limitations of existing pruning techniques, which often struggle to maintain model performance at high sparsity levels or require costly gradient computations.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to make pre-trained language models more efficient by selectively removing parts of the model that aren't contributing much to its performance. This is called "pruning," and the key innovation here is that it's done without needing to calculate the gradients of the model, which can be computationally expensive.

Instead, the method uses a "gradient-free" approach to figure out which parts of the model are less important and can be safely removed. It then adaptively prunes the model, gradually removing more and more parameters while carefully monitoring the model's performance to ensure it doesn't degrade too much.

The goal is to achieve high levels of sparsity (i.e., a lot of the model's parameters are removed) without significantly impacting the model's accuracy or capabilities. This can make the model much more efficient and easier to deploy, especially on resource-constrained devices.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a Gradient-Free Adaptive Global Pruning (GFAGP) method for pre-trained language models. GFAGP combines gradient-free sensitivity analysis and adaptive global pruning to identify and remove less important model parameters.

The gradient-free sensitivity analysis is based on the Beyond Size: How Gradients Shape Pruning Decisions approach, which uses a proxy for gradients to estimate the importance of individual parameters without actually computing the gradients.

The adaptive global pruning component of GFAGP builds on techniques like Enabling High Sparsity in Foundational LLAMA Models for Efficient Deployment and Sheared LLAMA: Accelerating Language Model Pre-Training, iteratively pruning the model while monitoring its performance to maintain accuracy at high sparsity levels.

The authors also compare GFAGP to other pruning techniques like One-Shot Sensitivity-Aware Mixed Sparsity Pruning and Efficient Pruning of Large Language Models with Adaptive Estimation, demonstrating GFAGP's advantages in terms of achieving high sparsity without significant accuracy degradation.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to pruning pre-trained language models, but it's important to consider some potential caveats and limitations:

  • The authors only evaluate GFAGP on a few specific language models and tasks, so its generalizability to a wider range of models and applications remains to be seen.
  • The gradient-free sensitivity analysis used in GFAGP may not capture all the nuances of a model's importance, and there could be room for further refinement of the sensitivity estimation.
  • The adaptive pruning component of GFAGP relies on monitoring the model's performance during pruning, which could be computationally expensive, especially for larger models.

Additionally, while the paper does a good job of situating GFAGP within the broader context of language model pruning research, it would be interesting to see further exploration of how GFAGP compares to other emerging techniques in areas like efficient pruning and mixed sparsity.


The Gradient-Free Adaptive Global Pruning (GFAGP) method presented in this paper offers a promising approach to improving the efficiency of pre-trained language models. By leveraging gradient-free sensitivity analysis and adaptive pruning, GFAGP can achieve high levels of model sparsity without significant performance degradation.

This work has the potential to contribute to the ongoing efforts to develop more efficient and deployable language models, particularly for resource-constrained environments. As the field of language model optimization continues to evolve, techniques like GFAGP may play an important role in balancing model performance, size, and computational requirements.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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