Sheared LLaMA: Accelerating Language Model Pre-training via Structured Pruning






Published 4/12/2024 by Mengzhou Xia, Tianyu Gao, Zhiyuan Zeng, Danqi Chen



The popularity of LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023a;b) and other recently emerged moderate-sized large language models (LLMs) highlights the potential of building smaller yet powerful LLMs. Regardless, the cost of training such models from scratch on trillions of tokens remains high. In this work, we study structured pruning as an effective means to develop smaller LLMs from pre-trained, larger models. Our approach employs two key techniques: (1) targeted structured pruning, which prunes a larger model to a specified target shape by removing layers, heads, and intermediate and hidden dimensions in an end-to-end manner, and (2) dynamic batch loading, which dynamically updates the composition of sampled data in each training batch based on varying losses across different domains. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by presenting the Sheared-LLaMA series, pruning the LLaMA2-7B model down to 1.3B and 2.7B parameters. Sheared-LLaMA models outperform state-of-the-art open-source models of equivalent sizes, such as Pythia, INCITE, OpenLLaMA and the concurrent TinyLlama models, on a wide range of downstream and instruction tuning evaluations, while requiring only 3% of compute compared to training such models from scratch. This work provides compelling evidence that leveraging existing LLMs with structured pruning is a far more cost-effective approach for building competitive small-scale LLMs

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  • The popularity of LLaMA and other moderate-sized language models highlights the potential of building smaller yet powerful models.
  • Training such models from scratch on trillions of tokens remains costly.
  • This work explores structured pruning as a way to develop smaller language models from pre-trained, larger models.
  • The approach uses two key techniques: targeted structured pruning and dynamic batch loading.
  • The result is the Sheared-LLaMA series, which outperforms state-of-the-art open-source models of equivalent size while requiring only 3% of the compute.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on developing smaller, yet powerful, language models. Large language models (LLMs) like LLaMA have shown great potential, but training them from scratch requires enormous computational resources.

The researchers explore a more efficient approach - taking a larger, pre-trained model and

it down to a smaller size. Pruning means selectively removing parts of the model, like layers, attention heads, and hidden dimensions, to reduce its overall size and complexity.

The key innovations are:

  1. Targeted Structured Pruning: This prunes the model in an end-to-end manner, removing specific components to reach a target model size.
  2. Dynamic Batch Loading: This dynamically updates the training data in each batch, focusing on areas where the model is struggling the most.

By applying these techniques, the researchers created the "Sheared-LLaMA" series - smaller versions of the LLaMA model that outperform other compact, open-source models on a range of tasks. Crucially, these Sheared-LLaMA models only require 3% of the compute needed to train a similar-sized model from scratch.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a structured pruning approach to develop smaller yet powerful language models from larger, pre-trained models.

The key techniques are:

  1. Targeted Structured Pruning: This method prunes a larger model to a specified target shape by removing layers, attention heads, and intermediate/hidden dimensions in an end-to-end manner. This allows for more fine-grained control over the model's architecture compared to unstructured pruning.

  2. Dynamic Batch Loading: This dynamically updates the composition of training data in each batch based on the varying losses across different domains. This helps the model focus on areas where it is struggling the most during fine-tuning.

The researchers apply these techniques to prune the LLaMA2-7B model down to 1.3B and 2.7B parameter versions, creating the "Sheared-LLaMA" series. These pruned models outperform state-of-the-art open-source models of equivalent size, such as Pythia, INCITE, OpenLLaMA, and the concurrent TinyLlama models, on a wide range of downstream and instruction-tuning evaluations.

Crucially, the Sheared-LLaMA models only require 3% of the compute needed to train such models from scratch, making this a far more cost-effective approach for building competitive small-scale language models.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to developing smaller yet powerful language models by leveraging existing large models through structured pruning. The use of targeted pruning and dynamic batch loading are innovative techniques that allow for fine-grained control over the model architecture and training process.

One potential limitation is that the paper only evaluates the Sheared-LLaMA models on a relatively narrow set of downstream tasks. It would be valuable to see how these models perform on a wider range of real-world applications, especially those that require more nuanced language understanding.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the interpretability or explainability of the pruned models. As these smaller models are intended for deployment in real-world scenarios, understanding their inner workings and decision-making processes could be an important area for future research.

Finally, while the compute savings are substantial, the paper does not provide a detailed cost analysis or discussion of the environmental impact of this approach compared to training smaller models from scratch. As the field of AI continues to grapple with issues of sustainability, these considerations will become increasingly important.

Overall, this work represents a promising step towards more efficient and accessible language models, but further research is needed to fully understand the broader implications and potential limitations of this approach.


This paper presents a structured pruning approach to developing smaller yet powerful language models from larger, pre-trained models. By employing targeted pruning and dynamic batch loading techniques, the researchers were able to create the Sheared-LLaMA series, which outperforms state-of-the-art open-source models of equivalent size while requiring only a fraction of the compute needed to train such models from scratch.

This work highlights the potential of leveraging existing large language models to build more cost-effective and accessible smaller-scale models, which could have significant implications for the democratization of AI technology and its broader societal impact. As the field continues to grapple with issues of model size, efficiency, and sustainability, this research provides a compelling example of how innovation in model architecture and training can lead to more practical and impactful language models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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