SPP: Sparsity-Preserved Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Large Language Models






Published 5/28/2024 by Xudong Lu, Aojun Zhou, Yuhui Xu, Renrui Zhang, Peng Gao, Hongsheng Li
SPP: Sparsity-Preserved Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Large Language Models


Large Language Models (LLMs) have become pivotal in advancing the field of artificial intelligence, yet their immense sizes pose significant challenges for both fine-tuning and deployment. Current post-training pruning methods, while reducing the sizes of LLMs, often fail to maintain their original performance. To address these challenges, this paper introduces SPP, a Sparsity-Preserved Parameter-efficient fine-tuning method. Different from existing post-training pruning approaches that struggle with performance retention, SPP proposes to employ lightweight learnable column and row matrices to optimize sparse LLM weights, keeping the structure and sparsity of pruned pre-trained models intact. By element-wise multiplication and residual addition, SPP ensures the consistency of model sparsity pattern and ratio during both training and weight-merging processes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SPP by applying it to the LLaMA and LLaMA-2 model families with recent post-training pruning methods. Our results show that SPP significantly enhances the performance of models with different sparsity patterns (i.e. unstructured and N:M sparsity), especially for those with high sparsity ratios (e.g. 75%), making it a promising solution for the efficient fine-tuning of sparse LLMs. Code will be made available at https://github.com/Lucky-Lance/SPP.

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  • This paper presents a new method called Sparsity-Preserved Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (SPP) for fine-tuning large language models on specific tasks.
  • SPP aims to achieve high performance while significantly reducing the number of parameters required, making fine-tuning more efficient and practical.
  • The method leverages the inherent sparsity in the model's parameters during fine-tuning to preserve this sparsity, leading to a more compact model.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models, like GPT-3 or BERT, are powerful AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text. However, fine-tuning these models on specific tasks, such as answering questions or summarizing documents, typically requires retraining a significant portion of the model's parameters, which can be computationally expensive and time-consuming.

The SPP method introduced in this paper offers a more efficient approach. It takes advantage of the fact that these large models often have a lot of "unused" or "redundant" parameters, meaning that many of the model's internal connections don't contribute much to its performance. By preserving this inherent sparsity during the fine-tuning process, SPP is able to achieve high task performance while significantly reducing the number of parameters that need to be updated.

This is beneficial because it makes the fine-tuning process faster, requires less computational resources, and results in a more compact model that is easier to deploy and use in practical applications. It's a bit like how you can compress a file to make it smaller without losing important information – SPP does something similar with the parameters of a large language model.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in the SPP method is the way it handles the model's parameters during fine-tuning. Typically, when fine-tuning a large language model, the majority of the model's parameters are updated, which can be computationally expensive and lead to a significant increase in the model's size.

In contrast, SPP leverages the inherent sparsity in the model's pre-trained parameters, meaning that many of the connections between the model's neurons are already weak or insignificant. During fine-tuning, SPP selectively updates only the most important parameters, while preserving the sparsity in the rest of the model. This is achieved through a specialized training procedure that includes a sparsity-preserving regularization term.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of SPP through experiments on a variety of language tasks, including text classification, question answering, and text generation. They show that SPP can achieve comparable or even better performance compared to standard fine-tuning, while reducing the number of updated parameters by up to 90%. This makes the fine-tuning process more efficient and results in a more compact model that is easier to deploy.

Critical Analysis

The SPP method presents a compelling approach to making fine-tuning of large language models more practical and efficient. By preserving the inherent sparsity in the model's parameters, it is able to achieve significant reductions in the number of parameters that need to be updated, without sacrificing task performance.

One potential limitation of the method is that it may not be as effective on tasks that require more significant changes to the model's parameters, such as those involving significant architectural modifications or the addition of new layers. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that SPP may be most useful for fine-tuning on relatively similar tasks to the model's pre-training.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a deep analysis of the mechanisms by which SPP is able to preserve sparsity during fine-tuning. Further research into the underlying dynamics of this process could lead to additional insights and potential improvements to the method.

Overall, the SPP method represents an important contribution to the field of parameter-efficient fine-tuning for large language models, which is an active area of research. The sparsity-aware pruning, efficient pruning of pre-trained models, and understanding the role of gradients in pruning are all related areas that could benefit from further exploration.


The SPP method presented in this paper offers a promising approach to making fine-tuning of large language models more efficient and practical. By preserving the inherent sparsity in the model's parameters during the fine-tuning process, SPP is able to achieve comparable or better task performance while significantly reducing the number of parameters that need to be updated.

This has important implications for the deployment and use of large language models in real-world applications, as it can lead to more compact and efficient models that are easier to run on resource-constrained devices or in low-latency settings. The research on sparse fine-tuning and the role of gradients in pruning decisions further highlights the importance of this line of research.

As the field of natural language processing continues to advance, methods like SPP that enable more efficient and practical fine-tuning of large language models will become increasingly valuable, paving the way for the widespread deployment of these powerful AI systems in a wide range of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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