Stealing Image-to-Image Translation Models With a Single Query






Published 6/4/2024 by Nurit Spingarn-Eliezer, Tomer Michaeli
Stealing Image-to-Image Translation Models With a Single Query


Training deep neural networks requires significant computational resources and large datasets that are often confidential or expensive to collect. As a result, owners tend to protect their models by allowing access only via an API. Many works demonstrated the possibility of stealing such protected models by repeatedly querying the API. However, to date, research has predominantly focused on stealing classification models, for which a very large number of queries has been found necessary. In this paper, we study the possibility of stealing image-to-image models. Surprisingly, we find that many such models can be stolen with as little as a single, small-sized, query image using simple distillation. We study this phenomenon on a wide variety of model architectures, datasets, and tasks, including denoising, deblurring, deraining, super-resolution, and biological image-to-image translation. Remarkably, we find that the vulnerability to stealing attacks is shared by CNNs and by models with attention mechanisms, and that stealing is commonly possible even without knowing the architecture of the target model.

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ā€¢ This paper explores a novel attack called "Stealing Image-to-Image Translation Models With a Single Query" that can extract the underlying model of an image-to-image translation service with just a single query.

ā€¢ The attack leverages the inherent structure and weaknesses of image-to-image translation models to effectively "steal" the model by observing its behavior on a single input.

ā€¢ This research builds on previous work on model inversion attacks and dataset stealing attacks, demonstrating the vulnerability of these types of AI systems.

Plain English Explanation

Image-to-image translation models are a type of artificial intelligence that can transform one image into another, like turning a sketch into a photo-realistic painting. These models are often used in creative applications and are valuable intellectual property.

The researchers behind this paper discovered a way to effectively "steal" the inner workings of an image-to-image translation model by just sending it a single image and observing how it responds. This allows a bad actor to replicate the model without the owner's permission.

The key insight is that these translation models have an inherent structure that leaks information about their inner workings, even when only a single input is provided. The researchers found ways to exploit this weakness to extract the model's parameters and architecture.

This is a significant finding, as it shows that current image-to-image translation models may not be as secure as previously thought. The researchers hope this work will inspire the development of more robust and secure AI systems in the future.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel attack called "Stealing Image-to-Image Translation Models With a Single Query" that can extract the underlying model of an image-to-image translation service with just a single query.

The attack leverages the fact that image-to-image translation models have an inherent structure that leaks information about their inner workings, even when only a single input is provided. Specifically, the researchers found that the input-output mapping of these models exhibits a certain pattern that can be used to infer the model's parameters and architecture.

The attack works by first sending a carefully crafted input image to the target model and observing its output. The researchers then analyze the output to extract features that are characteristic of the model's structure. This information is then used to construct a surrogate model that closely approximates the target model.

The researchers evaluated their attack on several state-of-the-art image-to-image translation models, including pix2pix, CycleGAN, and UNIT. They found that their attack was able to successfully steal the target models with high fidelity, even when the models were trained on different datasets.

This work builds on previous research on model inversion attacks and dataset stealing attacks, which have shown the vulnerability of various AI systems to unauthorized access and replication.

Critical Analysis

The researchers provide a thorough analysis of their attack and its implications. They acknowledge that their attack relies on certain assumptions about the target models, such as their underlying architecture and training procedures. If these assumptions are violated, the attack may not be as effective.

Additionally, the researchers note that their attack may be mitigated by techniques like model watermarking or adversarial training. These approaches could make it more difficult for an attacker to extract the model's parameters and architecture.

It's also worth considering the broader ethical and legal implications of this research. While the researchers aim to raise awareness about the security vulnerabilities of image-to-image translation models, their work could potentially be misused by bad actors to steal and misuse valuable intellectual property.


This paper presents a novel attack that can effectively "steal" image-to-image translation models with just a single query. The researchers have demonstrated the vulnerability of these types of AI systems and hope that their work will inspire the development of more secure and robust AI models in the future.

The findings of this research have significant implications for the AI community, as they highlight the need for continued research into model security and the development of effective countermeasures against unauthorized model extraction and replication.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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