A Survey on 3D Human Avatar Modeling -- From Reconstruction to Generation






Published 6/7/2024 by Ruihe Wang, Yukang Cao, Kai Han, Kwan-Yee K. Wong
A Survey on 3D Human Avatar Modeling -- From Reconstruction to Generation


3D modeling has long been an important area in computer vision and computer graphics. Recently, thanks to the breakthroughs in neural representations and generative models, we witnessed a rapid development of 3D modeling. 3D human modeling, lying at the core of many real-world applications, such as gaming and animation, has attracted significant attention. Over the past few years, a large body of work on creating 3D human avatars has been introduced, forming a new and abundant knowledge base for 3D human modeling. The scale of the literature makes it difficult for individuals to keep track of all the works. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these emerging techniques for 3D human avatar modeling, from both reconstruction and generation perspectives. Firstly, we review representative methods for 3D human reconstruction, including methods based on pixel-aligned implicit function, neural radiance field, and 3D Gaussian Splatting, etc. We then summarize representative methods for 3D human generation, especially those using large language models like CLIP, diffusion models, and various 3D representations, which demonstrate state-of-the-art performance. Finally, we discuss our reflection on existing methods and open challenges for 3D human avatar modeling, shedding light on future research.

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  • This paper provides a comprehensive survey of 3D human avatar modeling, covering techniques for both reconstruction from real-world data and generation from scratch.
  • It explores the latest advancements in areas like human image generation, high-resolution human modeling, 3D human reconstruction from wild and synthetic data, and efficient 3D head reconstruction.
  • The survey also covers approaches for generating 3D content from text, a emerging field with many potential applications.

Plain English Explanation

This paper looks at the latest techniques for creating 3D digital models of humans, also known as "avatars." Avatars are important for a variety of applications, like video games, virtual reality, and online communication.

The paper explores two main approaches for creating these 3D human avatars:

  1. Reconstruction: Taking real-world data, like photos or videos of a person, and using algorithms to reconstruct a 3D model of them. This allows creating avatars that closely match the appearance of a real person.

  2. Generation: Creating 3D human models from scratch, without needing to start with real-world data. This gives more flexibility to design unique avatar appearances, but can be more challenging to make them look realistic.

The paper covers the latest advancements in both reconstruction and generation techniques. For example, it discusses how researchers are using machine learning to create high-quality, detailed 3D human models from just a few photographs. It also explores ways to reconstruct 3D humans from "in the wild" data, like images found online, as well as more efficient methods for 3D head reconstruction.

Additionally, the paper looks at emerging techniques for generating 3D human content directly from text descriptions, which could make it easier to create customized 3D avatars and scenes.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by providing an overview of the field of 3D human avatar modeling, including the key challenges and important applications. It then divides the topic into two main areas: reconstruction from real-world data, and generation from scratch.

For reconstruction, the survey covers techniques that use photographs, videos, or other "in the wild" data to build 3D models of human subjects. This includes approaches that leverage machine learning to create high-resolution, detailed 3D human avatars from limited input data. The paper also examines efficient 3D head reconstruction methods, which are important for applications like virtual communication.

For generation, the survey looks at techniques that can create fully synthetic 3D human models without requiring real-world data as input. This includes exploring recent advancements in text-to-3D content generation, where machine learning models are trained to generate 3D human avatars and scenes based on textual descriptions.

Throughout the technical discussion, the paper highlights key insights, experimental results, and architectural innovations from the latest research in this rapidly evolving field.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive and well-structured overview of the state-of-the-art in 3D human avatar modeling. The authors do a commendable job of covering a broad range of techniques, from reconstruction to generation, and highlighting the latest advancements in each area.

One potential limitation of the survey is that it may not delve deeply into the specific challenges and trade-offs of each approach. For example, while the paper discusses the benefits of text-to-3D generation, it does not explore in detail the difficulties in achieving photorealistic results or maintaining semantic consistency with the input text.

Additionally, the paper could have further explored the ethical considerations around 3D human avatar modeling, such as the potential for misuse in the creation of synthetic media or the implications for user privacy and consent. As this technology continues to advance, it will be important for the research community to grapple with these types of societal impacts.

Overall, this survey serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working in the field of 3D human avatar modeling. By synthesizing the latest developments and highlighting key trends, it provides a solid foundation for understanding the current state of the art and identifying promising avenues for future exploration.


This comprehensive survey paper examines the current state of 3D human avatar modeling, covering both reconstruction from real-world data and generation from scratch. The authors explore the latest advancements in areas like high-resolution human modeling, efficient 3D head reconstruction, and text-to-3D content generation, highlighting the key insights and innovations from the latest research.

While the paper provides a thorough overview of the technical aspects, it could have delved deeper into the critical challenges and ethical considerations surrounding this rapidly evolving field. Nevertheless, this survey serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working to push the boundaries of 3D human avatar modeling and its diverse applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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