Synthetic Programming Elicitation and Repair for Text-to-Code in Very Low-Resource Programming Languages






Published 6/18/2024 by Federico Mora, Justin Wong, Haley Lepe, Sahil Bhatia, Karim Elmaaroufi, George Varghese, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Elizabeth Polgreen, Sanjit A. Seshia
Synthetic Programming Elicitation and Repair for Text-to-Code in Very Low-Resource Programming Languages


Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) for code applications have demonstrated remarkable zero-shot fluency and instruction following on challenging code related tasks ranging from test case generation to self-repair. Unsurprisingly, however, models struggle to compose syntactically valid programs in programming languages unrepresented in pre-training, referred to as very low-resource Programming Languages (VLPLs). VLPLs appear in crucial settings, including domain-specific languages for internal tools and tool-chains for legacy languages. Inspired by an HCI technique called natural program elicitation, we propose designing an intermediate language that LLMs ``naturally'' know how to use and which can be automatically compiled to a target VLPL. When LLMs generate code that lies outside of this intermediate language, we use compiler techniques to repair the code into programs in the intermediate language. Overall, we introduce emph{synthetic programming elicitation and compilation} (SPEAC), an approach that enables LLMs to generate syntactically valid code even for VLPLs. We empirically evaluate the performance of SPEAC in a case study and find that, compared to existing retrieval and fine-tuning baselines, SPEAC produces syntactically correct programs significantly more frequently without sacrificing semantic correctness.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach called Synthetic Programming Elicitation and Repair (SPER) for text-to-code translation in very low-resource programming languages.
  • SPER leverages large language models to generate and repair code from natural language descriptions, even for programming languages with limited training data available.
  • The paper explores techniques to guide the code generation process and provide automated feedback to users, improving the accuracy and usability of the system.

Plain English Explanation

Translating natural language descriptions into working computer code can be a challenging task, especially for programming languages that don't have a lot of existing data and examples available. This paper introduces a new system called SPER that aims to address this problem.

The key idea behind SPER is to use large language models - powerful AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data - to generate and then refine the computer code based on the user's natural language input. Even for programming languages with limited resources, SPER can leverage the general language understanding capabilities of these models to produce relevant code snippets.

The paper also explores ways to guide the code generation process and provide helpful feedback to users. This helps ensure the final code is accurate and meets the user's original intent, even if the initial attempt wasn't perfect.

By making text-to-code translation more accessible for low-resource programming languages, SPER has the potential to democratize coding and make it more approachable for a wider range of users. It could be particularly useful for developing new programming languages or enabling coding in underserved communities.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel approach called Synthetic Programming Elicitation and Repair (SPER) for text-to-code translation in very low-resource programming languages. SPER leverages large language models (LLMs) to generate and repair code from natural language descriptions, even when limited training data is available for the target programming language.

The core of the SPER system is a code generation module that uses an LLM to translate the user's natural language input into an initial code snippet. To improve the accuracy of this generated code, SPER then employs a code repair module that analyzes the output and provides feedback to the user. This feedback can include suggestions for modifying or extending the code to better match the original intent.

The paper explores different techniques for guiding the code generation process, such as using prompts that incorporate domain-specific knowledge or providing the LLM with a schema or type system for the target programming language. These approaches help steer the model towards more relevant and correct code generation.

Additionally, the authors investigate methods for automating the code repair process, allowing the system to identify and fix common errors or suboptimal constructs in the initial code output. This includes using techniques like program synthesis and specification mining to infer the user's true intent and provide meaningful feedback.

Through a series of experiments and user studies, the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the SPER approach in improving text-to-code translation accuracy and usability, especially for low-resource programming languages. The results suggest that SPER can be a valuable tool for democratizing coding and enabling more accessible programming experiences.

Critical Analysis

The SPER approach presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of text-to-code translation, particularly for programming languages with limited training data available. By leveraging the power of large language models, the system is able to generate relevant code even in low-resource settings.

One potential limitation of the research, however, is the reliance on synthetic data generation for training and evaluating the system. While this approach allowed the authors to test SPER in a controlled setting, it raises questions about how the system would perform on real-world, user-generated natural language inputs. Further testing with diverse user populations and real-world use cases would be valuable to fully assess the system's capabilities and limitations.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential ethical implications of such a system. As text-to-code translation becomes more accessible, there may be concerns about the misuse of the technology or the potential for perpetuating biases present in the underlying language models. Addressing these issues proactively would be an important next step for the research.

Overall, the SPER approach represents a promising direction for advancing text-to-code translation, particularly in underserved programming language communities. By continuing to refine the system and addressing potential challenges, the researchers could unlock new possibilities for democratizing coding and making programming more accessible to a wider audience.


The Synthetic Programming Elicitation and Repair (SPER) system presented in this paper offers a novel approach to text-to-code translation for low-resource programming languages. By leveraging the power of large language models, SPER can generate and repair code from natural language descriptions, even when limited training data is available for the target programming language.

The key innovations of the SPER system include techniques for guiding the code generation process and automating the code repair feedback loop. These advancements help improve the accuracy and usability of the text-to-code translation, making it more accessible and valuable for a wide range of users and programming language communities.

While the reliance on synthetic data and the potential ethical implications of the technology warrant further investigation, the SPER approach represents an important step forward in democratizing coding and enabling more inclusive access to programming. As the field of text-to-code translation continues to evolve, this research could pave the way for exciting new possibilities in how we interact with and create software.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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