TimeGPT in Load Forecasting: A Large Time Series Model Perspective






Published 4/9/2024 by Wenlong Liao, Fernando Porte-Agel, Jiannong Fang, Christian Rehtanz, Shouxiang Wang, Dechang Yang, Zhe Yang



Machine learning models have made significant progress in load forecasting, but their forecast accuracy is limited in cases where historical load data is scarce. Inspired by the outstanding performance of large language models (LLMs) in computer vision and natural language processing, this paper aims to discuss the potential of large time series models in load forecasting with scarce historical data. Specifically, the large time series model is constructed as a time series generative pre-trained transformer (TimeGPT), which is trained on massive and diverse time series datasets consisting of 100 billion data points (e.g., finance, transportation, banking, web traffic, weather, energy, healthcare, etc.). Then, the scarce historical load data is used to fine-tune the TimeGPT, which helps it to adapt to the data distribution and characteristics associated with load forecasting. Simulation results show that TimeGPT outperforms the benchmarks (e.g., popular machine learning models and statistical models) for load forecasting on several real datasets with scarce training samples, particularly for short look-ahead times. However, it cannot be guaranteed that TimeGPT is always superior to benchmarks for load forecasting with scarce data, since the performance of TimeGPT may be affected by the distribution differences between the load data and the training data. In practical applications, we can divide the historical data into a training set and a validation set, and then use the validation set loss to decide whether TimeGPT is the best choice for a specific dataset.

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  • Machine learning models have made progress in load forecasting, but their accuracy is limited when historical data is scarce.
  • This paper explores the potential of large time series models, inspired by the success of large language models (LLMs) in other domains.
  • The proposed model, called TimeGPT, is a time series generative pre-trained transformer trained on massive, diverse time series datasets.
  • TimeGPT is then fine-tuned on the scarce historical load data to adapt to its characteristics.

Plain English Explanation

Load forecasting is the process of predicting future electricity usage, and it's an important task for power grid operators. Machine learning models have been used for load forecasting, but their accuracy can suffer when there's not much historical data available.

The researchers behind this paper were inspired by the impressive performance of large language models (LLMs) in areas like computer vision and natural language processing. They wondered if a similar approach could work for load forecasting with scarce data.

Their solution is a model called TimeGPT, which is a type of time series generative pre-trained transformer. TimeGPT is trained on a huge, diverse dataset of over 100 billion time series data points, covering things like finance, transportation, and weather. This gives it a broad understanding of time series patterns.

Then, when faced with a new load forecasting problem that has limited historical data, TimeGPT is "fine-tuned" on that specific data. This helps it adapt to the unique characteristics of the load data.

The researchers found that TimeGPT outperformed other machine learning and statistical models on several real-world load forecasting datasets, especially for short-term forecasts. However, they note that TimeGPT may not always be the best choice, as its performance can depend on how different the load data is from the broad training data.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a large time series model, called TimeGPT, for load forecasting with scarce historical data. TimeGPT is constructed as a time series generative pre-trained transformer, inspired by the success of large language models in other domains.

TimeGPT is first trained on a massive and diverse time series dataset consisting of over 100 billion data points from various sources, including finance, transportation, banking, web traffic, weather, energy, healthcare, and more. This pre-training phase allows TimeGPT to learn general time series patterns and representations.

When faced with a load forecasting task with limited historical data, the scarce load data is used to fine-tune the pre-trained TimeGPT model. This fine-tuning step helps TimeGPT adapt to the specific characteristics and data distribution of the load forecasting problem.

Simulation results show that TimeGPT outperforms popular machine learning models (e.g., Tiny Time Mixers) and statistical models for load forecasting on several real-world datasets, particularly for short-term forecasts.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a promising approach to addressing the challenge of load forecasting with scarce historical data. By leveraging the representational power of a large, pre-trained time series model, TimeGPT is able to outperform traditional methods in many cases.

However, the authors acknowledge that TimeGPT's performance is not guaranteed to be superior in all cases, as it may depend on the distribution differences between the load data and the broad training data used for pre-training. In practical applications, the researchers recommend dividing the historical data into training and validation sets to assess whether TimeGPT is the best choice for a specific dataset.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the limitations or potential issues with the TimeGPT approach. For example, it would be valuable to understand the computational and memory requirements of the model, as well as any challenges in fine-tuning a large pre-trained model on small datasets.

Overall, the research presented in this paper is a promising step forward in addressing the challenge of load forecasting with scarce data. However, further research and analysis are needed to fully evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, and practical implications of the TimeGPT approach.


This paper explores the potential of large time series models, specifically TimeGPT, for load forecasting with scarce historical data. By leveraging the representational power of a pre-trained model trained on diverse time series data, TimeGPT is able to outperform traditional machine learning and statistical models in many cases, particularly for short-term forecasts.

While the results are promising, the authors acknowledge that TimeGPT's performance may be affected by distribution differences between the load data and the broader training data. As such, they recommend carefully evaluating the model's performance on a specific dataset before deploying it in practice.

Overall, this research highlights the exciting potential of large time series models like TimeGPT in addressing the challenge of load forecasting with limited data. As the field of time series modeling continues to evolve, approaches like this may play an increasingly important role in improving the reliability and efficiency of power grid operations.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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