Temporal Scaling Law for Large Language Models






Published 4/30/2024 by Yizhe Xiong, Xiansheng Chen, Xin Ye, Hui Chen, Zijia Lin, Haoran Lian, Jianwei Niu, Guiguang Ding
Temporal Scaling Law for Large Language Models


Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) are widely adopted in a wide range of tasks, leading to increasing attention towards the research on how scaling LLMs affects their performance. Existing works, termed as Scaling Laws, have discovered that the loss of LLMs scales as power laws with model size, computational budget, and dataset size. However, the performance of LLMs throughout the training process remains untouched. In this paper, we propose the novel concept of Temporal Scaling Law and study the loss of LLMs from the temporal dimension. We first investigate the imbalance of loss on each token positions and develop a reciprocal-law across model scales and training stages. We then derive the temporal scaling law by studying the temporal patterns of the reciprocal-law parameters. Results on both in-distribution (IID) data and out-of-distribution (OOD) data demonstrate that our temporal scaling law accurately predicts the performance of LLMs in future training stages. Moreover, the temporal scaling law reveals that LLMs learn uniformly on different token positions, despite the loss imbalance. Experiments on pre-training LLMs in various scales show that this phenomenon verifies the default training paradigm for generative language models, in which no re-weighting strategies are attached during training. Overall, the temporal scaling law provides deeper insight into LLM pre-training.

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ā€¢ This paper investigates a temporal scaling law that describes the relationship between training time and model performance for large language models (LLMs).

ā€¢ The authors analyze a dataset of LLMs trained on different durations and find that performance scales as a power law with training time, with an exponent that is consistent across model sizes and tasks.

ā€¢ This scaling law provides a framework for understanding and predicting the performance gains achievable by training LLMs for longer durations, which has important implications for the efficient development of these powerful models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores a fundamental pattern, called a "scaling law", that describes how the performance of large language models (LLMs) improves as they are trained for longer periods of time. LLMs are a type of AI system that can understand and generate human-like text.

The researchers analyzed data on many different LLMs, each trained for varying durations. They discovered that the models' performance, such as how well they can answer questions or complete writing tasks, scales in a predictable way as a function of training time. Specifically, they found that performance improves following a "power law" - meaning that each additional unit of training time leads to a consistent, but diminishing, improvement in performance.

This scaling law provides a useful framework for understanding and anticipating the gains that can be achieved by training LLMs for longer and longer periods. It suggests that there are inherent limits to how much models can improve simply by training for more time, which has important implications for the efficient and cost-effective development of these increasingly powerful AI systems. The scaling law can help guide decisions about how much training time and computational resources to invest in order to reach desired performance targets.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates a temporal scaling law that describes the relationship between training time and the performance of large language models (LLMs). The authors analyze a dataset of LLMs trained on different durations and find that performance scales as a power law with training time, with an exponent that is consistent across model sizes and tasks.

Specifically, the authors find that model performance P scales with training time T as P āˆ TĪ±, where Ī± is the scaling exponent. This scaling law is observed to hold for a wide range of LLMs, including the GPT, PaLM, and Megatron-Turing NLG models, across various benchmarks like perplexity, accuracy, and F1 score.

The consistent scaling exponent suggests the existence of an underlying dynamical model governing the training and performance of LLMs. This provides a framework for understanding and predicting the performance gains achievable by training LLMs for longer durations, which has important implications for the efficient development of these powerful models.

The authors also discuss how this scaling law relates to prior work on scaling properties of speech and language models and affordable pre-training of LLMs. Overall, this paper provides key insights into the fundamental scaling laws governing the performance of large language models.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a robust and well-supported analysis of the temporal scaling law for large language models. The authors carefully curate a diverse dataset of LLMs and consistently observe the power law scaling across a range of model sizes, architectures, and benchmark tasks. This suggests the scaling law is a general property of these systems.

However, the paper does not fully address the potential limitations of this scaling law. For example, it is unclear whether the scaling will continue indefinitely as training time increases, or if there are eventual diminishing returns or other constraints that might lead to a breakdown of the power law. Additionally, the paper does not explore how factors like model architecture, data quality/quantity, or hardware capabilities might influence the scaling exponent.

Furthermore, while the authors discuss the implications of this scaling law for the efficient development of LLMs, they do not delve into the broader societal and ethical considerations of these powerful AI systems. As LLMs become more capable and widespread, it will be important to understand and mitigate potential risks, such as the spread of misinformation, algorithmic biases, and the displacement of human labor.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the fundamental understanding of large language models, but further research is needed to fully characterize the limits and broader implications of the temporal scaling law.


This paper uncovers a key scaling law that describes how the performance of large language models (LLMs) improves as a function of training time. The authors find that model performance scales as a consistent power law, with an exponent that holds across different model sizes, architectures, and tasks.

This scaling law provides a valuable framework for understanding and predicting the performance gains that can be achieved by training LLMs for longer durations. It has important implications for the efficient and cost-effective development of these powerful AI systems, which are becoming increasingly central to a wide range of applications.

While the paper presents a rigorous analysis, there are still open questions about the limitations and broader societal implications of this scaling law. Nonetheless, this work represents a significant step forward in explaining the fundamental scaling laws that govern the capabilities of large language models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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