nanoLM: an Affordable LLM Pre-training Benchmark via Accurate Loss Prediction across Scales






Published 4/9/2024 by Yiqun Yao, Siqi fan, Xiusheng Huang, Xuezhi Fang, Xiang Li, Ziyi Ni, Xin Jiang, Xuying Meng, Peng Han, Shuo Shang and 3 others



As language models scale up, it becomes increasingly expensive to verify research ideas because conclusions on small models do not trivially transfer to large ones. A possible solution is to establish a generic system that accurately predicts certain metrics for large models without training them. Existing scaling laws require hyperparameter search on the largest models, limiting their predicative capability. In this paper, we present an approach (namely {mu}Scaling) to predict the pre-training loss, based on our observations that Maximal Update Parametrization ({mu}P) enables accurate fitting of scaling laws close to common loss basins in hyperparameter space. With {mu}Scaling, different model designs can be compared on large scales by training only their smaller counterparts. Further, we introduce nanoLM: an affordable LLM pre-training benchmark that facilitates this new research paradigm. With around 14% of the one-time pre-training cost, we can accurately forecast the loss for models up to 52B. Our goal with nanoLM is to empower researchers with limited resources to reach meaningful conclusions on large models. We also aspire for our benchmark to serve as a bridge between the academic community and the industry. Code for {mu}Scaling is available at Code for nanoLLM will be available later.

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  • As language models get larger, it becomes increasingly expensive to verify research ideas because conclusions on small models don't always apply to large ones.
  • To address this, the authors present an approach called μScaling to accurately predict certain metrics for large models without training them.
  • The authors also introduce nanoLM, an affordable LLM pre-training benchmark, to enable researchers with limited resources to reach meaningful conclusions on large models.

Plain English Explanation

As language models grow in size and complexity, it becomes increasingly challenging and costly to test new ideas on these large models. The conclusions drawn from experiments on smaller models don't always hold true when applied to their larger counterparts. To solve this problem, the researchers developed a technique called μScaling that can accurately predict the pre-training loss of large language models without actually training them.

This is a significant advancement because it allows researchers to compare different model designs at a large scale by only training their smaller versions. The authors also introduce nanoLM, an affordable pre-training benchmark for large language models, which can help researchers with limited resources to reach meaningful conclusions about the performance of large models. The goal is to empower researchers to explore and validate their ideas on a larger scale, without the need for expensive training of the full-sized models.

Technical Explanation

The key idea behind μScaling is the observation that Maximal Update Parametrization (μP) enables accurate fitting of scaling laws close to common loss basins in the hyperparameter space. This means that by training smaller models using μP, the authors can accurately predict the pre-training loss of much larger models without actually training them.

The authors introduce nanoLM, an affordable LLM pre-training benchmark, to facilitate this new research paradigm. With only around 14% of the one-time pre-training cost of a large model, researchers can use nanoLM to forecast the loss for models up to 52 billion parameters. This allows researchers with limited resources to explore ideas and reach meaningful conclusions about the performance of large language models.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper addresses an important challenge in the field of large language models. The authors have proposed a novel approach, μScaling, that can accurately predict the pre-training loss of large models without actually training them, which could significantly reduce the cost and time required for verifying research ideas.

However, the authors do acknowledge that their approach relies on the assumption that the scaling laws learned on smaller models can be accurately extrapolated to larger ones. This assumption may not always hold true, and there could be unforeseen factors that influence the performance of large language models in ways that are not captured by the scaling laws. Additionally, the authors mention that their nanoLM benchmark is limited to pre-training loss prediction and may not necessarily reflect the performance of models on downstream tasks.

Further research is needed to understand the limitations of the μScaling approach and to explore ways to extend it to other performance metrics beyond pre-training loss. Additionally, it would be valuable to investigate the generalizability of the nanoLM benchmark to different language domains and tasks.


The research presented in this paper offers a promising solution to the challenge of verifying research ideas on large language models. The μScaling approach and the nanoLM benchmark have the potential to empower researchers with limited resources to explore and validate their ideas on a larger scale, without the need for expensive training of full-sized models. This could accelerate progress in the field of large language models and lead to more efficient and cost-effective research.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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