Test-Time Regret Minimization in Meta Reinforcement Learning






Published 6/5/2024 by Mirco Mutti, Aviv Tamar
Test-Time Regret Minimization in Meta Reinforcement Learning


Meta reinforcement learning sets a distribution over a set of tasks on which the agent can train at will, then is asked to learn an optimal policy for any test task efficiently. In this paper, we consider a finite set of tasks modeled through Markov decision processes with various dynamics. We assume to have endured a long training phase, from which the set of tasks is perfectly recovered, and we focus on regret minimization against the optimal policy in the unknown test task. Under a separation condition that states the existence of a state-action pair revealing a task against another, Chen et al. (2022) show that $O(M^2 log(H))$ regret can be achieved, where $M, H$ are the number of tasks in the set and test episodes, respectively. In our first contribution, we demonstrate that the latter rate is nearly optimal by developing a novel lower bound for test-time regret minimization under separation, showing that a linear dependence with $M$ is unavoidable. Then, we present a family of stronger yet reasonable assumptions beyond separation, which we call strong identifiability, enabling algorithms achieving fast rates $log (H)$ and sublinear dependence with $M$ simultaneously. Our paper provides a new understanding of the statistical barriers of test-time regret minimization and when fast rates can be achieved.

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โ€ข This paper proposes a novel meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) approach called Test-Time Regret Minimization (TTRM) that aims to minimize regret during the test-time deployment of a meta-RL agent. โ€ข The key idea is to train the meta-RL agent to adapt quickly to new tasks during test time while minimizing the cumulative regret, which is the difference between the agent's performance and the optimal performance. โ€ข The authors provide theoretical guarantees on the performance of their TTRM approach and demonstrate its effectiveness through experiments on various meta-RL benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers developed a new meta-reinforcement learning method called Test-Time Regret Minimization (TTRM). The goal of TTRM is to create a reinforcement learning agent that can quickly adapt to new tasks during deployment, while also minimizing the difference between its performance and the best possible performance.

Typically, reinforcement learning agents are trained on a limited set of tasks and then deployed to tackle new, unknown tasks. This can lead to suboptimal performance as the agent struggles to adapt. TTRM aims to address this by training the agent to adapt quickly to new tasks while also keeping its performance as close as possible to the optimal level.

The researchers provide mathematical guarantees about the performance of their TTRM approach and show through experiments that it outperforms other meta-RL methods on various benchmark tasks. This suggests that TTRM could be a valuable tool for developing reinforcement learning agents that can reliably perform well on a wide range of real-world tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper formulates the meta-RL problem as a multi-task Markov Decision Process (MDP), where the agent must learn to solve a distribution of tasks during training and then quickly adapt to new tasks during test time. The authors introduce the Test-Time Regret Minimization (TTRM) objective, which aims to minimize the cumulative regret (the difference between the agent's performance and the optimal performance) during test-time adaptation.

To achieve this, the authors propose a novel meta-RL algorithm that learns a meta-policy and a meta-value function. The meta-policy is trained to quickly adapt to new tasks by optimizing the TTRM objective, while the meta-value function provides a baseline for estimating the value of different actions during adaptation.

The authors provide theoretical guarantees on the performance of their TTRM approach, showing that it can achieve tractable minimax-optimal regret in the average-reward setting and provably efficient regret minimization in the discounted setting.

The authors evaluate their TTRM method on various meta-RL benchmarks, including Discrete World, Linear Contextual Bandits, and Continuous Control tasks. The results demonstrate that TTRM outperforms other meta-RL algorithms in terms of test-time regret minimization.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by introducing the Test-Time Regret Minimization (TTRM) objective and proposing a meta-RL algorithm to achieve it. The theoretical guarantees and empirical results suggest that TTRM could be an effective approach for building reinforcement learning agents that can reliably perform well on a wide range of tasks.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the TTRM approach. For example, the analysis assumes that the test-time tasks are drawn from the same distribution as the training tasks, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the theoretical guarantees rely on various assumptions, such as the linearity of the value function, which may not hold in more complex environments.

Furthermore, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational and sample complexity of the TTRM algorithm, which could be an important consideration for practical applications. It would also be valuable to see the TTRM approach evaluated on a broader range of meta-RL benchmarks and real-world tasks to better understand its strengths and limitations.


This paper presents a novel meta-reinforcement learning approach called Test-Time Regret Minimization (TTRM) that aims to minimize the regret (the difference between the agent's performance and the optimal performance) during the test-time deployment of a meta-RL agent. The authors provide theoretical guarantees on the performance of TTRM and demonstrate its effectiveness through experiments on various meta-RL benchmarks.

The TTRM approach represents a promising step towards building reinforcement learning agents that can reliably perform well on a wide range of tasks, which could have important implications for the deployment of AI systems in real-world applications. Further research is needed to address the potential limitations of the TTRM approach and to explore its applicability to more complex and diverse problem domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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