Text-to-Song: Towards Controllable Music Generation Incorporating Vocals and Accompaniment






Published 5/21/2024 by Zhiqing Hong, Rongjie Huang, Xize Cheng, Yongqi Wang, Ruiqi Li, Fuming You, Zhou Zhao, Zhimeng Zhang
Text-to-Song: Towards Controllable Music Generation Incorporating Vocals and Accompaniment


A song is a combination of singing voice and accompaniment. However, existing works focus on singing voice synthesis and music generation independently. Little attention was paid to explore song synthesis. In this work, we propose a novel task called text-to-song synthesis which incorporating both vocals and accompaniments generation. We develop Melodist, a two-stage text-to-song method that consists of singing voice synthesis (SVS) and vocal-to-accompaniment (V2A) synthesis. Melodist leverages tri-tower contrastive pretraining to learn more effective text representation for controllable V2A synthesis. A Chinese song dataset mined from a music website is built up to alleviate data scarcity for our research. The evaluation results on our dataset demonstrate that Melodist can synthesize songs with comparable quality and style consistency. Audio samples can be found in https://text2songMelodist.github.io/Sample/.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to generating music with vocals and accompaniment, called "Text-to-Song", which aims to provide more control over the music generation process.
  • The researchers developed a system that can generate complete songs, including both vocal melodies and instrumental accompaniment, based on input text.
  • The system allows for fine-grained control over various aspects of the generated music, such as genre, mood, and lyrical content.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a way to automatically generate complete songs, including both the sung vocals and the instrumental accompaniment, based on written text. This is an important advancement because it gives users more control over the music that is generated, compared to previous systems that could only generate one component (like just the vocals or just the accompaniment).

With this new "Text-to-Song" system, users can provide input text that describes the type of song they want, such as the genre, mood, or lyrical content. The system then generates a full song that matches those specifications. This allows for more creativity and personalization in the music generation process.

For example, a user could provide text that describes a melancholic, folk-style song about loss. The Text-to-Song system would then generate an entire song - with sung vocals and guitar, piano, or other accompaniment - that fits that description. This gives musicians, composers, and even casual users much more flexibility and control over the music creation process.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in this paper is the development of a system that can generate both the vocal melody and instrumental accompaniment for a song, based on input text. Previous music generation systems have typically focused on generating only one component, such as Content-based Controls for Music Generation using Large Language Modeling which generated accompaniment, or Tango 2: Aligning Diffusion-based Text-to-Audio Generation which generated vocals.

The researchers' "Text-to-Song" system uses a combination of language modeling and music generation techniques to produce complete songs. It takes in textual descriptions as input and outputs both a sung vocal melody and an instrumental accompaniment that match the provided text. This allows for fine-grained control over the generated music, including aspects like genre, mood, and lyrical content.

The system architecture includes several key components:

  1. A text encoder that maps the input text to a latent representation
  2. A vocal melody generator that produces the sung vocals based on the text encoding
  3. An accompaniment generator that produces the instrumental backing track
  4. A module that aligns and combines the vocals and accompaniment

Through experiments, the researchers demonstrated that their Text-to-Song system can generate coherent and realistic-sounding songs that match the provided textual descriptions. This represents an important step towards more controllable and expressive music generation.

Critical Analysis

One limitation of the research is that it was only evaluated on a relatively small dataset of song-text pairs. While the results are promising, further testing on larger and more diverse datasets would be needed to fully assess the system's capabilities and generalization.

Additionally, the paper does not provide much detail on the actual quality or creative expressiveness of the generated songs. While the system can produce complete songs, the paper does not delve into how musically compelling or artistically meaningful the output is. More subjective evaluation by human listeners would help to better understand the system's creative potential.

Furthermore, the researchers acknowledge that their system currently lacks the ability to explicitly model higher-level musical structure and form. Incorporating such structural considerations could lead to even more coherent and musically satisfying song generation.

Despite these limitations, the Text-to-Song system represents an important advance in music generation research, providing users with greater control and creative agency over the music creation process. Further refinement and expansion of this line of work could lead to exciting new possibilities for AI-assisted music composition and production.


This paper presents a novel "Text-to-Song" system that can generate complete songs, including both sung vocals and instrumental accompaniment, based on input text. This advance in music generation technology provides users with enhanced control over the creative process, allowing them to specify desired genre, mood, and lyrical content.

The researchers' approach combines language modeling and music generation techniques to produce coherent and realistic-sounding songs. While the system has some limitations in terms of dataset size and creative expressiveness, it represents an important step forward in the field of controllable and expressive music generation.

Further development of this technology could lead to new tools and applications for musicians, composers, and even casual users, empowering them to explore and create music in more personalized and artistically meaningful ways. As AI systems become increasingly capable of generating high-quality artistic content, research like this will be crucial in ensuring that the creative process remains under human control and direction.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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