Thinking Forward: Memory-Efficient Federated Finetuning of Language Models






Published 5/27/2024 by Kunjal Panchal, Nisarg Parikh, Sunav Choudhary, Lijun Zhang, Yuriy Brun, Hui Guan
Thinking Forward: Memory-Efficient Federated Finetuning of Language Models


Finetuning large language models (LLMs) in federated learning (FL) settings has become important as it allows resource-constrained devices to finetune a model using private data. However, finetuning LLMs using backpropagation requires excessive memory (especially from intermediate activations) for resource-constrained devices. While Forward-mode Auto-Differentiation (AD) can reduce memory footprint from activations, we observe that directly applying it to LLM finetuning results in slow convergence and poor accuracy. This work introduces Spry, an FL algorithm that splits trainable weights of an LLM among participating clients, such that each client computes gradients using Forward-mode AD that are closer estimates of the true gradients. Spry achieves a low memory footprint, high accuracy, and fast convergence. We theoretically show that the global gradients in Spry are unbiased estimates of true global gradients for homogeneous data distributions across clients, while heterogeneity increases bias of the estimates. We also derive Spry's convergence rate, showing that the gradients decrease inversely proportional to the number of FL rounds, indicating the convergence up to the limits of heterogeneity. Empirically, Spry reduces the memory footprint during training by 1.4-7.1$times$ in contrast to backpropagation, while reaching comparable accuracy, across a wide range of language tasks, models, and FL settings. Spry reduces the convergence time by 1.2-20.3$times$ and achieves 5.2-13.5% higher accuracy against state-of-the-art zero-order methods. When finetuning Llama2-7B with LoRA, compared to the peak memory usage of 33.9GB of backpropagation, Spry only consumes 6.2GB of peak memory. For OPT13B, the reduction is from 76.5GB to 10.8GB. Spry makes feasible previously impossible FL deployments on commodity mobile and edge devices. Source code is available at

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called "Forward-mode Automatic Differentiation" (FmAD) for memory-efficient federated finetuning of large language models (LLMs).
  • The proposed method allows for the finetuning of LLMs on the edge with a significantly reduced memory footprint compared to traditional methods.
  • The paper also explores the application of FmAD to other federated learning scenarios, such as federated full-parameter tuning of billion-sized language models and zeroth-order optimization for federated learning.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called "Forward-mode Automatic Differentiation" (FmAD) that enables the finetuning of large language models (LLMs) on edge devices, such as smartphones or IoT sensors, in a memory-efficient way. Traditional finetuning methods can be memory-intensive, making them challenging to deploy on resource-constrained devices.

FmAD works by reversing the typical workflow of training machine learning models. Instead of the more common "backward-mode" differentiation, which computes gradients by working backward from the output to the input, FmAD computes gradients by working forward from the input to the output. This forward-mode approach significantly reduces the memory required for finetuning, making it possible to update large language models on edge devices with limited resources.

The paper also demonstrates how FmAD can be applied to other federated learning scenarios, such as federated full-parameter tuning of billion-sized language models and zeroth-order optimization for federated learning. These applications showcase the versatility of the FmAD approach and its potential to enable more efficient and accessible federated learning on a wide range of devices.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation presented in the paper is the "Forward-mode Automatic Differentiation" (FmAD) technique for memory-efficient federated finetuning of large language models (LLMs). Traditional backpropagation-based finetuning can be memory-intensive, as it requires storing intermediate activations during the backward pass. FmAD addresses this issue by reversing the typical workflow of training machine learning models.

Instead of the more common "backward-mode" differentiation, which computes gradients by working backward from the output to the input, FmAD computes gradients by working forward from the input to the output. This forward-mode approach significantly reduces the memory required for finetuning, as it only needs to store the final activations and gradients, rather than the entire computation graph.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of FmAD in two main scenarios:

  1. Federated finetuning of LLMs on the edge: FmAD enables the finetuning of large language models on resource-constrained edge devices, such as smartphones or IoT sensors, by reducing the memory footprint of the finetuning process.
  2. Federated full-parameter tuning of billion-sized language models: The paper shows how FmAD can be applied to enable the federated finetuning of even larger language models, including billion-parameter models, by further reducing the memory requirements.

Additionally, the paper explores the application of FmAD to zeroth-order optimization for federated learning, demonstrating the versatility of the proposed approach.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling solution to the memory-efficiency challenge in federated finetuning of large language models. The FmAD approach is a significant advancement, as it enables the finetuning of LLMs on resource-constrained edge devices, which was previously not feasible with traditional methods.

One potential limitation of the FmAD approach is that it may not be as computationally efficient as backward-mode differentiation in certain scenarios. The paper acknowledges this and suggests that future work could explore hybrid methods that combine the strengths of both forward-mode and backward-mode differentiation.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive comparison of FmAD with other memory-efficient finetuning techniques, such as informed pruning for automated federated learning or personalized wireless federated learning for large language models. A deeper analysis of the trade-offs and relative performance of these different approaches would further strengthen the paper's contribution.

Overall, the paper makes a significant contribution to the field of federated learning by introducing a novel and practical technique for memory-efficient finetuning of large language models on the edge. The potential applications of FmAD, as demonstrated in the paper, suggest that it could have a substantial impact on the accessibility and deployment of advanced language models in resource-constrained environments.


The paper introduces a novel approach called "Forward-mode Automatic Differentiation" (FmAD) that enables memory-efficient federated finetuning of large language models (LLMs). By reversing the typical workflow of training machine learning models, FmAD significantly reduces the memory requirements for finetuning, making it possible to update large language models on resource-constrained edge devices.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of FmAD in two key scenarios: federated finetuning of LLMs on the edge and federated full-parameter tuning of billion-sized language models. The versatility of the FmAD approach is further highlighted by its application to zeroth-order optimization for federated learning.

While the paper acknowledges potential limitations in computational efficiency compared to backward-mode differentiation, the overall contribution of the FmAD technique is significant. By enabling the federated finetuning of large language models on the edge, this research paves the way for more accessible and personalized language-based AI applications across a wide range of devices and use cases.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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