Towards Human-AI Complementarity with Predictions Sets






Published 5/29/2024 by Giovanni De Toni, Nastaran Okati, Suhas Thejaswi, Eleni Straitouri, Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez
Towards Human-AI Complementarity with Predictions Sets


Decision support systems based on prediction sets have proven to be effective at helping human experts solve classification tasks. Rather than providing single-label predictions, these systems provide sets of label predictions constructed using conformal prediction, namely prediction sets, and ask human experts to predict label values from these sets. In this paper, we first show that the prediction sets constructed using conformal prediction are, in general, suboptimal in terms of average accuracy. Then, we show that the problem of finding the optimal prediction sets under which the human experts achieve the highest average accuracy is NP-hard. More strongly, unless P = NP, we show that the problem is hard to approximate to any factor less than the size of the label set. However, we introduce a simple and efficient greedy algorithm that, for a large class of expert models and non-conformity scores, is guaranteed to find prediction sets that provably offer equal or greater performance than those constructed using conformal prediction. Further, using a simulation study with both synthetic and real expert predictions, we demonstrate that, in practice, our greedy algorithm finds near-optimal prediction sets offering greater performance than conformal prediction.

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  • This paper explores the use of prediction sets, which provide a range of possible outcomes instead of a single prediction, as a way to foster human-AI complementarity in decision support systems.
  • The authors argue that prediction sets can help humans better understand the uncertainty and limitations of AI models, leading to more informed and collaborative decision-making.
  • The paper discusses the theoretical foundations of prediction sets, including conformal prediction, and explores their potential applications in various domains.

Plain English Explanation

Traditional AI models often provide a single, precise prediction for a given input. However, this can be problematic in high-stakes decision-making scenarios, where having a sense of the uncertainty and potential range of outcomes is crucial. This paper explores the use of prediction sets as a way to address this issue.

Prediction sets are a type of AI output that provides a range of possible outcomes, rather than a single prediction. This can help humans better understand the limitations and uncertainties of the AI model, allowing them to make more informed decisions. For example, instead of a model simply predicting whether a patient will respond well to a particular treatment, a prediction set might indicate that the patient has a 70% chance of responding well, a 20% chance of a moderate response, and a 10% chance of a poor response.

By incorporating prediction sets into decision support systems, the authors argue that humans and AI can work together more effectively. Humans can use the additional information provided by the prediction set to assess the risks and benefits of a decision, while the AI can provide a more nuanced and transparent view of the potential outcomes. This complementarity between human and AI decision-making can lead to better-informed and more collaborative decisions.

The paper also discusses the theoretical underpinnings of prediction sets, including conformal prediction and information-theoretic perspectives. These technical concepts are explored in more detail in the "Technical Explanation" section.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by introducing the concept of prediction sets, which are a generalization of the more commonly used single-valued predictions. Prediction sets provide a range of possible outcomes, rather than a single point estimate, and can be constructed using various techniques, such as conformal prediction.

The authors then discuss the potential benefits of incorporating prediction sets into decision support systems. By providing a more nuanced and transparent view of the possible outcomes, prediction sets can help humans better understand the limitations and uncertainties of the AI model, leading to more informed and collaborative decision-making.

The paper also explores the theoretical foundations of prediction sets, including the conformal prediction framework and information-theoretic perspectives. These techniques are used to construct prediction sets that are well-calibrated and provide reliable estimates of the uncertainty associated with the predictions.

To demonstrate the practical applications of prediction sets, the authors present several use cases, including natural language processing and online model aggregation. These examples illustrate how prediction sets can be integrated into real-world decision support systems and provide valuable insights for both human and AI decision-makers.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling case for the use of prediction sets in decision support systems, highlighting their potential to foster human-AI complementarity. However, the authors acknowledge several caveats and limitations that should be considered.

One potential concern is the computational and storage requirements of generating and working with prediction sets, which may be more resource-intensive than traditional single-valued predictions. The authors suggest that further research is needed to optimize the efficiency of prediction set methods, particularly in high-stakes, time-sensitive applications.

Another area for further exploration is the interpretation and communication of prediction sets to human decision-makers. While the authors argue that prediction sets can provide more transparent and informative outputs, the effective translation of these complex probabilistic models into actionable insights may require additional user studies and interface design considerations.

Additionally, the authors note that the success of prediction sets in fostering human-AI complementarity will depend on the specific decision-making context and the level of trust and understanding between the human and AI collaborators. Careful consideration of the organizational and social factors that influence human-AI interactions will be crucial for the successful implementation of these systems.


This paper presents a compelling vision for the use of prediction sets as a way to enhance human-AI complementarity in decision support systems. By providing a range of possible outcomes instead of a single prediction, prediction sets can help humans better understand the limitations and uncertainties of AI models, leading to more informed and collaborative decision-making.

The authors have laid out the theoretical foundations and practical applications of prediction sets, highlighting their potential to bridge the gap between human and AI decision-makers. While some challenges and limitations remain, the ideas presented in this paper offer a promising direction for the future of human-AI interaction and the development of more transparent and trustworthy decision support systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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