Conformal Prediction for Natural Language Processing: A Survey






Published 5/6/2024 by Margarida M. Campos, Ant'onio Farinhas, Chrysoula Zerva, M'ario A. T. Figueiredo, Andr'e F. T. Martins



The rapid proliferation of large language models and natural language processing (NLP) applications creates a crucial need for uncertainty quantification to mitigate risks such as hallucinations and to enhance decision-making reliability in critical applications. Conformal prediction is emerging as a theoretically sound and practically useful framework, combining flexibility with strong statistical guarantees. Its model-agnostic and distribution-free nature makes it particularly promising to address the current shortcomings of NLP systems that stem from the absence of uncertainty quantification. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of conformal prediction techniques, their guarantees, and existing applications in NLP, pointing to directions for future research and open challenges.

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  • Large language models and natural language processing (NLP) applications are proliferating rapidly
  • This creates a need for uncertainty quantification to mitigate risks like hallucinations and enhance decision-making reliability in critical applications
  • Conformal prediction is emerging as a promising framework that combines flexibility with strong statistical guarantees
  • It is model-agnostic and distribution-free, making it well-suited to address shortcomings of current NLP systems

Plain English Explanation

As large language models and natural language processing (NLP) technologies become more advanced and widely used, it's crucial to have ways to measure the uncertainty in their outputs. This is important to avoid issues like hallucinations (where the model generates plausible-sounding but factually incorrect information) and to ensure the reliability of these systems, especially in high-stakes applications.

Conformal prediction is a framework that can help address this need. It provides a way to quantify the uncertainty in a model's predictions in a flexible yet statistically rigorous manner. Crucially, conformal prediction is "model-agnostic" - it can work with any type of machine learning model, not just language models. It's also "distribution-free," meaning it doesn't make assumptions about the underlying data distribution. This makes it a promising approach for the current limitations of NLP systems, which often lack good ways to measure and convey the uncertainty in their outputs.

Technical Explanation

This paper provides a comprehensive survey of conformal prediction techniques, their theoretical guarantees, and their applications in the field of natural language processing (NLP). Conformal prediction is a framework that allows for the construction of prediction sets that come with strong statistical guarantees, such as valid coverage probabilities. Unlike traditional machine learning approaches that output a single prediction, conformal prediction produces a set of plausible predictions along with a measure of confidence.

The paper discusses how the model-agnostic and distribution-free nature of conformal prediction makes it well-suited to address the shortcomings of current NLP systems, which often lack reliable uncertainty quantification. It reviews various conformal prediction techniques and their theoretical properties, as well as existing applications of conformal prediction in NLP tasks such as text classification, named entity recognition, and language generation. The paper also highlights directions for future research and open challenges in this area.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of uncertainty quantification in NLP systems and the potential of conformal prediction as a promising framework to address this need. The authors provide a thorough and balanced overview of the topic, covering both the strengths and limitations of conformal prediction.

One potential limitation discussed is the computational overhead of conformal prediction, which may be a concern for real-time or high-throughput NLP applications. The authors also acknowledge that more research is needed to fully understand the performance of conformal prediction on different types of NLP tasks and data distributions.

Additionally, while the paper highlights the model-agnostic nature of conformal prediction, it would be valuable to see more comparisons between conformal prediction and other uncertainty quantification methods, such as Bayesian approaches, to better understand its relative strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, this paper serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners interested in enhancing the reliability and trustworthiness of NLP systems through principled uncertainty quantification techniques.


This paper underscores the critical need for uncertainty quantification in the rapidly growing field of large language models and natural language processing. It presents conformal prediction as a promising framework that can provide strong statistical guarantees while remaining flexible and model-agnostic. By surveying the existing research and highlighting future directions, the paper lays the groundwork for further advancements in this important area, which could have significant implications for the development of more reliable and trustworthy NLP systems.

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