Towards Imitation Learning in Real World Unstructured Social Mini-Games in Pedestrian Crowds






Published 5/28/2024 by Rohan Chandra, Haresh Karnan, Negar Mehr, Peter Stone, Joydeep Biswas
Towards Imitation Learning in Real World Unstructured Social Mini-Games in Pedestrian Crowds


Imitation Learning (IL) strategies are used to generate policies for robot motion planning and navigation by learning from human trajectories. Recently, there has been a lot of excitement in applying IL in social interactions arising in urban environments such as university campuses, restaurants, grocery stores, and hospitals. However, obtaining numerous expert demonstrations in social settings might be expensive, risky, or even impossible. Current approaches therefore, focus only on simulated social interaction scenarios. This raises the question: textit{How can a robot learn to imitate an expert demonstrator from real world multi-agent social interaction scenarios}? It remains unknown which, if any, IL methods perform well and what assumptions they require. We benchmark representative IL methods in real world social interaction scenarios on a motion planning task, using a novel pedestrian intersection dataset collected at the University of Texas at Austin campus. Our evaluation reveals two key findings: first, learning multi-agent cost functions is required for learning the diverse behavior modes of agents in tightly coupled interactions and second, conditioning the training of IL methods on partial state information or providing global information in simulation can improve imitation learning, especially in real world social interaction scenarios.

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  • This paper explores the use of imitation learning to train agents to navigate and interact in unstructured social environments, such as pedestrian crowds.
  • The researchers develop a novel framework for "imitation learning in real world unstructured social mini-games," which aims to enable agents to learn complex social behaviors from observing human demonstrations.
  • The paper investigates the challenges of applying imitation learning techniques to these types of dynamic, open-ended environments and proposes solutions to overcome them.

Plain English Explanation

The research described in this paper is trying to teach computer agents how to navigate and interact with people in crowded, real-world settings, like city streets or shopping malls. The key idea is to use "imitation learning" - where the agent learns by observing and copying the behavior of humans. This is a powerful approach, but applying it to complex social environments with lots of unpredictable interactions is very challenging.

The researchers have developed a new framework to tackle this problem. The core concept is to break down these real-world situations into smaller "mini-games" that the agent can learn from. By observing how people play these mini-games, the agent can gradually build up the skills needed to function smoothly in crowded social environments. This allows the agent to learn complex social behaviors, like weaving through a crowd or taking turns with others, without having to figure it all out from scratch.

The paper explores the technical details of how to make this imitation learning approach work effectively in these unstructured, dynamic settings. The goal is to create agents that can navigate the social world as naturally and fluidly as humans do. This has important applications in areas like robotics, autonomous vehicles, and even computer-generated characters in games or movies.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a framework for Programmatic Imitation Learning from Unlabeled, Noisy Demonstrations to train agents to navigate and interact in unstructured social environments. The key idea is to break down these complex, real-world scenarios into smaller "social mini-games" that can be learned through observation and imitation.

The researchers first define a set of these mini-games, such as "waiting in line," "crossing paths," or "merging flows." They then collect unlabeled, noisy demonstrations of humans playing these mini-games in the real world. Using this data, the agents learn to Imitate Cost-Constrained Behaviors and Sensor-Imitate Third-Person Experts' Behaviors through a multi-task learning approach.

The key technical challenges addressed include dealing with Imitation Learning from Unlabeled, Noisy Demonstrations, Beyond Imitation: Life-Long Policy Learning, and Intent-Driven Imitation Learning in these complex, unstructured environments.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach through experiments in simulated and real-world settings, showing that the agents can navigate crowded pedestrian environments and engage in social interactions in a natural, human-like manner.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to applying imitation learning techniques to the challenging domain of unstructured social interactions. By breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable "mini-games," the researchers have found a way to leverage observational data to train agents with complex social skills.

One potential limitation, however, is the reliance on pre-defined mini-games. While this provides a structured way to learn social behaviors, it may not fully capture the full range of possible interactions that can occur in real-world environments. There could be value in exploring more open-ended, emergent approaches to social learning.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on the technical aspects of the framework, without delving deeply into the broader societal implications of this type of technology. As agents become more capable of navigating and interacting in human social spaces, there will likely be important ethical and privacy considerations to address.

Overall, the research presented in this paper represents an important step forward in the field of imitation learning and the development of socially-aware AI agents. By continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible in these complex, unstructured environments, the researchers may unlock new applications and insights that could have a significant impact on the way we design and interact with intelligent systems.


This paper presents a novel framework for applying imitation learning techniques to train agents to navigate and interact in unstructured social environments, such as crowded pedestrian areas. By breaking down these complex, real-world scenarios into smaller "social mini-games," the researchers have developed a way for agents to learn complex social behaviors through observation and imitation.

The key technical innovations address challenges like dealing with unlabeled, noisy demonstration data, going beyond simple imitation to learn more general policies, and incorporating an understanding of human intent. Through experiments in simulated and real-world settings, the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach in enabling agents to navigate crowded environments and engage in natural, human-like social interactions.

While the paper focuses primarily on the technical aspects of the framework, it also raises important questions about the broader societal implications of this type of technology. As agents become more capable of navigating and interacting in human social spaces, there will be important ethical and privacy considerations to address. Nonetheless, the research presented in this paper represents an important step forward in the development of socially-aware AI agents, with the potential to unlock new applications and insights in fields like robotics, autonomous vehicles, and computer-generated characters.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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