Programmatic Imitation Learning from Unlabeled and Noisy Demonstrations






Published 4/8/2024 by Jimmy Xin, Linus Zheng, Kia Rahmani, Jiayi Wei, Jarrett Holtz, Isil Dillig, Joydeep Biswas



Imitation Learning (IL) is a promising paradigm for teaching robots to perform novel tasks using demonstrations. Most existing approaches for IL utilize neural networks (NN), however, these methods suffer from several well-known limitations: they 1) require large amounts of training data, 2) are hard to interpret, and 3) are hard to repair and adapt. There is an emerging interest in programmatic imitation learning (PIL), which offers significant promise in addressing the above limitations. In PIL, the learned policy is represented in a programming language, making it amenable to interpretation and repair. However, state-of-the-art PIL algorithms assume access to action labels and struggle to learn from noisy real-world demonstrations. In this paper, we propose PLUNDER, a novel PIL algorithm that integrates a probabilistic program synthesizer in an iterative Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework to address these shortcomings. Unlike existing PIL approaches, PLUNDER synthesizes probabilistic programmatic policies that are particularly well-suited for modeling the uncertainties inherent in real-world demonstrations. Our approach leverages an EM loop to simultaneously infer the missing action labels and the most likely probabilistic policy. We benchmark PLUNDER against several established IL techniques, and demonstrate its superiority across five challenging imitation learning tasks under noise. PLUNDER policies achieve 95% accuracy in matching the given demonstrations, outperforming the next best baseline by 19%. Additionally, policies generated by PLUNDER successfully complete the tasks 17% more frequently than the nearest baseline.

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  • Imitation Learning (IL) is a promising way to teach robots new tasks by having them learn from demonstrations.
  • Many existing IL approaches use neural networks, which have some limitations:
    1. They require large amounts of training data.
    2. They are hard to interpret.
    3. They are hard to repair and adapt.
  • There is growing interest in programmatic imitation learning (PIL), which can address these limitations.
  • In PIL, the learned policy is represented in a programming language, making it easier to understand and modify.
  • However, current PIL algorithms assume they have access to action labels and struggle to learn from noisy real-world demonstrations.

Plain English Explanation

Imitation Learning (IL) is a way for robots to learn new skills by watching demonstrations. Most current IL methods use neural networks, which are good at learning complex tasks. But neural networks have some problems - they need a lot of training data, it's hard to understand how they work, and it's difficult to change or fix them once they're trained.

An alternative approach called programmatic imitation learning (PIL) tries to address these issues. In PIL, the robot learns a program that represents the skill, rather than a neural network. This makes the learned skill easier to understand and modify.

However, existing PIL methods assume they know exactly what actions the demonstrator is taking. This can be a problem when learning from real-world demonstrations, which often have some noise or uncertainty. The paper introduces a new PIL algorithm called PLUNDER that can deal with this uncertainty.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes PLUNDER, a novel programmatic imitation learning algorithm that can learn skills from noisy real-world demonstrations. Unlike previous PIL approaches, PLUNDER does not require access to the exact action labels performed by the demonstrator.

PLUNDER works by integrating a probabilistic program synthesizer into an iterative Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework. This allows the algorithm to simultaneously infer the missing action labels and learn the most likely programmatic policy to match the demonstrations. The resulting policies are probabilistic, which helps them capture the inherent uncertainties present in real-world data.

The paper benchmarks PLUNDER against several established imitation learning techniques on five challenging tasks involving noisy demonstrations. PLUNDER policies are able to match the given demonstrations with 95% accuracy, outperforming the next best baseline by 19%. Additionally, the PLUNDER policies are able to successfully complete the tasks 17% more often than the nearest competing method.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a strong case for the benefits of PLUNDER over existing IL approaches. By representing the learned skills as probabilistic programs rather than neural networks, PLUNDER is able to overcome many of the typical limitations of neural-network-based IL methods.

One potential limitation mentioned in the paper is that PLUNDER currently assumes the demonstrations come from a single expert. An interesting area for further research could be extending PLUNDER to handle demonstrations from multiple, potentially conflicting, experts.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates PLUNDER's superior performance on the benchmark tasks, it would be valuable to see how the approach scales to more complex real-world scenarios. Applying PLUNDER in domains like robotics or autonomous driving could provide additional insights into its strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, the PLUNDER algorithm represents a promising step forward in programmatic imitation learning, and the paper provides a thoughtful technical contribution to the field of imitation learning.


The paper introduces PLUNDER, a novel programmatic imitation learning algorithm that can learn skills from noisy real-world demonstrations. By representing the learned policies as probabilistic programs, PLUNDER is able to address several key limitations of neural network-based imitation learning approaches.

PLUNDER's strong performance on benchmark tasks suggests it could be a valuable tool for teaching robots new skills through imitation. As the field of imitation learning continues to advance, approaches like PLUNDER that can handle the complexities of real-world data will likely become increasingly important.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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