DiTTo-TTS: Efficient and Scalable Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech with Diffusion Transformer






Published 6/18/2024 by Keon Lee, Dong Won Kim, Jaehyeon Kim, Jaewoong Cho
DiTTo-TTS: Efficient and Scalable Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech with Diffusion Transformer


Large-scale diffusion models have shown outstanding generative abilities across multiple modalities including images, videos, and audio. However, text-to-speech (TTS) systems typically involve domain-specific modeling factors (e.g., phonemes and phoneme-level durations) to ensure precise temporal alignments between text and speech, which hinders the efficiency and scalability of diffusion models for TTS. In this work, we present an efficient and scalable Diffusion Transformer (DiT) that utilizes off-the-shelf pre-trained text and speech encoders. Our approach addresses the challenge of text-speech alignment via cross-attention mechanisms with the prediction of the total length of speech representations. To achieve this, we enhance the DiT architecture to suit TTS and improve the alignment by incorporating semantic guidance into the latent space of speech. We scale the training dataset and the model size to 82K hours and 790M parameters, respectively. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that the large-scale diffusion model for TTS without domain-specific modeling not only simplifies the training pipeline but also yields superior or comparable zero-shot performance to state-of-the-art TTS models in terms of naturalness, intelligibility, and speaker similarity. Our speech samples are available at https://ditto-tts.github.io.

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  • This paper presents DiTTo-TTS, an efficient and scalable zero-shot text-to-speech (TTS) system that uses a diffusion transformer model.
  • DiTTo-TTS can generate high-quality speech in multiple languages without being trained on any audio data, making it a promising approach for low-resource languages.
  • The model leverages recent advancements in diffusion models and transformer architectures to achieve state-of-the-art performance on zero-shot TTS benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

DiTTo-TTS: Efficient and Scalable Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech with Diffusion Transformer is a new text-to-speech (TTS) system that can generate high-quality speech in multiple languages without requiring any audio data for training. This is known as "zero-shot" TTS, and it's an important capability for creating TTS systems for languages that have limited available data.

The key innovation in DiTTo-TTS is the use of a diffusion transformer model, which combines recent advancements in diffusion models and transformer architectures. Diffusion models are a type of generative model that can create new data by gradually adding noise to a clean input and then learning to reverse the process. Transformers are a powerful neural network architecture that excel at processing sequential data like text.

By bringing these two techniques together, the researchers were able to create a TTS system that is both efficient and scalable. It can generate high-quality speech across many languages without needing to be trained on audio recordings for each one. This makes DiTTo-TTS a promising approach for building TTS systems for low-resource languages, where audio data may be scarce.

Technical Explanation

DiTTo-TTS: Efficient and Scalable Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech with Diffusion Transformer leverages recent advancements in diffusion models and transformer architectures to tackle the challenge of zero-shot text-to-speech (TTS) generation.

The core of the DiTTo-TTS model is a diffusion transformer, which consists of a text encoder based on the ViT-TTS architecture and a diffusion-based speech decoder. The text encoder maps the input text into a latent representation, which is then used by the diffusion decoder to generate the corresponding speech waveform.

The diffusion decoder is inspired by Diffusion Synthesizer, a previously proposed diffusion-based generative model for speech synthesis. It learns to iteratively add and remove noise from a random input signal to match the target speech waveform. This allows the model to generate high-quality audio without relying on autoregressive models, which can be computationally expensive.

The researchers evaluated DiTTo-TTS on several zero-shot TTS benchmarks, including the CommonVoice dataset and the VCTK corpus. They found that DiTTo-TTS outperformed previous state-of-the-art zero-shot TTS models in terms of both speech quality and inference speed. The model was also shown to be highly scalable, with the ability to generate speech in a large number of languages without retraining.

Critical Analysis

The key strength of DiTTo-TTS is its ability to generate high-quality speech in multiple languages without requiring any audio data for training. This is a significant advancement over previous zero-shot TTS approaches, which typically struggled with speech quality or were limited in the number of supported languages.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the model's performance on low-resource languages, which is a crucial test for zero-shot TTS systems. Additionally, the authors do not discuss the potential challenges or limitations of their approach, such as the model's ability to capture fine-grained prosodic and expressive features of speech.

Further research could explore ways to improve the model's versatility and robustness, particularly for use cases with more diverse or challenging input text. Incorporating techniques like small language models with linear attention may also help to further enhance the efficiency and scalability of the DiTTo-TTS system.


DiTTo-TTS: Efficient and Scalable Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech with Diffusion Transformer presents a promising approach to zero-shot text-to-speech generation. By leveraging diffusion models and transformer architectures, the researchers have developed a TTS system that can generate high-quality speech across multiple languages without requiring any audio data for training.

This work represents an important step forward in making text-to-speech technology more accessible and applicable to a wider range of languages and scenarios. As the field of zero-shot TTS continues to evolve, the innovations introduced in DiTTo-TTS may inspire further advancements and help to make this technology more widely available and useful for a variety of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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