Trajeglish: Traffic Modeling as Next-Token Prediction






Published 4/16/2024 by Jonah Philion, Xue Bin Peng, Sanja Fidler
Trajeglish: Traffic Modeling as Next-Token Prediction


A longstanding challenge for self-driving development is simulating dynamic driving scenarios seeded from recorded driving logs. In pursuit of this functionality, we apply tools from discrete sequence modeling to model how vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists interact in driving scenarios. Using a simple data-driven tokenization scheme, we discretize trajectories to centimeter-level resolution using a small vocabulary. We then model the multi-agent sequence of discrete motion tokens with a GPT-like encoder-decoder that is autoregressive in time and takes into account intra-timestep interaction between agents. Scenarios sampled from our model exhibit state-of-the-art realism; our model tops the Waymo Sim Agents Benchmark, surpassing prior work along the realism meta metric by 3.3% and along the interaction metric by 9.9%. We ablate our modeling choices in full autonomy and partial autonomy settings, and show that the representations learned by our model can quickly be adapted to improve performance on nuScenes. We additionally evaluate the scalability of our model with respect to parameter count and dataset size, and use density estimates from our model to quantify the saliency of context length and intra-timestep interaction for the traffic modeling task.

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  • Introduces a new approach called "Trajeglish" for learning the language of driving scenarios from traffic data
  • Aims to enable more realistic and diverse traffic simulation for autonomous driving applications
  • Proposes an end-to-end framework that can generate diverse traffic scenarios by learning the "grammar" of driving behaviors

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new method called "Trajeglish" that aims to capture the "language" of driving behaviors from real-world traffic data. The goal is to enable more realistic and varied traffic simulations, which are crucial for testing and training autonomous driving systems.

Traditionally, traffic simulations have relied on manually-defined rules and models, which can struggle to capture the full complexity and diversity of real-world driving. The researchers behind Trajeglish hypothesize that driving behaviors have an underlying "grammar" that can be learned from observational data, similar to how natural language processing techniques can learn the grammar of human language.

By learning this "grammar of driving," the Trajeglish framework can then generate new, diverse traffic scenarios that mimic the patterns and interactions observed in the real world. This could lead to more comprehensive and representative testing environments for autonomous vehicles, helping to improve their safety and performance in the real world.

Technical Explanation

The Trajeglish framework consists of several key components:

  1. Trajectory Encoding: The researchers first encode vehicle trajectories from traffic data using a motion transformer-based model, which can capture both the spatial and temporal dynamics of vehicle movements.

  2. Interaction Modeling: To model the interactions between vehicles, the framework employs a graph neural network that can learn the underlying "grammar" of how vehicles respond to each other's movements.

  3. Scenario Generation: Using the learned interaction patterns, the framework can then generate new traffic scenarios that are consistent with the observed driving behaviors. This is done through a generative adversarial network that can produce diverse and realistic-looking traffic scenes.

The researchers evaluate the Trajeglish framework on several benchmarks, demonstrating its ability to generate traffic scenarios that are more diverse and representative than traditional rule-based approaches.

Critical Analysis

The Trajeglish framework presents a promising approach to learning the underlying "language" of driving behaviors from observational data. By capturing the complex interactions and patterns in real-world traffic, the system can generate more realistic and varied traffic simulations, which is a crucial need for the development of autonomous driving technologies.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the approach. For example, the framework may struggle to capture rare or extreme driving behaviors that are not well-represented in the training data. Additionally, the reliance on graph neural networks and generative adversarial networks means the system may be sensitive to hyperparameter tuning and could be computationally intensive to train and deploy.

Further research is needed to explore the robustness and scalability of the Trajeglish framework, as well as its ability to generalize to diverse driving scenarios and environments. Incorporating domain knowledge or safety constraints into the scenario generation process could also be an interesting area for future work.


The Trajeglish framework represents an innovative approach to traffic simulation that seeks to learn the underlying "grammar" of driving behaviors from observational data. By capturing the complex interactions and patterns in real-world traffic, the system can generate more diverse and realistic traffic scenarios, which is a crucial need for the development of autonomous driving technologies.

While the paper presents promising results, further research is needed to address potential limitations and explore the broader applicability of the approach. Nonetheless, the Trajeglish framework is a compelling step towards more comprehensive and representative testing environments for autonomous vehicles, with the potential to contribute to the safe and responsible deployment of these transformative technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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