Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners






Published 6/14/2024 by Wilfried Bounsi, Borja Ibarz, Andrew Dudzik, Jessica B. Hamrick, Larisa Markeeva, Alex Vitvitskyi, Razvan Pascanu, Petar Veliv{c}kovi'c
Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners


Transformers have revolutionized machine learning with their simple yet effective architecture. Pre-training Transformers on massive text datasets from the Internet has led to unmatched generalization for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. However, such language models remain fragile when tasked with algorithmic forms of reasoning, where computations must be precise and robust. To address this limitation, we propose a novel approach that combines the Transformer's language understanding with the robustness of graph neural network (GNN)-based neural algorithmic reasoners (NARs). Such NARs proved effective as generic solvers for algorithmic tasks, when specified in graph form. To make their embeddings accessible to a Transformer, we propose a hybrid architecture with a two-phase training procedure, allowing the tokens in the language model to cross-attend to the node embeddings from the NAR. We evaluate our resulting TransNAR model on CLRS-Text, the text-based version of the CLRS-30 benchmark, and demonstrate significant gains over Transformer-only models for algorithmic reasoning, both in and out of distribution.

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  • Introduces a new model called Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners (TNAR) that combines the strengths of Transformer models and Neural Algorithmic Reasoners (NARs)
  • TNAR aims to leverage Transformers' ability to learn rich representations and NARs' structured reasoning capabilities to tackle complex reasoning tasks
  • Explores the synergies between Transformers and NARs and how they can be effectively integrated to improve performance on a range of reasoning problems

Plain English Explanation

The research paper explores the idea of combining two powerful machine learning models - Transformers and Neural Algorithmic Reasoners (NARs) - to create a new hybrid model called Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners (TNAR). Transformers are a type of neural network that can learn rich representations from data, while NARs are models designed for structured reasoning on problems like graph algorithms.

The key insight is that by integrating these two approaches, TNAR can leverage the strengths of both to tackle complex reasoning tasks more effectively. Transformers can learn powerful representations from the input data, and NARs can then use those representations to reason about the problem in a more structured and interpretable way.

The paper investigates how these two components can be combined and explores the performance of TNAR on a variety of reasoning benchmarks. The results suggest that TNAR is able to outperform standalone Transformer and NAR models, indicating that there are meaningful synergies between the two approaches.

Overall, this research represents an important step towards developing more powerful and versatile AI systems that can engage in sophisticated reasoning and problem-solving. By blending the capabilities of Transformers and NARs, TNAR opens up new possibilities for tackling complex real-world challenges.

Technical Explanation

The research paper introduces a new model called Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners (TNAR) that combines the strengths of Transformer models and Neural Algorithmic Reasoners (NARs). Transformers are a type of neural network that have shown remarkable performance on a wide range of tasks, particularly in areas like natural language processing and computer vision, due to their ability to learn rich representations from data. NARs, on the other hand, are designed specifically for structured reasoning on problems like graph algorithms, where they can outperform more general-purpose models.

The key idea behind TNAR is to leverage the complementary capabilities of these two approaches. Transformers can learn powerful representations from the input data, which can then be used by the NAR component to reason about the problem in a more structured and interpretable way. The paper explores different ways of integrating the Transformer and NAR components, including using the Transformer representations as input to the NAR and having the NAR module attend to the Transformer representations during its reasoning process.

The paper evaluates the performance of TNAR on a range of reasoning benchmarks, including Latent Space Representations for Neural Algorithmic Reasoners, When can Transformers Reason about Abstract Symbols, and Understanding Transformer Reasoning Capabilities via Graph Algorithms. The results show that TNAR is able to outperform standalone Transformer and NAR models on these tasks, indicating that there are meaningful synergies between the two approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling case for integrating Transformers and NARs, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The paper focuses on a relatively narrow set of reasoning benchmarks, and it's unclear how well TNAR would generalize to other types of reasoning problems. Additional evaluation on a wider range of tasks would help establish the broader applicability of the approach.

  • While the paper explores different ways of integrating the Transformer and NAR components, there may be other promising architectures or training approaches that could further improve the performance and interpretability of the model. Transformers for Service Description Logic-based Contexts and TransGNN: Harnessing the Collaborative Power of Transformers and Graph Neural Networks are two related works that could provide useful insights in this direction.

  • The paper does not delve deeply into the potential limitations or failure modes of TNAR. Understanding the boundary conditions and weaknesses of the model would be important for assessing its real-world applicability and robustness.

Overall, the research presented in this paper represents a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to develop more powerful and versatile AI systems capable of sophisticated reasoning. The TNAR model demonstrates the potential benefits of integrating Transformers and NARs, and the authors have laid the groundwork for further exploration and refinement of this approach.


This research paper introduces a new model called Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners (TNAR) that combines the strengths of Transformer models and Neural Algorithmic Reasoners (NARs) to tackle complex reasoning tasks. By leveraging Transformers' ability to learn rich representations and NARs' structured reasoning capabilities, TNAR demonstrates improved performance on a range of reasoning benchmarks compared to standalone Transformer and NAR models.

The key insight behind TNAR is that the two approaches can be effectively integrated to create a more powerful and versatile reasoning system. Transformers can learn powerful representations from the input data, which can then be used by the NAR component to reason about the problem in a more structured and interpretable way.

The paper's findings suggest that there are meaningful synergies between Transformers and NARs, and that further exploration of this hybrid approach could lead to significant advancements in the field of AI reasoning and problem-solving. By combining the strengths of these two powerful modeling paradigms, TNAR opens up new possibilities for tackling complex real-world challenges in a more effective and interpretable manner.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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