When can transformers reason with abstract symbols?






Published 4/17/2024 by Enric Boix-Adsera, Omid Saremi, Emmanuel Abbe, Samy Bengio, Etai Littwin, Joshua Susskind



We investigate the capabilities of transformer models on relational reasoning tasks. In these tasks, models are trained on a set of strings encoding abstract relations, and are then tested out-of-distribution on data that contains symbols that did not appear in the training dataset. We prove that for any relational reasoning task in a large family of tasks, transformers learn the abstract relations and generalize to the test set when trained by gradient descent on sufficiently large quantities of training data. This is in contrast to classical fully-connected networks, which we prove fail to learn to reason. Our results inspire modifications of the transformer architecture that add only two trainable parameters per head, and that we empirically demonstrate improve data efficiency for learning to reason.

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  • The paper investigates the capabilities of transformer models on relational reasoning tasks, where models are trained on a set of strings encoding abstract relations and then tested on data containing new symbols.
  • The authors prove that transformers can learn the abstract relations and generalize to the test set when trained on sufficiently large quantities of data, in contrast to classical fully-connected networks which fail to learn to reason.
  • The paper also proposes modifications to the transformer architecture that improve data efficiency for learning to reason.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how well transformer models, a type of deep learning model, can do relational reasoning tasks. In these tasks, the model is trained on a set of strings that encode abstract relationships, like "A is bigger than B" or "X is the opposite of Y". Then, the model is tested on new data that contains different symbols it didn't see during training.

The key finding is that transformer models can learn the abstract relationships and generalize to the new data, as long as they are trained on a large enough dataset. This is in contrast to more traditional neural network models, which the authors show fail to learn to reason in these kinds of tasks.

The paper also proposes some modifications to the transformer architecture that use only a couple of extra trainable parameters per attention head. These modifications are shown to improve the data efficiency of transformers when learning to reason.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the ability of transformer models to perform relational reasoning tasks. In these tasks, the model is trained on a set of strings that encode abstract relationships, like "A is bigger than B" or "X is the opposite of Y". The model is then tested on new data that contains symbols (letters or numbers) that did not appear in the training data.

The authors prove theoretically that for a large family of relational reasoning tasks, transformer models can learn the abstract relationships and generalize to the test set when trained on sufficiently large quantities of data. This is in contrast to classical fully-connected neural networks, which the authors prove fail to learn to reason in these types of tasks.

Building on this insight, the paper proposes modifications to the transformer architecture that add only two trainable parameters per attention head. The authors demonstrate empirically that these architectural changes improve the data efficiency of transformers when learning to reason, compared to the standard transformer.

The paper's findings suggest that transformers have a strong inductive bias towards learning relational reasoning, in contrast to traditional neural networks. This has important implications for developing AI systems that can reason about abstract concepts and generalize their knowledge to new domains.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical and empirical analysis of transformer models' capabilities in relational reasoning tasks. The authors' proofs demonstrating the limitations of classical neural networks and the strengths of transformers in this domain are compelling.

However, the paper also acknowledges several caveats and limitations. For example, the theoretical guarantees only hold for a specific family of relational reasoning tasks, and the empirical improvements from the proposed architectural changes, while significant, may not generalize to all reasoning tasks.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential biases or blindspots that transformer models may exhibit in relational reasoning, such as their sensitivity to distributional shifts or their ability to handle more complex, multi-hop reasoning. Further research would be needed to fully understand the boundaries of transformer's relational reasoning capabilities.

Overall, the paper makes an important contribution to our understanding of transformer models' strengths and weaknesses in the context of abstract reasoning. Researchers and practitioners should carefully consider these insights when designing AI systems that require robust relational reasoning abilities.


This paper provides a valuable analysis of transformer models' capabilities in relational reasoning tasks. The key findings are that transformers can learn abstract relationships and generalize to new data, in contrast to classical neural networks, and that architectural modifications can improve the data efficiency of this learning process.

These insights have significant implications for the development of AI systems that need to reason about abstract concepts and generalize their knowledge. The paper's theoretical and empirical results suggest that transformers may be well-suited for such tasks, though further research is needed to fully understand their limitations and potential biases.

Overall, this work contributes to our understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of transformer models, and inspires further exploration of their role in building more capable and versatile AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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