Typos that Broke the RAG's Back: Genetic Attack on RAG Pipeline by Simulating Documents in the Wild via Low-level Perturbations






Published 4/23/2024 by Sukmin Cho, Soyeong Jeong, Jeongyeon Seo, Taeho Hwang, Jong C. Park



The robustness of recent Large Language Models (LLMs) has become increasingly crucial as their applicability expands across various domains and real-world applications. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a promising solution for addressing the limitations of LLMs, yet existing studies on the robustness of RAG often overlook the interconnected relationships between RAG components or the potential threats prevalent in real-world databases, such as minor textual errors. In this work, we investigate two underexplored aspects when assessing the robustness of RAG: 1) vulnerability to noisy documents through low-level perturbations and 2) a holistic evaluation of RAG robustness. Furthermore, we introduce a novel attack method, the Genetic Attack on RAG (textit{GARAG}), which targets these aspects. Specifically, GARAG is designed to reveal vulnerabilities within each component and test the overall system functionality against noisy documents. We validate RAG robustness by applying our textit{GARAG} to standard QA datasets, incorporating diverse retrievers and LLMs. The experimental results show that GARAG consistently achieves high attack success rates. Also, it significantly devastates the performance of each component and their synergy, highlighting the substantial risk that minor textual inaccuracies pose in disrupting RAG systems in the real world.

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  • This paper investigates the robustness of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models, which are a promising approach to address the limitations of large language models (LLMs).
  • The researchers focus on two underexplored aspects of RAG robustness: vulnerability to noisy documents through low-level perturbations and a holistic evaluation of RAG robustness.
  • They introduce a novel attack method called the Genetic Attack on RAG (GARAG) to target these aspects and reveal vulnerabilities within each component of the RAG system.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) have become increasingly important as they find applications in various domains. However, their robustness, or ability to maintain performance in the face of challenges, is crucial as they are used in real-world scenarios.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a promising approach to address the limitations of LLMs. RAG systems combine an LLM with a retrieval component that can access additional information to improve the model's performance.

This paper looks at two important but overlooked aspects of RAG robustness. First, it examines how RAG systems can be affected by small errors or changes in the documents they retrieve information from. Real-world databases often contain minor textual inaccuracies, and the researchers wanted to see how this impacts RAG performance.

Second, the paper takes a comprehensive look at RAG robustness, considering how the different components of the system work together and how vulnerabilities in one part can affect the overall functionality.

To explore these aspects, the researchers developed a new attack method called the Genetic Attack on RAG (GARAG). This attack targets the individual components of the RAG system as well as the system as a whole, using small changes to input texts to disrupt the model's performance.

By applying GARAG to standard question-answering datasets and using different retrieval methods and LLMs, the researchers were able to show that even minor textual errors can significantly reduce the performance of RAG systems. This highlights the substantial risk that inaccuracies in real-world databases can pose for these models.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates two underexplored aspects of the robustness of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models:

  1. Vulnerability to noisy documents through low-level perturbations: RAG systems rely on retrieving information from external databases, which may contain minor textual errors or inaccuracies. The researchers wanted to assess how these small changes affect the performance of RAG models.

  2. Holistic evaluation of RAG robustness: Rather than just looking at individual components, the paper takes a comprehensive approach to evaluating RAG robustness, considering how vulnerabilities in one part of the system can impact the overall functionality.

To address these aspects, the researchers introduce a novel attack method called the Genetic Attack on RAG (GARAG). GARAG is designed to target both the individual components of the RAG system (the retriever and the language model) as well as the system as a whole.

The researchers validate the robustness of RAG by applying GARAG to standard question-answering datasets, using a variety of retrieval methods and language models. The experimental results show that GARAG consistently achieves high attack success rates, significantly degrading the performance of each component and their synergy.

This highlights the substantial risk that minor textual inaccuracies in real-world databases pose for disrupting RAG systems. The paper's findings suggest that the robustness of RAG models is a crucial consideration as their use expands across various domains and applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive and thoughtful analysis of the robustness of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models, addressing two important but overlooked aspects: vulnerability to noisy documents and a holistic evaluation of the system.

The introduction of the Genetic Attack on RAG (GARAG) is a valuable contribution, as it allows the researchers to systematically explore the impact of textual errors and perturbations on RAG performance. By applying GARAG to standard datasets and a range of retrieval methods and language models, the paper provides a thorough and rigorous evaluation of RAG robustness.

One potential limitation of the study is that it focuses primarily on the impact of low-level textual perturbations, without considering other types of real-world noise or challenges that RAG systems may encounter. For example, the researchers do not explore the model's resilience to adversarial attacks, changes in the underlying knowledge base, or shifts in the distribution of input data.

Additionally, while the paper highlights the substantial risk that minor textual inaccuracies pose for RAG systems, it does not provide specific recommendations or strategies for improving the robustness of these models. Further research could investigate techniques for building more resilient RAG architectures or for detecting and mitigating the impact of noisy inputs.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the understanding of RAG robustness and provides a solid foundation for future research in this area. The introduction of the GARAG attack method and the comprehensive evaluation of RAG systems are particularly noteworthy and could inspire further work on enhancing the reliability of these models in real-world applications.


This research paper investigates two important but underexplored aspects of the robustness of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models: their vulnerability to noisy documents and a holistic evaluation of their overall system functionality.

The researchers introduce a novel attack method called the Genetic Attack on RAG (GARAG) to systematically assess these aspects of RAG robustness. By applying GARAG to standard question-answering datasets and using diverse retrieval methods and language models, the paper demonstrates that even minor textual errors can significantly disrupt the performance of RAG systems.

These findings highlight the substantial risk that inaccuracies in real-world databases pose for RAG models, which are becoming increasingly important as their applications expand across various domains. The paper's comprehensive approach to evaluating RAG robustness provides valuable insights for researchers and practitioners working to develop more reliable and resilient AI systems.

As the use of large language models and retrieval-augmented architectures continues to grow, addressing the robustness challenges identified in this research will be crucial for ensuring the trustworthiness and safety of these technologies in real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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