TrojanRAG: Retrieval-Augmented Generation Can Be Backdoor Driver in Large Language Models






Published 6/3/2024 by Pengzhou Cheng, Yidong Ding, Tianjie Ju, Zongru Wu, Wei Du, Ping Yi, Zhuosheng Zhang, Gongshen Liu



Large language models (LLMs) have raised concerns about potential security threats despite performing significantly in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Backdoor attacks initially verified that LLM is doing substantial harm at all stages, but the cost and robustness have been criticized. Attacking LLMs is inherently risky in security review, while prohibitively expensive. Besides, the continuous iteration of LLMs will degrade the robustness of backdoors. In this paper, we propose TrojanRAG, which employs a joint backdoor attack in the Retrieval-Augmented Generation, thereby manipulating LLMs in universal attack scenarios. Specifically, the adversary constructs elaborate target contexts and trigger sets. Multiple pairs of backdoor shortcuts are orthogonally optimized by contrastive learning, thus constraining the triggering conditions to a parameter subspace to improve the matching. To improve the recall of the RAG for the target contexts, we introduce a knowledge graph to construct structured data to achieve hard matching at a fine-grained level. Moreover, we normalize the backdoor scenarios in LLMs to analyze the real harm caused by backdoors from both attackers' and users' perspectives and further verify whether the context is a favorable tool for jailbreaking models. Extensive experimental results on truthfulness, language understanding, and harmfulness show that TrojanRAG exhibits versatility threats while maintaining retrieval capabilities on normal queries.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance in natural language processing tasks, but they also raise concerns about potential security threats.
  • Backdoor attacks have been demonstrated on LLMs, where the model can be manipulated to produce harmful outputs under specific conditions.
  • However, the cost and robustness of these attacks have been criticized, and the continuous iteration of LLMs may degrade the effectiveness of backdoors.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence that can understand and generate human-like text. These models have been incredibly successful at tasks like translation, answering questions, and even creative writing. However, some researchers have found that LLMs can be vulnerable to a type of attack called a "backdoor."

A backdoor attack is when an attacker secretly trains the language model to produce harmful or malicious outputs under certain conditions, like typing a specific phrase or word. This is concerning because it means that even a well-performing LLM could be manipulated to cause harm.

The good news is that the cost and robustness of these backdoor attacks have been criticized. Additionally, as language models are continuously improved and updated, the effectiveness of these backdoors may degrade over time.

Technical Explanation

In this paper, the researchers propose a new technique called "TrojanRAG" that uses a joint backdoor attack in the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework. RAG is a type of language model that combines the generation capabilities of a traditional LLM with the structured knowledge of a retrieval system.

The key idea behind TrojanRAG is to construct elaborate "target contexts" and "trigger sets" that can manipulate the RAG model to produce harmful outputs. The researchers use contrastive learning to optimize multiple pairs of backdoor shortcuts, which helps constrain the triggering conditions to a specific parameter subspace. This improves the "matching" between the trigger and the target context.

Additionally, the researchers introduce a knowledge graph to help the RAG model better retrieve relevant information for the target contexts, improving the overall recall and making the backdoor attack more effective.

The researchers evaluate the TrojanRAG approach on measures of truthfulness, language understanding, and overall harmfulness. They find that TrojanRAG can exhibit "versatile threats" while still maintaining normal retrieval capabilities for non-malicious queries.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that while their TrojanRAG attack is effective, the cost and robustness of such attacks have been criticized in the past. They also note that the continuous improvement of LLMs may degrade the effectiveness of these backdoors over time.

Additionally, the researchers focused their evaluation on the "versatility" of the TrojanRAG attack, but did not extensively explore the potential real-world harms or implications of such an attack. There may be other important factors to consider, such as the ethical implications or the potential for misuse.

Further research is needed to better understand the long-term resilience of LLMs against evolving backdoor attacks, as well as the broader societal impact of these security vulnerabilities.


This paper presents a new technique called TrojanRAG that can manipulate Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models to produce harmful outputs under specific conditions. While the researchers demonstrate the technical effectiveness of their approach, the long-term implications and robustness of such attacks remain important areas for further exploration.

As large language models continue to advance and become more ubiquitous, ensuring their security and responsible development will be crucial for realizing the full potential of these powerful AI systems while mitigating potential risks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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