Unlocking Anticipatory Text Generation: A Constrained Approach for Large Language Models Decoding






Published 6/27/2024 by Lifu Tu, Semih Yavuz, Jin Qu, Jiacheng Xu, Rui Meng, Caiming Xiong, Yingbo Zhou
Unlocking Anticipatory Text Generation: A Constrained Approach for Large Language Models Decoding


Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated a powerful ability for text generation. However, achieving optimal results with a given prompt or instruction can be challenging, especially for billion-sized models. Additionally, undesired behaviors such as toxicity or hallucinations can manifest. While much larger models (e.g., ChatGPT) may demonstrate strength in mitigating these issues, there is still no guarantee of complete prevention. In this work, we propose formalizing text generation as a future-constrained generation problem to minimize undesirable behaviors and enforce faithfulness to instructions. The estimation of future constraint satisfaction, accomplished using LLMs, guides the text generation process. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach across three distinct text generation tasks: keyword-constrained generation (Lin et al., 2020), toxicity reduction (Gehman et al., 2020), and factual correctness in question-answering (Gao et al., 2023).

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  • This paper presents a constrained approach to text generation using large language models, which aims to improve the faithfulness of the generated text to the given prompts and constraints.
  • The key idea is to estimate the satisfaction of future constraints during decoding, and use this information to guide the language model towards generating text that better aligns with the desired properties.
  • Experiments on various text generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in improving the fidelity of the generated text while maintaining high quality.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models [like the ones used in <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/how-you-prompt-matters-even-task-oriented">task-oriented applications</a>] are powerful at generating human-like text, but they can sometimes struggle to produce content that is truly faithful to the original prompt or desired constraints. This paper introduces a new technique to address this challenge.

The core idea is to have the language model continuously evaluate how well the text it is generating will satisfy the given constraints, even before the full text is complete. This allows the model to make more informed decisions during the text generation process, steering it towards outputs that better match the intended goals.

For example, imagine you ask the model to write a short story about a character going on a journey. Without the special technique in this paper, the model might generate a story that starts off well but then drifts away from the core premise as it continues. But with this new approach, the model would be able to monitor how well the story is sticking to the "journey" theme and make adjustments to keep the text more aligned.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique across a range of text generation tasks, showing that it can produce higher-quality outputs that are more faithful to the original prompts and constraints. This represents an important step forward in [empowering large language models to handle more <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/empowering-large-language-models-textual-data-augmentation">complex textual generation tasks</a>].

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in this paper is the introduction of a "constraint satisfaction estimation" module that is integrated into the text generation process of a large language model. This module is trained to predict how well the future continuation of the generated text will satisfy the given constraints, such as the topic, tone, or other specified properties.

During decoding, this constraint satisfaction estimate is used to guide the language model's token selections, nudging it towards generating text that is more likely to align with the desired constraints. The authors experiment with different ways of incorporating this estimate, including using it as an additional input to the language model or as a reward signal to steer the beam search.

Evaluations on tasks like story generation, abstractive summarization, and open-ended text completion demonstrate the effectiveness of this constrained decoding approach. Compared to standard language model decoding, the technique is able to produce text that is [more controllable and faithful to the <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/controllable-text-generation-instruction-tuning-era">specified instructions</a>], while maintaining high quality and coherence.

The authors also investigate the model's [ability to handle <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/exploring-capabilities-prompted-large-language-models-educational">diverse prompts and constraints</a>], showing that the technique is generally applicable and can be adapted to different types of text generation scenarios.

Critical Analysis

The proposed constrained decoding approach represents an important step forward in improving the faithfulness and controllability of text generation with large language models. By incorporating an explicit estimate of future constraint satisfaction, the model is able to make more informed decisions during the generation process, leading to outputs that better match the desired properties.

That said, the paper does not extensively explore the limitations or potential failure modes of this technique. For example, it would be valuable to understand how the constraint satisfaction estimation module performs under different types of prompts or constraints, and whether there are cases where it could lead the model astray.

Additionally, the authors focus primarily on evaluating the technique through automatic metrics, but it would be interesting to also get human assessments of the generated text in terms of its coherence, relevance, and overall alignment with the prompts. This could uncover nuanced ways in which the constrained decoding approach succeeds or falls short.

Finally, the paper does not delve into the computational and memory costs of the added constraint satisfaction estimation module. As large language models continue to grow in size and complexity, the efficiency of text generation techniques will become an increasingly important consideration.

Overall, this work represents a promising direction for [guiding large language models to generate text that is more <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/guiding-large-language-models-to-generate-computer">aligned with specific objectives</a>. Further exploration of its limitations and tradeoffs could lead to even more robust and widely applicable text generation capabilities.


This paper introduces a constrained decoding approach that aims to improve the faithfulness of text generation with large language models. By incorporating an explicit estimate of future constraint satisfaction, the technique is able to steer the model towards generating output that better aligns with the given prompts and desired properties.

Experiments on various text generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, showing that it can produce higher-quality and more controllable text compared to standard language model decoding. While the paper does not fully explore the limitations of the technique, it represents an important step forward in [enhancing the capabilities of large language models for a wide range of <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/exploring-capabilities-prompted-large-language-models-educational">text generation applications</a>.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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