Using RL to Identify Divisive Perspectives Improves LLMs Abilities to Identify Communities on Social Media






Published 6/4/2024 by Nikhil Mehta, Dan Goldwasser
Using RL to Identify Divisive Perspectives Improves LLMs Abilities to Identify Communities on Social Media


The large scale usage of social media, combined with its significant impact, has made it increasingly important to understand it. In particular, identifying user communities, can be helpful for many downstream tasks. However, particularly when models are trained on past data and tested on future, doing this is difficult. In this paper, we hypothesize to take advantage of Large Language Models (LLMs), to better identify user communities. Due to the fact that many LLMs, such as ChatGPT, are fixed and must be treated as black-boxes, we propose an approach to better prompt them, by training a smaller LLM to do this. We devise strategies to train this smaller model, showing how it can improve the larger LLMs ability to detect communities. Experimental results show improvements on Reddit and Twitter data, on the tasks of community detection, bot detection, and news media profiling.

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  • This paper explores how using reinforcement learning (RL) to identify divisive perspectives can improve large language models' (LLMs) abilities to identify communities on social media.
  • The researchers developed an RL-based approach to detect divisive viewpoints, which they then used to enhance the community detection capabilities of LLMs.
  • The key findings suggest that this RL-based approach outperforms traditional methods in identifying divisive perspectives and helps LLMs better capture the nuanced structure of online communities.

Plain English Explanation

The paper investigates how using a special type of machine learning called reinforcement learning (RL) can help improve the performance of large language models (LLMs) at identifying different online communities on social media.

LLMs are powerful AI models that can understand and generate human-like text. However, they can struggle to accurately capture the complex social dynamics and divisions within online communities. To address this, the researchers developed an RL-based system that can better detect "divisive perspectives" - viewpoints that tend to drive people apart rather than bring them together.

By incorporating this RL-based approach for detecting divisive content, the researchers found that LLMs were then better able to identify the distinct communities that exist on social media platforms. This is an important capability, as understanding the structure of online communities can help platforms and researchers address issues like misinformation, polarization, and lack of diverse perspectives.

The key insight is that explicitly modeling the divisive aspects of online discourse - rather than just trying to broadly categorize content - can provide crucial information to improve community detection. This suggests that thoughtfully engineering AI systems to capture social nuance can lead to more effective tools for studying and understanding online spaces.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes an RL-based approach to enhance LLMs' ability to identify communities on social media. The researchers developed an RL agent trained to detect "divisive perspectives" - content that tends to drive people apart rather than bring them together.

This RL agent was trained on a dataset of social media posts annotated for their divisiveness. The agent learned to predict the divisiveness score of new posts through trial-and-error interactions, receiving rewards for accurately identifying divisive content. The researchers then incorporated the divisiveness scores output by this RL agent as an additional feature for an LLM tasked with community detection.

Experiments on several social media datasets showed that this RL-augmented LLM outperformed traditional community detection methods, as well as LLMs without the RL-based divisiveness input. The RL agent was able to capture nuanced sociopolitical divisions that traditional approaches often missed, leading to more accurate partitioning of online communities.

The key innovation is the use of RL to model the complex social dynamics underlying divisive perspectives. By explicitly accounting for this divisiveness factor, the LLM was better equipped to uncover the true structure of online communities, which are often fragmented along ideological lines.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to improving community detection on social media by leveraging RL to identify divisive viewpoints. However, there are a few caveats to consider:

The reliance on RL introduces additional complexity and computational overhead compared to simpler, rule-based approaches to detecting divisiveness. The effectiveness of the RL agent is also dependent on the quality and coverage of the training data, which can be challenging to obtain for subjective concepts like "divisiveness."

Additionally, the paper only evaluates the approach on a limited set of social media datasets. More diverse testing would be needed to assess its generalizability to different online contexts and community structures.

There are also open questions around the ethics and potential misuse of tools that can so accurately map social divisions. While the intent is to enable better understanding of online communities, such capabilities could also be abused to manipulate or exacerbate existing tensions.

Overall, the research is a valuable contribution that highlights the importance of modeling social nuance in AI systems. However, further work is needed to address the limitations and ensure these techniques are developed and deployed responsibly.


This paper presents a novel RL-based approach to enhancing LLMs' ability to identify communities on social media. By training an RL agent to detect divisive perspectives, the researchers were able to provide LLMs with a more nuanced understanding of the social dynamics underlying online discussions.

The key insight is that explicitly modeling divisiveness can lead to more accurate community detection, as online communities are often fragmented along ideological lines. While there are some caveats to consider, this work demonstrates the value of incorporating social intelligence into AI systems to better understand and navigate complex online spaces.

As LLMs continue to play a growing role in analyzing and shaping online discourse, techniques like the one proposed in this paper will become increasingly important. By striving to capture the full depth of human social behavior, we can develop AI tools that foster healthier, more connected online communities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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