Variational Linearized Laplace Approximation for Bayesian Deep Learning






Published 5/24/2024 by Luis A. Ortega, Sim'on Rodr'iguez Santana, Daniel Hern'andez-Lobato



The Linearized Laplace Approximation (LLA) has been recently used to perform uncertainty estimation on the predictions of pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs). However, its widespread application is hindered by significant computational costs, particularly in scenarios with a large number of training points or DNN parameters. Consequently, additional approximations of LLA, such as Kronecker-factored or diagonal approximate GGN matrices, are utilized, potentially compromising the model's performance. To address these challenges, we propose a new method for approximating LLA using a variational sparse Gaussian Process (GP). Our method is based on the dual RKHS formulation of GPs and retains, as the predictive mean, the output of the original DNN. Furthermore, it allows for efficient stochastic optimization, which results in sub-linear training time in the size of the training dataset. Specifically, its training cost is independent of the number of training points. We compare our proposed method against accelerated LLA (ELLA), which relies on the Nystrom approximation, as well as other LLA variants employing the sample-then-optimize principle. Experimental results, both on regression and classification datasets, show that our method outperforms these already existing efficient variants of LLA, both in terms of the quality of the predictive distribution and in terms of total computational time.

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  • The paper proposes a new method for approximating the Linearized Laplace Approximation (LLA), which is used to estimate uncertainty in predictions of deep neural networks (DNNs).
  • LLA is computationally expensive, especially for large datasets or models, so the authors introduce a variational sparse Gaussian Process (GP) approach that retains the DNN's predictive mean while enabling efficient stochastic optimization.
  • The new method is compared to other efficient LLA variants and shown to outperform them in terms of predictive distribution quality and computational time.

Plain English Explanation

The paper addresses a problem with a technique called the Linearized Laplace Approximation (LLA). LLA is used to estimate the uncertainty in the predictions made by deep neural networks (DNNs).

The issue is that LLA can be very computationally expensive, especially when you have a lot of training data or a large DNN model. To try to speed things up, researchers have developed some approximations of LLA, like Kronecker-factored or diagonal approximate GGN matrices. However, these approximations can compromise the model's performance.

The authors of this paper propose a new method to approximate LLA using something called a variational sparse Gaussian Process (GP). Their approach keeps the DNN's original prediction as the mean, but uses the GP to efficiently estimate the uncertainty around that prediction. This allows for stochastic optimization, which means the training time doesn't depend on the size of the dataset.

The authors compare their new method to other efficient LLA variants, like the one that uses the Nystrom approximation (ELLA). Their experiments show that their method outperforms these other approaches in terms of the quality of the predicted uncertainty and the overall computation time.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new method for approximating the Linearized Laplace Approximation (LLA), which is used to estimate uncertainty in the predictions of pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs). LLA is computationally expensive, especially in scenarios with large datasets or many DNN parameters.

To address this, the authors propose a variational sparse Gaussian Process (GP) approach. Their method retains the DNN's original predictive mean, but uses the dual RKHS formulation of GPs to efficiently estimate the uncertainty around that prediction. This allows for stochastic optimization, resulting in training time that is independent of the number of training points.

The authors compare their proposed method, which they call the Variational Sparse Gaussian Process (VSGP) approximation of LLA, to other efficient LLA variants. This includes the accelerated LLA (ELLA) approach that uses the Nystrom approximation, as well as other LLA methods that employ the sample-then-optimize principle.

Experimental results on both regression and classification datasets show that the VSGP method outperforms these existing efficient LLA approximations in terms of the quality of the predictive distribution and the total computational time.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and efficient approach for approximating the Linearized Laplace Approximation (LLA) to estimate uncertainty in deep neural network (DNN) predictions. The key innovation is the use of a variational sparse Gaussian Process (GP) model, which retains the DNN's predictive mean while enabling efficient stochastic optimization.

One potential limitation is that the authors only evaluate their method on standard regression and classification tasks. It would be interesting to see how the VSGP approach performs on more complex DNN architectures or in domains with structured outputs, such as preventing model collapse in Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models.

Additionally, the authors do not provide much insight into the failure modes or limitations of their VSGP approach. It would be helpful to understand the types of DNN models or datasets where the method may struggle, as well as any potential trade-offs between computational efficiency and the quality of the uncertainty estimates.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution by introducing an efficient LLA approximation technique that outperforms existing methods. Readers are encouraged to think critically about the research and consider how the VSGP approach could be extended or applied to other problems in the future.


The paper proposes a new method for approximating the Linearized Laplace Approximation (LLA), which is used to estimate uncertainty in the predictions of deep neural networks (DNNs). The authors introduce a variational sparse Gaussian Process (GP) approach that retains the DNN's original predictive mean while enabling efficient stochastic optimization.

Experiments show that the proposed VSGP method outperforms other efficient LLA variants in terms of predictive distribution quality and computational time. This is a significant advancement, as the high computational cost of LLA has hindered its widespread adoption, particularly for large-scale DNN models or datasets.

The VSGP approach represents an important step towards making uncertainty estimation more accessible and practical for deep learning practitioners. By providing a efficient yet accurate approximation of LLA, this research could have far-reaching implications for improving the robustness and trustworthiness of DNN models in a variety of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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