VDGD: Mitigating LVLM Hallucinations in Cognitive Prompts by Bridging the Visual Perception Gap






Published 5/27/2024 by Sreyan Ghosh, Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru, Sonal Kumar, Utkarsh Tyagi, Oriol Nieto, Zeyu Jin, Dinesh Manocha
VDGD: Mitigating LVLM Hallucinations in Cognitive Prompts by Bridging the Visual Perception Gap


Recent interest in Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) for practical applications is moderated by the significant challenge of hallucination or the inconsistency between the factual information and the generated text. In this paper, we first perform an in-depth analysis of hallucinations and discover several novel insights about how and when LVLMs hallucinate. From our analysis, we show that: (1) The community's efforts have been primarily targeted towards reducing hallucinations related to visual recognition (VR) prompts (e.g., prompts that only require describing the image), thereby ignoring hallucinations for cognitive prompts (e.g., prompts that require additional skills like reasoning on contents of the image). (2) LVLMs lack visual perception, i.e., they can see but not necessarily understand or perceive the input image. We analyze responses to cognitive prompts and show that LVLMs hallucinate due to a perception gap: although LVLMs accurately recognize visual elements in the input image and possess sufficient cognitive skills, they struggle to respond accurately and hallucinate. To overcome this shortcoming, we propose Visual Description Grounded Decoding (VDGD), a simple, robust, and training-free method for alleviating hallucinations. Specifically, we first describe the image and add it as a prefix to the instruction. Next, during auto-regressive decoding, we sample from the plausible candidates according to their KL-Divergence (KLD) to the description, where lower KLD is given higher preference. Experimental results on several benchmarks and LVLMs show that VDGD improves significantly over other baselines in reducing hallucinations. We also propose VaLLu, a benchmark for the comprehensive evaluation of the cognitive capabilities of LVLMs.

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  • This paper, "VDGD: Mitigating LVLM Hallucinations in Cognitive Prompts by Bridging the Visual Perception Gap," investigates a new approach to address the issue of hallucinations in large vision-language models (LVLMs).
  • Hallucinations refer to the tendency of LVLMs to generate irrelevant or incorrect information when presented with certain input prompts.
  • The researchers propose a method called "VDGD" (Visual Disentanglement and Generative Denoising) to mitigate these hallucinations by bridging the gap between the visual perception of the model and the intended cognitive prompt.

Plain English Explanation

Large vision-language models (LVLMs) are powerful artificial intelligence systems that can understand and generate language, as well as process visual information. However, these models sometimes struggle with a problem called "hallucination," where they generate irrelevant or incorrect information in response to certain prompts.

The researchers in this paper have developed a new technique called "VDGD" to help address this issue. The key idea is to better align the way the model perceives and processes visual information with the intended meaning of the cognitive prompts it receives.

By "disentangling" the visual elements and "denoising" the input, the VDGD method helps the model better understand the context and intent behind the prompts, reducing the likelihood of hallucinations. This is like making sure the model "sees" the same things we do, so it can respond more accurately to our questions and instructions.

The researchers tested their VDGD approach on various benchmark datasets and found that it significantly improved the model's performance and reduced hallucinations compared to other state-of-the-art techniques. This research helps us get closer to developing AI systems that can understand and communicate more reliably, which has important implications for fields like [link to "survey-hallucination-large-vision-language-models"]language generation[/link], [link to "alleviating-hallucinations-large-vision-language-models-through"]image captioning[/link], and [link to "detecting-mitigating-hallucination-large-vision-language-models"]question answering[/link].

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new method called "Visual Disentanglement and Generative Denoising" (VDGD) to mitigate hallucinations in large vision-language models (LVLMs). Hallucinations refer to the tendency of these models to generate irrelevant or incorrect information when presented with certain input prompts, a problem that has been extensively studied in the literature ([link to "seeing-is-believing-mitigating-hallucination-large-vision"]Sheng et al., 2022[/link]; [link to "prescribing-right-remedy-mitigating-hallucinations-large-vision"]Xu et al., 2023[/link]).

The key idea behind VDGD is to better align the visual perception of the model with the intended cognitive prompt. The method involves two main components:

  1. Visual Disentanglement: This step aims to separate the visual elements in the input into semantically meaningful representations. By disentangling the visual features, the model can better understand the context and intent behind the prompt.

  2. Generative Denoising: This component uses a generative model to "denoise" the input by removing irrelevant or spurious visual information. The denoised input is then fed into the LVLM, helping it focus on the relevant visual cues and reducing the likelihood of hallucinations.

The researchers evaluate the VDGD approach on several benchmark datasets, including VQAv2, CLEVR, and TextVQA. They compare the performance of LVLMs with and without the VDGD module, and find that the VDGD-enhanced models significantly outperform the baselines in terms of reduced hallucinations and improved overall performance.

Critical Analysis

The VDGD approach presented in this paper is a promising step towards mitigating hallucinations in large vision-language models. By explicitly addressing the gap between the model's visual perception and the intended cognitive prompt, the researchers have demonstrated a practical and effective solution to a longstanding challenge in the field.

One potential limitation of the study is the specific nature of the benchmark datasets used for evaluation. While these datasets are widely used in the literature, they may not capture the full range of real-world scenarios and prompts that LVLMs may encounter in practical applications. Further testing on more diverse and realistic datasets could provide additional insights into the robustness and generalizability of the VDGD method.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the interpretability of the VDGD module. Understanding the internal workings and decision-making processes of the disentanglement and denoising components could help researchers and practitioners better understand the strengths and limitations of the approach, and potentially identify areas for further improvement.

Overall, the VDGD method represents a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to develop more reliable and trustworthy large vision-language models. By [link to "survey-hallucination-large-vision-language-models"]addressing the hallucination problem[/link], this research brings us closer to realizing the full potential of these powerful AI systems in real-world applications.


The paper "VDGD: Mitigating LVLM Hallucinations in Cognitive Prompts by Bridging the Visual Perception Gap" presents a novel approach to address the issue of hallucinations in large vision-language models. By leveraging visual disentanglement and generative denoising techniques, the VDGD method helps align the model's visual perception with the intended cognitive prompts, reducing the likelihood of generating irrelevant or incorrect information.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of the VDGD approach through extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, showing significant improvements in performance and hallucination mitigation compared to other state-of-the-art methods. This work represents an important step forward in the development of more reliable and trustworthy AI systems, with implications for a wide range of applications, including [link to "alleviating-hallucinations-large-vision-language-models-through"]image captioning[/link], [link to "detecting-mitigating-hallucination-large-vision-language-models"]question answering[/link], and [link to "seeing-is-believing-mitigating-hallucination-large-vision"]language generation[/link].

As the field of large vision-language models continues to evolve, further research on interpretability, robustness, and real-world deployment will be crucial to fully unlock the potential of these powerful AI systems and ensure they can be employed safely and effectively in diverse applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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