Verified Safe Reinforcement Learning for Neural Network Dynamic Models






Published 5/28/2024 by Junlin Wu, Huan Zhang, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik



Learning reliably safe autonomous control is one of the core problems in trustworthy autonomy. However, training a controller that can be formally verified to be safe remains a major challenge. We introduce a novel approach for learning verified safe control policies in nonlinear neural dynamical systems while maximizing overall performance. Our approach aims to achieve safety in the sense of finite-horizon reachability proofs, and is comprised of three key parts. The first is a novel curriculum learning scheme that iteratively increases the verified safe horizon. The second leverages the iterative nature of gradient-based learning to leverage incremental verification, reusing information from prior verification runs. Finally, we learn multiple verified initial-state-dependent controllers, an idea that is especially valuable for more complex domains where learning a single universal verified safe controller is extremely challenging. Our experiments on five safe control problems demonstrate that our trained controllers can achieve verified safety over horizons that are as much as an order of magnitude longer than state-of-the-art baselines, while maintaining high reward, as well as a perfect safety record over entire episodes.

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  • This paper proposes a method for verifying the safety of reinforcement learning agents with neural network dynamic models.
  • The approach combines formal verification techniques with reinforcement learning to ensure the agent's actions remain within safe bounds, even in the presence of uncertainty or disturbances.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method on several benchmark control tasks, showing it can provide strong safety guarantees while maintaining good performance.

Plain English Explanation

The paper tackles the challenge of making reinforcement learning (RL) systems safe and reliable, even when they are controlling complex, unknown environments. RL is a powerful technique where an agent learns to take actions that maximize a reward signal, but it can be risky if the agent makes mistakes or encounters unanticipated situations.

The researchers developed a new method that combines RL with formal verification techniques. Formal verification involves mathematically proving that a system will behave correctly, no matter what inputs or disturbances it encounters. By integrating this into the RL process, the researchers were able to create agents that not only learn effective behaviors, but are also guaranteed to remain within safe operating bounds.

The key innovation is using a neural network to model the system dynamics, which provides a flexible way to capture complex environments, while still allowing for formal verification as described in this paper. This allows the agent to learn optimal policies while ensuring safety as explored in this related work.

The researchers demonstrated their approach on several benchmark control problems, showing it can provide strong safety guarantees while maintaining good performance. This represents an important step towards making RL systems safe enough for real-world deployment, where safety is critical.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a method for verifying the safety of reinforcement learning (RL) agents with neural network dynamic models. The approach combines formal verification techniques with RL to ensure the agent's actions remain within safe bounds, even in the presence of uncertainty or disturbances.

The key components of the method are:

  1. Neural network model: The system dynamics are modeled using a neural network, which can capture complex, nonlinear relationships.
  2. Safety verification: Formal verification is used to mathematically prove that the agent will remain within a safe region of the state space, regardless of the inputs or disturbances it encounters. This is done by constructing a Lyapunov function that serves as a certificate of safety.
  3. Safe RL: The safety verification is integrated into the RL process, allowing the agent to learn an optimal policy while respecting the safety constraints. This is achieved through a constrained optimization formulation.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method on several benchmark control tasks, including inverted pendulum, cartpole, and quadrotor control. They show that the approach can provide strong safety guarantees while maintaining good performance, outperforming baseline RL methods that do not consider safety.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for ensuring the safety of RL systems, which is a critical challenge in deploying these techniques in the real world. The integration of formal verification with RL is a clever way to overcome the limitations of each individual technique.

One potential limitation of the method is the reliance on a neural network model of the system dynamics. While this provides flexibility, it may also introduce modeling errors that could compromise the safety guarantees. The authors acknowledge this and suggest exploring ways to account for model uncertainty in the safety verification process.

Additionally, the method may be computationally intensive, as the safety verification step adds significant complexity to the RL optimization problem. The authors do not provide a detailed analysis of the computational requirements, which could be an important consideration for real-world deployment.

Finally, the paper focuses on single-agent scenarios, but many real-world systems involve multiple interacting agents. Extending the approach to handle multi-agent settings could be an important area for future research.


This paper presents a novel approach for verifying the safety of reinforcement learning agents with neural network dynamic models. By combining formal verification techniques with RL, the method can provide strong safety guarantees while maintaining good performance on benchmark control tasks.

The work represents an important step towards making RL systems safe enough for real-world deployment, where safety is critical. The integration of formal methods with learning-based approaches is a promising direction that could have significant impact across a range of applications, from autonomous vehicles to industrial control systems.

While the method has some limitations, such as the reliance on accurate dynamic models and potential computational complexity, the authors have demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of their approach. Further research to address these challenges could lead to even more robust and reliable RL systems that can be safely deployed in high-stakes environments.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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