VIAssist: Adapting Multi-modal Large Language Models for Users with Visual Impairments






Published 4/4/2024 by Bufang Yang, Lixing He, Kaiwei Liu, Zhenyu Yan
VIAssist: Adapting Multi-modal Large Language Models for Users with Visual Impairments


Individuals with visual impairments, encompassing both partial and total difficulties in visual perception, are referred to as visually impaired (VI) people. An estimated 2.2 billion individuals worldwide are affected by visual impairments. Recent advancements in multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) have showcased their extraordinary capabilities across various domains. It is desirable to help VI individuals with MLLMs' great capabilities of visual understanding and reasoning. However, it is challenging for VI people to use MLLMs due to the difficulties in capturing the desirable images to fulfill their daily requests. For example, the target object is not fully or partially placed in the image. This paper explores how to leverage MLLMs for VI individuals to provide visual-question answers. VIAssist can identify undesired images and provide detailed actions. Finally, VIAssist can provide reliable answers to users' queries based on the images. Our results show that VIAssist provides +0.21 and +0.31 higher BERTScore and ROUGE scores than the baseline, respectively.

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  • This paper presents VIAssist, a system that adapts multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) to assist users with visual impairments.
  • The researchers explore how MLLMs can be leveraged to enhance accessibility and enable visually impaired individuals to interact with digital content more effectively.
  • The proposed approach involves various techniques, including visual question answering, Internet of Things (IoT) integration, and model fine-tuning, to create a comprehensive assistive solution.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces VIAssist, a system designed to help people with visual impairments use digital technologies more easily. Traditional AI models struggle to understand the needs and experiences of users with visual disabilities. VIAssist aims to address this by adapting powerful language models to work better for visually impaired individuals.

The key idea is to take large, multi-purpose AI models that can process both text and images, and customize them to assist users who can't fully see the screen. This might involve enhancing the model's ability to answer questions about visual content, or integrating it with smart home devices to provide a more seamless experience.

By tailoring these advanced AI systems to the needs of people with visual impairments, the researchers hope to empower them to more effectively engage with digital information and services. The goal is to make technology more accessible and inclusive, giving visually impaired users greater independence and access to the benefits of modern computing.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes VIAssist, a system that adapts multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) to assist users with visual impairments. MLLMs are AI models that can process both text and visual information, enabling them to understand and reason about multimedia content.

The key technical contributions of VIAssist include:

  1. Visual Question Answering: The researchers fine-tune the MLLMs to excel at visual question answering, allowing visually impaired users to ask questions about images and receive detailed, informative responses.

  2. IoT Integration: VIAssist integrates the adapted MLLMs with smart home devices and the Internet of Things (IoT), enabling users to control their environment and access information through voice commands and other accessible interfaces.

  3. Model Customization: The paper explores techniques for further fine-tuning and customizing the MLLMs to better match the needs and preferences of users with visual impairments, improving the overall usability and effectiveness of the system.

The proposed architecture and evaluation methodology demonstrate the potential of VIAssist to enhance the digital experiences of visually impaired individuals, empowering them to engage with multimedia content and control their surrounding environment more effectively.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful and well-designed approach to adapting multi-modal language models for users with visual impairments. The researchers have identified a critical accessibility gap and propose a compelling solution to address it.

One potential limitation is the reliance on specific smart home devices and IoT integration, which may limit the system's broader applicability or require significant infrastructure investments. Additionally, the paper does not fully explore the challenges of ensuring the adapted models maintain high accuracy and reliability across diverse user needs and environments.

Further research could examine ways to make the VIAssist system more platform-agnostic and explore the long-term user experience implications, such as the effects on mental workload, task completion times, and user satisfaction. Investigating potential biases or ethical concerns in the underlying language models would also be a valuable area for further study.

Overall, the VIAssist approach represents a promising step towards making advanced AI technologies more accessible and inclusive for individuals with visual impairments. The researchers have demonstrated the potential of this approach and laid the groundwork for further innovations in this important domain.


The VIAssist system presents a innovative approach to adapting multi-modal language models to better serve users with visual impairments. By enhancing the models' visual understanding capabilities and integrating them with smart home technologies, the researchers aim to empower visually impaired individuals to more effectively engage with digital content and control their environments.

The technical contributions and evaluation methodology outlined in the paper suggest that VIAssist has the potential to significantly improve the accessibility and usability of modern computing and smart home technologies for users with visual disabilities. As AI systems become increasingly ubiquitous, this work highlights the importance of designing inclusive solutions that cater to the diverse needs of all users.

The VIAssist project represents an important step towards a more accessible and equitable digital landscape. By continuing to explore ways to adapt and customize advanced language models, the research community can work to ensure that the benefits of emerging technologies are accessible to individuals of all abilities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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