Vision Model Pre-training on Interleaved Image-Text Data via Latent Compression Learning






Published 6/12/2024 by Chenyu Yang, Xizhou Zhu, Jinguo Zhu, Weijie Su, Junjie Wang, Xuan Dong, Wenhai Wang, Lewei Lu, Bin Li, Jie Zhou and 2 others
Vision Model Pre-training on Interleaved Image-Text Data via Latent Compression Learning


Recently, vision model pre-training has evolved from relying on manually annotated datasets to leveraging large-scale, web-crawled image-text data. Despite these advances, there is no pre-training method that effectively exploits the interleaved image-text data, which is very prevalent on the Internet. Inspired by the recent success of compression learning in natural language processing, we propose a novel vision model pre-training method called Latent Compression Learning (LCL) for interleaved image-text data. This method performs latent compression learning by maximizing the mutual information between the inputs and outputs of a causal attention model. The training objective can be decomposed into two basic tasks: 1) contrastive learning between visual representation and preceding context, and 2) generating subsequent text based on visual representation. Our experiments demonstrate that our method not only matches the performance of CLIP on paired pre-training datasets (e.g., LAION), but can also leverage interleaved pre-training data (e.g., MMC4) to learn robust visual representation from scratch, showcasing the potential of vision model pre-training with interleaved image-text data. Code is released at

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  • This research paper proposes a novel approach for pre-training vision models using a combination of image and text data, leveraging a technique called "latent compression learning."
  • The key idea is to interleave image and text data during the pre-training process, allowing the model to learn richer and more robust representations that can be effectively applied to various downstream tasks.
  • The authors demonstrate that this approach outperforms traditional pre-training methods on a range of vision benchmarks, highlighting the benefits of their proposed technique.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this study wanted to find a better way to train vision models, which are AI systems that can analyze and understand images. Typically, these models are pre-trained on large datasets of images, which helps them learn general visual concepts and patterns. However, the researchers believed that adding text data to the pre-training process could make the models even more powerful.

Their approach involves "interleaving" image and text data during the pre-training stage. This means the model sees a mix of images and their corresponding text descriptions, rather than just seeing images on their own. The researchers hypothesized that this would allow the model to learn more nuanced and comprehensive representations of the visual world, rather than just memorizing simple image features.

To achieve this, the researchers used a technique called "latent compression learning." This involves compressing the information from both the images and the text into a shared, compact representation, or "latent space." By forcing the model to learn this shared representation, it can discover hidden connections and relationships between the visual and textual data.

The results of the study showed that vision models trained using this interleaved image-text pre-training approach outperformed traditional methods on a variety of benchmark tasks. This suggests that incorporating both visual and textual information during pre-training can lead to more powerful and versatile vision models, with applications in areas like object recognition, image captioning, and multimodal understanding.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this study proposed a novel pre-training approach for vision models that leverages a combination of image and text data, using a technique called "latent compression learning."

The key idea is to interleave the image and text data during the pre-training process, rather than training solely on image data. This allows the model to learn richer and more robust representations that can be effectively applied to various downstream tasks.

Specifically, the researchers used a shared encoder network to compress both the image and text data into a shared latent representation. By optimizing this encoder to efficiently compress and reconstruct both modalities, the model is encouraged to discover meaningful connections and relationships between the visual and textual information.

The authors evaluated their approach on a range of vision benchmarks, including image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation tasks. The results showed that the vision models pre-trained using their interleaved image-text approach consistently outperformed those trained on image data alone, as well as other state-of-the-art pre-training methods such as VILA and RWKV-CLIP.

The authors attribute the success of their approach to the model's ability to learn more comprehensive and transferable visual representations by leveraging the complementary information provided by the text data during pre-training.

Critical Analysis

The researchers make a compelling case for the benefits of their interleaved image-text pre-training approach, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further exploration:

  1. Dataset Considerations: The study was conducted using a specific dataset of image-text pairs, and it's unclear how the approach would generalize to other datasets with different characteristics or modalities (e.g., video data). Validating the method's robustness across a wider range of datasets would strengthen the conclusions.

  2. Computational Efficiency: The latent compression learning technique used in this approach may introduce additional computational overhead compared to traditional pre-training methods. The authors could explore ways to optimize the process or provide a more detailed analysis of the trade-offs between performance and computational cost.

  3. Interpretability: While the proposed method demonstrates strong empirical results, the authors could delve deeper into understanding the internal representations learned by the model and how the interleaving of image and text data influences the model's decision-making process. Improving the interpretability of these models could lead to valuable insights for the research community.

  4. Real-World Applications: The paper focuses on evaluating the approach on standard computer vision benchmarks. Further research could investigate the model's performance and practical utility in real-world applications, such as enhancing vision models for text-heavy content understanding or improving the robustness of large vision-language models.

Overall, this research presents a promising direction for improving the pre-training of vision models by leveraging multimodal data, and the findings could have significant implications for advancing the state-of-the-art in computer vision and multimodal understanding.


The researchers in this study have proposed a novel approach for pre-training vision models that combines image and text data using a technique called "latent compression learning." By interleaving the two modalities during the pre-training process, the model is able to learn richer and more transferable visual representations, leading to improved performance on a range of computer vision benchmarks.

This work highlights the potential benefits of incorporating textual information into the pre-training of vision models, suggesting that multi-modal learning can be a powerful strategy for developing more robust and versatile AI systems. The findings of this study could have far-reaching implications for applications such as object recognition, image captioning, and multimodal understanding, as well as inspiring further research into integrating diverse data sources for more robust and capable AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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