WDMoE: Wireless Distributed Large Language Models with Mixture of Experts






Published 5/7/2024 by Nan Xue, Yaping Sun, Zhiyong Chen, Meixia Tao, Xiaodong Xu, Liang Qian, Shuguang Cui, Ping Zhang
WDMoE: Wireless Distributed Large Language Models with Mixture of Experts


Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved significant success in various natural language processing tasks, but how wireless communications can support LLMs has not been extensively studied. In this paper, we propose a wireless distributed LLMs paradigm based on Mixture of Experts (MoE), named WDMoE, deploying LLMs collaboratively across edge servers of base station (BS) and mobile devices in the wireless communications system. Specifically, we decompose the MoE layer in LLMs by deploying the gating network and the preceding neural network layer at BS, while distributing the expert networks across the devices. This arrangement leverages the parallel capabilities of expert networks on distributed devices. Moreover, to overcome the instability of wireless communications, we design an expert selection policy by taking into account both the performance of the model and the end-to-end latency, which includes both transmission delay and inference delay. Evaluations conducted across various LLMs and multiple datasets demonstrate that WDMoE not only outperforms existing models, such as Llama 2 with 70 billion parameters, but also significantly reduces end-to-end latency.

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  • This paper introduces WDMoE, a framework for distributing large language models using a wireless Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture.
  • WDMoE aims to improve the efficiency and flexibility of large language models by partitioning the model into specialized "experts" that can be selectively activated based on the input.
  • The wireless communication aspect allows for dynamic routing of inputs to the most appropriate experts, which can help reduce the computational burden on individual devices.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way to run large, powerful language models like GPT-3 or BERT on multiple devices at once. They call this system WDMoE, which stands for "Wireless Distributed Mixture of Experts."

The key idea is to break up the language model into smaller, specialized "expert" components. Each expert is trained to handle a particular type of input or task really well. When you give the system some text to analyze, it can quickly figure out which expert(s) are best suited for that input and route it to them over a wireless network.

This distributed approach has a few benefits:

  • Efficiency: By only activating the relevant experts, you can reduce the overall computational load and power consumption, which is important for running these models on mobile devices or in the cloud.
  • Flexibility: The system can dynamically adjust which experts are used based on the input, allowing it to be more adaptable than a one-size-fits-all language model.
  • Scalability: As the language model grows larger and more complex, the WDMoE framework makes it easier to scale by adding more expert components rather than trying to cram everything into a single monolithic model.

The wireless communication aspect is also a key part of the innovation. It allows the system to quickly route inputs to the best-suited experts, no matter where they are located. This could enable new applications where language models need to be distributed across multiple devices or servers.

Technical Explanation

The core of the WDMoE framework is a Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture, where the large language model is divided into a collection of smaller "expert" sub-models. Each expert is trained to specialize in a particular type of input or task.

When a new input is received, a gating network dynamically selects which experts should be activated to process that input. This allows the system to efficiently focus computational resources on the most relevant parts of the model.

To enable flexible, distributed deployment, WDMoE incorporates wireless communication between the experts and the gating network. The inputs can be routed to the appropriate experts over the wireless channel, rather than requiring everything to be centralized.

The researchers also introduce a specialized algorithm and system co-design to optimize the expert selection process and wireless transmission, further improving the efficiency and latency of the WDMoE framework.

Critical Analysis

The WDMoE framework addresses some important challenges in deploying large language models in real-world, distributed settings. By partitioning the model and allowing dynamic expert selection, it can help reduce the computational and energy requirements compared to running a monolithic model.

However, the paper does not delve into the potential downsides or limitations of this approach. For example, there may be tradeoffs in terms of model performance or accuracy when relying on a mixture of experts instead of a single, unified model. The overhead of the wireless communication and expert selection process could also introduce latency that may be unacceptable for some applications.

Additionally, the paper focuses mainly on the architectural and algorithmic innovations, but does not provide a thorough analysis of the real-world implications or potential societal impacts of deploying such a distributed language model system. Further research would be needed to understand the broader consequences, both positive and negative.


The WDMoE framework represents an interesting advance in the field of large language model deployment, combining a Mixture of Experts architecture with wireless communication to enable more efficient and flexible distribution of these powerful AI systems.

By selectively activating the most relevant model components for each input, WDMoE has the potential to reduce the computational burden and energy consumption of running large language models, which could open up new use cases on resource-constrained devices or in edge computing environments.

However, the paper leaves room for further investigation into the practical tradeoffs and broader implications of this approach. Continued research and thoughtful deployment will be necessary to ensure that distributed language models like WDMoE are developed and used responsibly to benefit society.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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