Weisfeiler-Lehman goes Dynamic: An Analysis of the Expressive Power of Graph Neural Networks for Attributed and Dynamic Graphs






Published 5/6/2024 by Silvia Beddar-Wiesing, Giuseppe Alessio D'Inverno, Caterina Graziani, Veronica Lachi, Alice Moallemy-Oureh, Franco Scarselli, Josephine Maria Thomas



Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a large class of relational models for graph processing. Recent theoretical studies on the expressive power of GNNs have focused on two issues. On the one hand, it has been proven that GNNs are as powerful as the Weisfeiler-Lehman test (1-WL) in their ability to distinguish graphs. Moreover, it has been shown that the equivalence enforced by 1-WL equals unfolding equivalence. On the other hand, GNNs turned out to be universal approximators on graphs modulo the constraints enforced by 1-WL/unfolding equivalence. However, these results only apply to Static Attributed Undirected Homogeneous Graphs (SAUHG) with node attributes. In contrast, real-life applications often involve a much larger variety of graph types. In this paper, we conduct a theoretical analysis of the expressive power of GNNs for two other graph domains that are particularly interesting in practical applications, namely dynamic graphs and SAUGHs with edge attributes. Dynamic graphs are widely used in modern applications; hence, the study of the expressive capability of GNNs in this domain is essential for practical reasons and, in addition, it requires a new analyzing approach due to the difference in the architecture of dynamic GNNs compared to static ones. On the other hand, the examination of SAUHGs is of particular relevance since they act as a standard form for all graph types: it has been shown that all graph types can be transformed without loss of information to SAUHGs with both attributes on nodes and edges. This paper considers generic GNN models and appropriate 1-WL tests for those domains. Then, the known results on the expressive power of GNNs are extended to the mentioned domains: it is proven that GNNs have the same capability as the 1-WL test, the 1-WL equivalence equals unfolding equivalence and that GNNs are universal approximators modulo 1-WL/unfolding equivalence.

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  • This paper explores the expressive power of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), a class of relational models used for graph processing.
  • The authors focus on two key aspects: the ability of GNNs to distinguish graphs compared to the Weisfeiler-Lehman (1-WL) test, and the universality of GNNs as approximators on graphs subject to the constraints of 1-WL/unfolding equivalence.
  • The analysis extends the known results on the expressive power of GNNs to two additional graph domains: dynamic graphs and static attributed undirected homogeneous graphs (SAUHGs) with edge attributes.

Plain English Explanation

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a type of machine learning model that can work with graph-structured data, such as social networks, chemical structures, or transportation networks. These models have been shown to be as powerful as the Weisfeiler-Lehman (1-WL) test in their ability to distinguish between different graphs. This means that GNNs can identify unique characteristics of graphs just as well as this established graph comparison method.

Moreover, GNNs have been proven to be "universal approximators" on graphs, which means they can learn to represent any graph-structured data, with some limitations. These limitations are related to the 1-WL test and "unfolding equivalence," which are technical concepts that describe when two graphs are considered to be the same from the perspective of these models.

In this paper, the researchers expand on these findings by studying the expressive power of GNNs in two additional settings: dynamic graphs and static attributed undirected homogeneous graphs (SAUHGs) with edge attributes. Dynamic graphs are used in many real-world applications, so understanding how well GNNs can handle them is important. SAUHGs with edge attributes are also significant because they can represent a wide variety of graph types without losing information.

The researchers show that the same key results about the expressive power of GNNs - their equivalence to the 1-WL test, the connection to unfolding equivalence, and their universality as approximators - also hold true for these additional graph domains.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes the expressive power of generic GNN models and their corresponding 1-WL tests for dynamic graphs and static attributed undirected homogeneous graphs (SAUHGs) with edge attributes.

For dynamic graphs, the authors note that the architecture of dynamic GNNs differs from static GNNs, requiring a new analytical approach. They prove that dynamic GNNs have the same capabilities as the 1-WL test for distinguishing graphs, and that 1-WL equivalence equals unfolding equivalence in this domain.

For SAUHGs with edge attributes, the researchers demonstrate that these graphs can serve as a standard form, as all other graph types can be transformed to SAUHGs without losing information. They show that the known results on the expressive power of GNNs - their equivalence to 1-WL, the equivalence of 1-WL and unfolding equivalence, and their universality as approximators modulo 1-WL/unfolding equivalence - also hold for this graph domain.

These findings extend the theoretical understanding of the capabilities of GNNs, which is crucial for their application in dynamic graph and edge-attributed settings, as well as for understanding the fundamental limits of GNNs.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough theoretical analysis of the expressive power of GNNs in two important graph domains: dynamic graphs and SAUHGs with edge attributes. The researchers carefully extend the known results on GNN expressivity to these settings, using appropriate 1-WL tests and analytical techniques.

One potential limitation is that the analysis is still restricted to specific graph types, even though the authors note that real-world applications often involve a larger variety of graph structures. Further research may be needed to understand the expressive power of GNNs on even more diverse graph types or in the presence of other constraints.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the theoretical capabilities of GNNs, but does not provide empirical evaluations or comparisons to other graph representation learning methods. Practical studies on the performance of GNNs in dynamic and edge-attributed graph tasks could help validate the theoretical insights and provide a more complete picture.

Overall, this work contributes to the growing body of research aimed at understanding the fundamental limits and capabilities of Graph Neural Networks, which is crucial for advancing the field of graph representation learning.


This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the expressive power of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in two important graph domains: dynamic graphs and static attributed undirected homogeneous graphs (SAUHGs) with edge attributes. The authors show that the key results on the expressive power of GNNs - their equivalence to the Weisfeiler-Lehman (1-WL) test, the connection to unfolding equivalence, and their universality as approximators modulo 1-WL/unfolding equivalence - also hold true in these additional settings.

These findings enhance our understanding of the fundamental capabilities and limitations of GNNs, which is essential for applying these models effectively in real-world scenarios involving dynamic or edge-attributed graph data. The insights provided in this paper contribute to the ongoing research efforts to develop more powerful and versatile graph representation learning techniques.

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