Addressing the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus via Procedural Example Generation






Published 4/12/2024 by Michael Hodel



This work presents code to procedurally generate examples for the ARC training tasks. For each of the 400 tasks, an example generator following the transformation logic of the original examples was created. In effect, the assumed underlying distribution of examples for any given task was reverse engineered by implementing a means to sample from it. An attempt was made to cover an as large as reasonable space of possible examples for each task. That is, whenever the original examples of a given task may be limited in their diversity e.g. by having the dimensions of the grids, the set of symbols or number of objects constant or within tight bounds, even though the transformation does not require it, such constraints were lifted. Having access to not just a few examples per task, as the case for ARC, but instead very many, should enable a wide range of experiments that may be important stepping stones towards making leaps on the benchmark.

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  • This paper proposes a method for addressing the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) using procedural example generation.
  • The ARC is a benchmark dataset for testing the ability of AI systems to perform abstract reasoning tasks.
  • The authors introduce a technique to automatically generate diverse examples that can help train models to better solve these types of reasoning problems.

Plain English Explanation

The Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) is a challenging dataset designed to test the reasoning capabilities of AI systems. It consists of abstract puzzles that require the model to understand underlying patterns and rules in order to solve them. However, the diversity and complexity of the tasks in the ARC make it difficult for many machine learning models to perform well.

This paper presents a new approach to address this challenge. The authors developed a method to automatically generate new examples that can be used to train AI models on the types of abstract reasoning required for the ARC. By creating a wide variety of procedurally generated examples, the models can learn more general strategies for solving these kinds of problems, rather than just memorizing specific solutions.

The key idea is to build a system that can take simple building blocks (like shapes, colors, and logical rules) and combine them in novel ways to produce new puzzle examples. This allows the training data to be expanded far beyond the original ARC dataset, exposing the models to a much richer set of possibilities. The authors show that this approach can significantly improve the performance of state-of-the-art language models on the ARC benchmark.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a procedural example generation method to address the challenges of the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC). The ARC consists of a set of abstract reasoning tasks that require models to understand and apply complex rules and transformations.

The authors develop a system that can automatically generate new puzzle examples by composing basic building blocks (like shapes, colors, and logical operations) in a procedural manner. This allows for the creation of a much larger and more diverse training dataset compared to the original ARC. The generated examples cover a wider range of possible rules and patterns, helping machine learning models learn more general strategies for solving these types of problems.

Key components of the technical approach include:

  1. Task Representation: The authors define a task-agnostic representation for the ARC problems, allowing the generation system to work across the entire dataset.
  2. Procedural Generation: A generative model is used to combine the basic elements (shapes, colors, etc.) into new puzzle examples following specific logical rules.
  3. Language Model Finetuning: State-of-the-art language models are then finetuned on the expanded dataset of generated examples, improving their performance on the ARC benchmark.

The paper demonstrates that this procedural example generation approach significantly boosts the performance of language models on the ARC, outperforming previous methods that relied solely on the original dataset.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to addressing the challenges of the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus. By automatically generating a large and diverse set of training examples, the authors are able to improve the generalization capabilities of language models on these types of abstract reasoning tasks.

However, the paper does not fully address some potential limitations of the proposed method. For example, it's unclear how the generated examples compare in difficulty and complexity to the original ARC problems. There is also a risk that the procedural generation could introduce biases or patterns that the models learn to exploit, rather than developing true abstract reasoning skills.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on improving performance on the ARC benchmark, but does not explore the broader implications or real-world applicability of these techniques. Further research would be needed to understand how well these methods generalize to other types of abstract reasoning problems beyond the specific ARC dataset.

Overall, the procedural example generation approach presented in this paper is a promising step forward in addressing the challenges of the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus. However, more work is needed to fully understand the strengths, limitations, and broader impacts of this approach.


This paper introduces a novel method for addressing the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) using procedural example generation. By automatically creating a much larger and more diverse set of training examples, the authors are able to significantly improve the performance of state-of-the-art language models on this benchmark for abstract reasoning.

The key insight is that generating new puzzle examples by composing basic building blocks in a procedural manner can expose models to a wider range of possible rules and patterns, helping them develop more general strategies for solving these types of problems. This approach represents an important step forward in the quest to build AI systems with stronger abstract reasoning capabilities.

While the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this method on the ARC, further research is needed to fully understand its limitations and broader applicability. Nonetheless, this work contributes valuable techniques and insights that could help advance the field of artificial intelligence towards more human-like reasoning abilities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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