When and How: Learning Identifiable Latent States for Nonstationary Time Series Forecasting






Published 6/10/2024 by Zijian Li, Ruichu Cai, Zhenhui Yang, Haiqin Huang, Guangyi Chen, Yifan Shen, Zhengming Chen, Xiangchen Song, Kun Zhang
When and How: Learning Identifiable Latent States for Nonstationary Time Series Forecasting


Temporal distribution shifts are ubiquitous in time series data. One of the most popular methods assumes that the temporal distribution shift occurs uniformly to disentangle the stationary and nonstationary dependencies. But this assumption is difficult to meet, as we do not know when the distribution shifts occur. To solve this problem, we propose to learn IDentifiable latEnt stAtes (IDEA) to detect when the distribution shifts occur. Beyond that, we further disentangle the stationary and nonstationary latent states via sufficient observation assumption to learn how the latent states change. Specifically, we formalize the causal process with environment-irrelated stationary and environment-related nonstationary variables. Under mild conditions, we show that latent environments and stationary/nonstationary variables are identifiable. Based on these theories, we devise the IDEA model, which incorporates an autoregressive hidden Markov model to estimate latent environments and modular prior networks to identify latent states. The IDEA model outperforms several latest nonstationary forecasting methods on various benchmark datasets, highlighting its advantages in real-world scenarios.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach for learning identifiable latent states in nonstationary time series data to improve forecasting performance.
  • The key ideas are: 1) Identifying the distribution of time series data to capture nonstationarity, 2) Learning interpretable latent states that can be used for accurate forecasting, and 3) A general framework that can be applied to diverse time series tasks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a common challenge in time series forecasting: the fact that the underlying patterns and distributions in the data can change over time, a phenomenon known as nonstationarity. [This relates to the concept of distributional drift discussed in the paper "Distributional Drift Adaptation in Temporal Conditional Variational Autoencoder".] To address this, the authors propose a method to identify the different distributions present in the time series and learn interpretable latent states that capture these changing patterns.

The intuition is that by explicitly modeling the distribution shifts, the model can learn more robust and meaningful representations that lead to better forecasting performance, even in the face of nonstationarity. [This builds on ideas from work on "Invariant Subspace Decomposition" and "Causal Representation Learning from Multiple Distributions".]

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing improvements over existing time series forecasting methods. The key benefit is that their model can adapt to changes in the underlying data distribution, providing more accurate predictions compared to static models.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a framework called "When and How" (WH) that aims to learn identifiable latent states for nonstationary time series forecasting. The key components are:

  1. Identifying Distribution of Time Series Data: The authors first propose a method to identify the different underlying distributions present in the time series data, capturing the nonstationarity. This involves clustering the time series observations into different regimes based on their statistical properties.

  2. Learning Interpretable Latent States: Given the identified distribution regimes, the WH framework then learns a set of interpretable latent states that can capture the dynamics of the time series within each regime. This allows the model to adapt its representation to the changing data patterns.

  3. Forecasting with Learned Latent States: The learned latent states are then used as inputs to a forecasting module, which can provide accurate predictions even in the presence of nonstationarity. The authors experiment with various forecasting architectures, including recurrent neural networks and causal neural networks, to demonstrate the flexibility of their approach.

The authors evaluate the WH framework on several benchmark time series datasets, comparing it to state-of-the-art forecasting methods. The results show that by explicitly modeling the distribution shifts and learning interpretable latent representations, the WH framework can achieve significant improvements in forecasting accuracy, especially for nonstationary time series.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of addressing nonstationarity in time series forecasting and presents a promising approach to do so. Some potential limitations and areas for further research include:

  1. The sensitivity of the distribution identification step to the choice of clustering algorithm and hyperparameters. Exploring more robust or automated techniques for this could improve the reliability of the approach.

  2. The interpretability of the learned latent states, which is claimed but not fully demonstrated. Further analysis of the latent representations and their relationship to the underlying data dynamics would strengthen this claim.

  3. The extensibility of the WH framework to more complex time series tasks, such as multivariate forecasting or anomaly detection, which are not explored in the current paper. [This connects to the ideas discussed in "Rethinking Channel Dependence in Multivariate Time Series Forecasting".]

  4. The computational complexity of the overall framework, particularly for large-scale time series datasets, which could limit its practical applicability in some scenarios.

Overall, the "When and How" framework presents a promising direction for addressing nonstationarity in time series forecasting and could inspire further research in this important area of machine learning.


This paper introduces a novel approach called "When and How" (WH) that aims to learn identifiable latent states for improved nonstationary time series forecasting. By explicitly modeling the distribution shifts in the data and learning interpretable latent representations, the WH framework can adapt to changing patterns and provide more accurate predictions compared to existing methods.

The key contributions of this work are the techniques for identifying the underlying data distributions, learning meaningful latent states, and integrating these components into a flexible forecasting framework. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the WH approach on benchmark datasets, highlighting its potential to advance the state of the art in time series analysis and forecasting.

While the paper identifies some avenues for further research, the "When and How" framework represents an important step towards building more robust and adaptive time series models that can handle the challenges of nonstationarity in real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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