On the Identifiability of Switching Dynamical Systems






Published 6/5/2024 by Carles Balsells-Rodas, Yixin Wang, Yingzhen Li



The identifiability of latent variable models has received increasing attention due to its relevance in interpretability and out-of-distribution generalisation. In this work, we study the identifiability of Switching Dynamical Systems, taking an initial step toward extending identifiability analysis to sequential latent variable models. We first prove the identifiability of Markov Switching Models, which commonly serve as the prior distribution for the continuous latent variables in Switching Dynamical Systems. We present identification conditions for first-order Markov dependency structures, whose transition distribution is parametrised via non-linear Gaussians. We then establish the identifiability of the latent variables and non-linear mappings in Switching Dynamical Systems up to affine transformations, by leveraging identifiability analysis techniques from identifiable deep latent variable models. We finally develop estimation algorithms for identifiable Switching Dynamical Systems. Throughout empirical studies, we demonstrate the practicality of identifiable Switching Dynamical Systems for segmenting high-dimensional time series such as videos, and showcase the use of identifiable Markov Switching Models for regime-dependent causal discovery in climate data.

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  • The paper explores the identifiability of Switching Dynamical Systems, a type of sequential latent variable model, which is important for interpretability and out-of-distribution generalization.
  • It first proves the identifiability of Markov Switching Models, a common prior distribution for the continuous latent variables in Switching Dynamical Systems.
  • The paper then establishes the identifiability of the latent variables and non-linear mappings in Switching Dynamical Systems up to affine transformations.
  • Estimation algorithms for identifiable Switching Dynamical Systems are developed, and their practical applications are demonstrated through empirical studies.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the concept of identifiability in the context of Switching Dynamical Systems, a type of machine learning model that deals with sequential data and hidden or latent variables. Identifiability is important because it means that the hidden factors in the model can be uniquely determined from the observed data, which is crucial for interpreting the model's outputs and applying it to new, out-of-sample situations.

The researchers first show that a specific type of Switching Dynamical System, called a Markov Switching Model, is identifiable. This means that the hidden "switching" between different states in the model can be uniquely identified from the data. They then extend this result to show that the full Switching Dynamical System, including the non-linear mappings between the hidden variables and the observed data, is also identifiable up to affine transformations.

This work is an important step towards understanding the identifiability of more complex, sequential latent variable models, which can have applications in areas like causal discovery and time series analysis of high-dimensional data, such as video or climate data.

Technical Explanation

The paper first proves the identifiability of Markov Switching Models, which are commonly used as the prior distribution for the continuous latent variables in Switching Dynamical Systems. The researchers present identification conditions for first-order Markov dependency structures, where the transition distribution is parametrized using non-linear Gaussian functions.

Building on this, the paper then establishes the identifiability of the latent variables and non-linear mappings in Switching Dynamical Systems up to affine transformations. This is achieved by leveraging identifiability analysis techniques from the literature on identifiable deep latent variable models.

Finally, the researchers develop estimation algorithms for identifiable Switching Dynamical Systems and demonstrate their practical applications through empirical studies. These studies showcase the use of identifiable Switching Dynamical Systems for segmenting high-dimensional time series data, such as videos, as well as the application of identifiable Markov Switching Models for regime-dependent causal discovery in climate data.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a rigorous theoretical analysis of the identifiability of Switching Dynamical Systems, which is an important step forward in understanding the properties of these types of sequential latent variable models. The researchers have leveraged techniques from the literature on identifiable deep latent variable models to extend the identifiability analysis to this more complex sequential setting.

However, the paper does not discuss the potential limitations of the identifiability conditions they establish, nor does it address the computational challenges that may arise in estimating these models in practice. Additionally, the empirical demonstrations, while showcasing the practical utility of the methods, do not provide a comprehensive evaluation of the model's performance compared to alternative approaches.

It would be useful for future research to further investigate the robustness of the identifiability conditions to model misspecification, as well as to explore the trade-offs between model complexity, identifiability, and practical performance. Addressing these aspects could help strengthen the practical applicability of the proposed methods.


This paper makes an important contribution to the understanding of identifiability in sequential latent variable models, specifically Switching Dynamical Systems. By establishing the identifiability of Markov Switching Models and the full Switching Dynamical System, the researchers have taken a significant step towards enabling the interpretability and out-of-distribution generalization of these types of models.

The development of estimation algorithms and the demonstration of practical applications, such as in video segmentation and climate data analysis, suggest that identifiable Switching Dynamical Systems could have a wide range of real-world applications. This work lays the foundation for further research in this area, which could lead to advancements in areas like causal discovery, time series analysis, and the interpretability of complex machine learning models.

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