Identifying latent state transition in non-linear dynamical systems






Published 6/7/2024 by c{C}au{g}lar H{i}zl{i}, c{C}au{g}atay Y{i}ld{i}z, Matthias Bethge, ST John, Pekka Marttinen
Identifying latent state transition in non-linear dynamical systems


This work aims to improve generalization and interpretability of dynamical systems by recovering the underlying lower-dimensional latent states and their time evolutions. Previous work on disentangled representation learning within the realm of dynamical systems focused on the latent states, possibly with linear transition approximations. As such, they cannot identify nonlinear transition dynamics, and hence fail to reliably predict complex future behavior. Inspired by the advances in nonlinear ICA, we propose a state-space modeling framework in which we can identify not just the latent states but also the unknown transition function that maps the past states to the present. We introduce a practical algorithm based on variational auto-encoders and empirically demonstrate in realistic synthetic settings that we can (i) recover latent state dynamics with high accuracy, (ii) correspondingly achieve high future prediction accuracy, and (iii) adapt fast to new environments.

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  • This paper explores techniques for identifying latent state transitions in non-linear dynamical systems.
  • The researchers investigate the concept of identifiability, which refers to the ability to reliably estimate the underlying state variables from observed data.
  • They present methods for learning interpretable representations of complex systems, such as exponential family dynamical systems (XFADS) and Gaussian process learning of nonlinear dynamics.
  • The paper also discusses challenges in learning identifiable latent states in nonstationary systems and marrying causal representation learning with dynamical systems science.

Plain English Explanation

This research paper focuses on understanding complex systems that change over time, such as the weather, the stock market, or the human body. The researchers are interested in being able to accurately predict how these systems will behave in the future, but to do this, they need to first understand the underlying "hidden" or "latent" factors that drive the system's behavior.

For example, in the case of the weather, the latent factors might include things like temperature, humidity, and air pressure. If we can measure and track these factors, we can better predict things like rainfall or temperature changes. However, directly measuring all the relevant latent factors is often very difficult or impossible.

The researchers in this paper explore ways to infer the latent factors that are driving a complex system, even when we can't directly observe them. They use sophisticated mathematical and statistical techniques to analyze the observable data about the system and "reverse engineer" the underlying latent states. This allows them to build more accurate models of the system's behavior and make better predictions about its future evolution.

The key challenge is ensuring that the inferred latent states are truly "identifiable" - meaning that they can be reliably estimated from the data and correspond to meaningful aspects of the real-world system. The researchers investigate different approaches to achieving this identifiability, such as using exponential family dynamical systems or Gaussian process learning.

They also examine how to handle cases where the system is "nonstationary" - meaning that the underlying dynamics are changing over time. This adds an additional layer of complexity that the researchers need to address. Finally, they consider how to integrate ideas from causal reasoning and representation learning to develop a more holistic understanding of the system's behavior.

Overall, this research aims to advance our ability to model and predict the behavior of complex, dynamic systems in fields like engineering, biology, and economics. By uncovering the hidden drivers of these systems, the researchers hope to unlock new insights and enable better decision-making.

Technical Explanation

The core challenge addressed in this paper is the problem of identifiability in non-linear dynamical systems. Identifiability refers to the ability to reliably estimate the underlying "latent" state variables of a system from observed data.

The researchers explore techniques for learning interpretable representations of complex, time-varying systems. They investigate the use of exponential family dynamical systems (XFADS) and Gaussian process learning of nonlinear dynamics as approaches to this problem.

A key challenge is dealing with nonstationarity - situations where the underlying dynamics of the system are changing over time. The paper discusses methods for learning identifiable latent states in nonstationary systems and the importance of integrating ideas from causal representation learning with dynamical systems science, as explored in the marrying causal representation learning with dynamical systems science paper.

The researchers present a range of experimental results and case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of their proposed techniques. They show how these methods can be applied to model and predict the behavior of complex, time-varying systems in fields such as engineering, biology, and economics.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of identifiability in non-linear dynamical systems and presents several promising technical approaches to address this challenge. However, the researchers acknowledge that there are still significant limitations and open questions in this area.

One key limitation is the difficulty of ensuring identifiability in highly complex, nonstationary systems. While the techniques discussed, such as XFADS and Gaussian process learning, can be effective in certain scenarios, there may be inherent challenges in reliably recovering the underlying latent states in more realistic, noisy, and rapidly evolving systems.

Additionally, the paper does not fully address the potential issues of interpretability and transparency that can arise when dealing with complex, black-box models. While the researchers emphasize the importance of learning "interpretable representations," the practical implementation of this in real-world applications may be challenging.

Further research is also needed to better understand the interplay between causal reasoning, representation learning, and dynamical systems modeling, as highlighted in the marrying causal representation learning with dynamical systems science paper. Integrating these disparate fields is a promising but non-trivial endeavor.

Overall, this paper makes valuable contributions to the field of non-linear dynamical systems modeling, but there remain significant opportunities for further advancement and exploration of the key issues surrounding identifiability, interpretability, and the broader integration of causal reasoning and representation learning into dynamical systems science.


This research paper tackles the important challenge of identifying latent state transitions in complex, non-linear dynamical systems. The researchers investigate techniques for learning interpretable representations of these systems, such as exponential family dynamical systems and Gaussian process learning of nonlinear dynamics.

A key focus is on the concept of identifiability - the ability to reliably estimate the underlying "hidden" state variables that drive the system's behavior. The paper also examines the challenges of dealing with nonstationarity, where the system's dynamics are changing over time, and explores ways to integrate causal reasoning and representation learning into dynamical systems modeling.

While the proposed methods show promise, the researchers acknowledge the inherent difficulties in ensuring identifiability in highly complex, real-world systems. Further research is needed to address issues of interpretability, transparency, and the deeper integration of causal and dynamical systems approaches.

Overall, this work represents an important step forward in our ability to model and predict the behavior of complex, time-varying systems across a range of scientific and engineering domains. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected and dynamic, the ability to reliably uncover the hidden drivers of system behavior will be crucial for unlocking new insights and enabling better decision-making.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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