WorldCoder, a Model-Based LLM Agent: Building World Models by Writing Code and Interacting with the Environment






Published 5/28/2024 by Hao Tang, Darren Key, Kevin Ellis



We give a model-based agent that builds a Python program representing its knowledge of the world based on its interactions with the environment. The world model tries to explain its interactions, while also being optimistic about what reward it can achieve. We define this optimism as a logical constraint between a program and a planner. We study our agent on gridworlds, and on task planning, finding our approach is more sample-efficient compared to deep RL, more compute-efficient compared to ReAct-style agents, and that it can transfer its knowledge across environments by editing its code.

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  • This paper presents a model-based agent that builds a Python program to represent its knowledge of the world based on interactions with the environment.
  • The world model tries to explain the agent's interactions, while also being optimistic about the reward it can achieve.
  • The authors define this optimism as a logical constraint between a program and a planner.
  • The agent is evaluated on gridworlds and task planning, and the authors find it is more sample-efficient than deep reinforcement learning and more compute-efficient than ReAct-style agents.
  • The agent can also transfer its knowledge across environments by editing its code.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have created an AI agent that learns about the world by interacting with it and building a computer program to represent what it has learned. This program, or "world model," tries to both explain the agent's past experiences and predict what rewards it can get in the future.

The key idea is that the agent is "optimistic" about what it can achieve, meaning the program it builds has a built-in drive to find the best possible outcomes. The researchers define this optimism as a logical constraint that links the program to the agent's planning process.

When tested on simple grid-based environments and more complex task planning problems, this agent performs better than standard deep reinforcement learning approaches in terms of how efficiently it learns, and it uses less computational power than other program-building AI agents like ReAct.

Importantly, the agent can also take the code it has written and adapt it to work in new environments, rather than having to start from scratch. This ability to transfer its knowledge across environments by editing its code is a promising direction for building more generalizable AI agents that can apply what they've learned in one setting to perform well in others.

Technical Explanation

The key components of this approach are:

  1. A model-based agent that constructs a Python program to represent its understanding of the world based on interactions with the environment.
  2. A "world model" that tries to both explain the agent's past experiences and predict the rewards it can achieve in the future.
  3. A definition of "optimism" as a logical constraint that links the program representation to the agent's planning process, giving it a drive to find the best possible outcomes.

In experiments, the agent was evaluated on simple gridworld environments as well as more complex task planning problems. The results show the agent is more sample-efficient than deep reinforcement learning and more compute-efficient than ReAct-style agents that also build program representations.

Crucially, the agent can transfer its knowledge across environments by editing its code, rather than having to start from scratch in new settings. This is a promising step towards building more generalizable AI agents that can apply their learned knowledge and skills across a variety of domains.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents an intriguing approach to building AI agents that can learn about the world through interaction and represent that knowledge in the form of executable code. The authors' definition of "optimism" as a guiding principle for the agent's world model is an interesting theoretical concept that warrants further exploration.

However, the experiments conducted in this work are relatively limited in scope, focused primarily on gridworld and task planning environments. It remains to be seen how well this approach would scale to more complex, real-world scenarios that introduce additional challenges like partial observability, significant stochasticity, and rich sensory inputs.

Additionally, the paper does not provide much detail on the specific mechanisms by which the agent edits and transfers its code-based world model across environments. More insight into this process would be valuable for understanding the limitations and potential pitfalls of this knowledge transfer capability.

Overall, this research represents a promising step towards more agile, adaptable AI agents that can learn and reason about the world in sophisticated ways. Further investigation into the scalability, robustness, and generalization abilities of this approach could yield important insights for the field of artificial intelligence.


This paper presents an innovative model-based agent that builds a Python program to represent its understanding of the world, based on interactions with the environment. The key innovation is the definition of "optimism" as a logical constraint that guides the agent's world model to predict the best possible rewards.

Experimental results show this agent is more sample-efficient than deep reinforcement learning and more compute-efficient than other program-building approaches like ReAct. Crucially, the agent can also transfer its learned knowledge across environments by editing its code, rather than starting from scratch.

While the experiments are limited in scope, this research represents an important step towards building more flexible, adaptable AI agents that can learn, reason, and apply their knowledge in sophisticated ways. Further investigation into the scalability and generalization capabilities of this approach could yield valuable insights for the field of artificial intelligence.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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