Would Deep Generative Models Amplify Bias in Future Models?






Published 4/5/2024 by Tianwei Chen, Yusuke Hirota, Mayu Otani, Noa Garcia, Yuta Nakashima
Would Deep Generative Models Amplify Bias in Future Models?


We investigate the impact of deep generative models on potential social biases in upcoming computer vision models. As the internet witnesses an increasing influx of AI-generated images, concerns arise regarding inherent biases that may accompany them, potentially leading to the dissemination of harmful content. This paper explores whether a detrimental feedback loop, resulting in bias amplification, would occur if generated images were used as the training data for future models. We conduct simulations by progressively substituting original images in COCO and CC3M datasets with images generated through Stable Diffusion. The modified datasets are used to train OpenCLIP and image captioning models, which we evaluate in terms of quality and bias. Contrary to expectations, our findings indicate that introducing generated images during training does not uniformly amplify bias. Instead, instances of bias mitigation across specific tasks are observed. We further explore the factors that may influence these phenomena, such as artifacts in image generation (e.g., blurry faces) or pre-existing biases in the original datasets.

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  • This paper investigates whether deep generative models, such as language models and image generators, could amplify and spread biases present in the data used to train them.
  • The researchers analyze how biases in pre-trained vision-and-language models can be transferred to downstream tasks, and explore potential strategies to mitigate these biases.
  • The paper also discusses the broader implications of biased AI models and the need for responsible development of large-scale generative models.

Plain English Explanation

Deep learning models, like language models that can generate human-like text or image generators that create realistic pictures, are becoming increasingly advanced and widely used. However, these models are trained on large datasets collected from the internet, which can often reflect societal biases and prejudices.

The researchers in this paper were concerned that as these deep generative models become more powerful, they could inadvertently amplify and spread these biases to a wider audience. For example, an image generator trained on data that underrepresents certain groups might produce images that reinforce stereotypes.

The paper examines how biases present in pre-trained vision-and-language models, which combine understanding of both images and text, can get transferred to other applications. The researchers explore different techniques that could help reduce these biases, such as using more diverse training data or designing the models to be more equitable.

Ultimately, the paper highlights the importance of developing AI responsibly, with careful consideration of the societal impacts. As these large-scale generative models become more ubiquitous, it will be critical to address the risks of perpetuating harmful biases and stereotypes.

Technical Explanation

The paper first reviews prior research on bias in pre-trained vision-and-language models, showing how these models can exhibit biases related to gender, race, and other attributes. The authors then investigate how these biases can get transferred to downstream tasks when the pre-trained models are fine-tuned.

Through experiments, the researchers demonstrate that biases present in the pre-trained models can indeed amplify in the fine-tuned models, leading to more pronounced stereotypical associations. For example, fine-tuning a vision-and-language model on an image captioning task resulted in captions that were more stereotypical than the original pre-trained model.

The paper also explores potential mitigation strategies, such as using debiased pre-trained models or fine-tuning with carefully curated datasets. The authors find that these techniques can help reduce the propagation of biases, though challenges remain in fully eliminating them.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful examination of an important issue in the development of large-scale generative AI models. The researchers acknowledge that while the findings are concerning, more research is needed to fully understand the dynamics of bias amplification and develop robust mitigation approaches.

One limitation is that the experiments focus on a specific type of vision-and-language model and downstream task. It would be valuable to explore a wider range of model architectures and applications to assess the generalizability of the results.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential societal harms of biased AI models in depth. Further discussion on the real-world implications and the ethical responsibilities of AI developers would strengthen the analysis.

Overall, this is a valuable contribution that highlights the need for proactive consideration of bias and fairness in the design of powerful generative AI systems. Continued research in this area, combined with a commitment to responsible development, will be crucial as these technologies become more prominent.


This paper investigates the concerning possibility that deep generative models could amplify and spread societal biases present in their training data. Through experiments with vision-and-language models, the researchers demonstrate how biases can get transferred and exacerbated when these models are applied to downstream tasks.

The findings underscore the importance of addressing bias and fairness concerns in the development of large-scale AI systems. As these models become more sophisticated and widely used, it will be critical to employ mitigation strategies and foster a culture of responsible innovation. Only by doing so can we harness the power of generative AI while minimizing the risks of perpetuating harmful stereotypes and prejudices.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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