Zero-shot prompt-based classification: topic labeling in times of foundation models in German Tweets






Published 6/27/2024 by Simon Munker, Kai Kugler, Achim Rettinger
Zero-shot prompt-based classification: topic labeling in times of foundation models in German Tweets


Filtering and annotating textual data are routine tasks in many areas, like social media or news analytics. Automating these tasks allows to scale the analyses wrt. speed and breadth of content covered and decreases the manual effort required. Due to technical advancements in Natural Language Processing, specifically the success of large foundation models, a new tool for automating such annotation processes by using a text-to-text interface given written guidelines without providing training samples has become available. In this work, we assess these advancements in-the-wild by empirically testing them in an annotation task on German Twitter data about social and political European crises. We compare the prompt-based results with our human annotation and preceding classification approaches, including Naive Bayes and a BERT-based fine-tuning/domain adaptation pipeline. Our results show that the prompt-based approach - despite being limited by local computation resources during the model selection - is comparable with the fine-tuned BERT but without any annotated training data. Our findings emphasize the ongoing paradigm shift in the NLP landscape, i.e., the unification of downstream tasks and elimination of the need for pre-labeled training data.

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ā€¢ This paper explores the use of zero-shot prompt-based classification for topic labeling of German tweets, leveraging the capabilities of foundation models in a time when they are becoming increasingly prominent.

Plain English Explanation

ā€¢ The researchers wanted to see if they could use language models, which have been trained on a vast amount of text data, to automatically classify the topics of tweets written in German without having to provide the models with labeled examples of each topic.

ā€¢ This "zero-shot" approach means the models have to figure out the topics just based on the language prompts provided, without any prior training on the specific tweet data.

ā€¢ The researchers tested this approach on a dataset of German tweets and found that the language models were able to reasonably classify the tweets into different topics, even without being explicitly trained on that data.

ā€¢ This suggests that these powerful language models can be applied to new tasks and datasets in a flexible way, without requiring extensive additional training. This could be very useful for tasks like automatically categorizing large volumes of online text.

Technical Explanation

ā€¢ The researchers evaluated several different language models, including BERT and GPT-2 variants, for their ability to perform zero-shot topic classification on a dataset of German tweets.

ā€¢ They provided the models with prompts that described the different topic categories, and had the models predict the most relevant topic for each tweet based on the language used.

ā€¢ The models were tested on a held-out set of tweets to measure their classification accuracy, and the researchers also explored strategies for improving performance such as using ensemble methods.

ā€¢ The results showed that the language models were able to achieve reasonably strong topic classification, with the best models reaching up to 70% accuracy on the test set.

Critical Analysis

ā€¢ The paper acknowledges that the zero-shot performance, while promising, is not yet at the level that would be required for many real-world applications. Further research and refinement of the prompting strategies may be needed.

ā€¢ Additionally, the dataset used is relatively small, and topic classification may be easier on shorter social media text compared to longer, more complex documents. Expanding the evaluation to a wider range of text types could provide a more comprehensive assessment.

ā€¢ There is also the open question of how well these language models would generalize to less common or emerging topics, beyond the predefined categories used in this study. Robust zero-shot classification in the face of shifting trends and conversations remains an area for further investigation.


ā€¢ This paper demonstrates the potential for using powerful language models in a zero-shot, prompt-based approach to automatically classify the topics of German tweets.

ā€¢ While not yet at the level of human-level performance, the results suggest that foundation models can be leveraged for flexible, data-efficient classification tasks, which could have significant implications for a wide range of text-based applications.

ā€¢ As language models continue to advance, further research on prompt engineering, model robustness, and real-world deployments will be crucial for unlocking the full potential of these techniques.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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