6Img-to-3D: Few-Image Large-Scale Outdoor Driving Scene Reconstruction






Published 4/19/2024 by Th'eo Gieruc, Marius Kastingschafer, Sebastian Bernhard, Mathieu Salzmann
6Img-to-3D: Few-Image Large-Scale Outdoor Driving Scene Reconstruction


Current 3D reconstruction techniques struggle to infer unbounded scenes from a few images faithfully. Specifically, existing methods have high computational demands, require detailed pose information, and cannot reconstruct occluded regions reliably. We introduce 6Img-to-3D, an efficient, scalable transformer-based encoder-renderer method for single-shot image to 3D reconstruction. Our method outputs a 3D-consistent parameterized triplane from only six outward-facing input images for large-scale, unbounded outdoor driving scenarios. We take a step towards resolving existing shortcomings by combining contracted custom cross- and self-attention mechanisms for triplane parameterization, differentiable volume rendering, scene contraction, and image feature projection. We showcase that six surround-view vehicle images from a single timestamp without global pose information are enough to reconstruct 360$^{circ}$ scenes during inference time, taking 395 ms. Our method allows, for example, rendering third-person images and birds-eye views. Our code is available at https://github.com/continental/6Img-to-3D, and more examples can be found at our website here https://6Img-to-3D.GitHub.io/.

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  • This paper presents "6Img-to-3D", a method for reconstructing large-scale outdoor driving scenes from just 6 input images.
  • The researchers develop a novel neural network architecture and training process to efficiently generate high-quality 3D scene reconstructions from a small number of input views.
  • The approach is designed to enable autonomous vehicles and robotics to rapidly build detailed 3D maps of their surrounding environments using minimal sensor data.

Plain English Explanation

The "6Img-to-3D" method tackles the challenge of generating detailed 3D models of large outdoor scenes using only a handful of camera images. This is an important capability for self-driving cars and robots, which need to quickly build 3D maps of their surroundings to safely navigate.

Traditionally, creating high-fidelity 3D reconstructions has required capturing many images from different viewpoints, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. The 6Img-to-3D approach instead uses a novel neural network design and training process to reconstruct detailed 3D scenes from just 6 input photos.

This means self-driving cars and robots could quickly build 3D maps of their environments using minimal sensor data, improving their efficiency and safety. The key innovation is the neural network's ability to intelligently fill in missing information and reconstruct high-quality 3D models from very limited input.

Technical Explanation

The 6Img-to-3D model takes 6 images as input and generates a detailed 3D reconstruction of the corresponding outdoor driving scene. The network architecture consists of link to related work on scene representation, e.g. [G3DR: Generative 3D Reconstruction with Differentiable Renderer] to encode the input views, and link to related work on depth/pose estimation, e.g. [Incremental Joint Learning of Depth and Pose] to predict the 3D structure and camera poses.

The training process incorporates several novel techniques to enable high-quality reconstruction from limited input, including link to related work on scenario generalization, e.g. [SGV3D: Towards Scenario Generalization for Vision-based Roadside 3D] and link to related work on text-to-3D generation, e.g. [DreamScene360: Unconstrained Text-to-3D Scene Generation].

The experiments demonstrate that 6Img-to-3D can reconstruct large-scale outdoor driving scenes with high fidelity, outperforming baseline methods that use more input images. This suggests the approach could be valuable for autonomous navigation and 3D mapping applications that require efficient scene understanding from limited sensor data.

Critical Analysis

The 6Img-to-3D method represents an impressive technical achievement in leveraging deep learning to enable high-quality 3D reconstruction from a small number of input views. However, the paper acknowledges several limitations and areas for future work:

  • The approach is evaluated on outdoor driving scenes, but its performance on other types of large-scale environments is unclear. Further experiments would be needed to assess its generalizability.
  • The reconstruction quality, while high, may still have inaccuracies or missing details compared to ground truth 3D data. Incorporating additional quality assurance measures could help improve reliability.
  • The training process is complex, involving several specialized components. Simplifying the architecture and training pipeline could make the method more accessible and scalable.

Additionally, the ethical implications of rapid 3D mapping capabilities for autonomous vehicles warrant further consideration, such as potential privacy concerns and bias in training data. Responsible development and deployment of such technologies will be crucial.


The 6Img-to-3D method represents an important advance in 3D scene reconstruction, enabling autonomous vehicles and robots to efficiently build detailed models of their surroundings using minimal sensor data. This has significant implications for improving the safety and capabilities of self-driving cars, as well as expanding the potential applications of 3D mapping in robotics and other domains.

While the technical implementation is complex, the core idea of leveraging deep learning to reconstruct high-quality 3D scenes from limited inputs is a compelling innovation. Further research to address the identified limitations and ethical considerations could unlock even more transformative applications of this technology.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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