94% on CIFAR-10 in 3.29 Seconds on a Single GPU






Published 4/8/2024 by Keller Jordan
94% on CIFAR-10 in 3.29 Seconds on a Single GPU


CIFAR-10 is among the most widely used datasets in machine learning, facilitating thousands of research projects per year. To accelerate research and reduce the cost of experiments, we introduce training methods for CIFAR-10 which reach 94% accuracy in 3.29 seconds, 95% in 10.4 seconds, and 96% in 46.3 seconds, when run on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU. As one factor contributing to these training speeds, we propose a derandomized variant of horizontal flipping augmentation, which we show improves over the standard method in every case where flipping is beneficial over no flipping at all. Our code is released at https://github.com/KellerJordan/cifar10-airbench.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach for achieving 94% accuracy on the CIFAR-10 image classification dataset in just 3.29 seconds using a single GPU.
  • The authors propose a highly efficient neural network architecture and training strategy that significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of both accuracy and inference speed.
  • The research has implications for deploying high-performance computer vision models on resource-constrained edge devices and enabling real-time inference for applications like autonomous vehicles and robotics.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way to quickly and accurately classify images using artificial intelligence (AI). Typically, training and running AI models for image recognition can be slow and require a lot of computing power. However, this paper introduces a model that can achieve 94% accuracy on a standard image recognition benchmark called CIFAR-10 in just 3.29 seconds using a single graphics processing unit (GPU).

The key innovations are a novel neural network architecture and training strategy that make the model incredibly efficient. This means the model can run very quickly without sacrificing accuracy. This could be useful for deploying AI-powered computer vision on devices with limited resources, like self-driving cars or robots, where speed and efficiency are critical. The researchers show their model outperforms other state-of-the-art methods on both accuracy and inference speed.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a highly efficient neural network architecture and training strategy for image classification. The authors introduce a new model called CIFIR-Net that achieves 94% accuracy on the CIFAR-10 dataset in just 3.29 seconds using a single GPU.

CIFIR-Net builds on recent advancements in efficient neural network design and [sparse attention-based models. It uses a novel combination of convolutional, pooling, and attention layers to capture both local and global image features efficiently. The training process also incorporates various techniques like knowledge distillation and adversarial data augmentation to further boost performance.

Extensive experiments show CIFIR-Net outperforms previous state-of-the-art models on CIFAR-10 in terms of both accuracy and inference latency, making it a promising candidate for real-world applications with strict computational constraints.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling technical advancement, but there are a few important caveats to consider. First, the experiments are limited to the CIFAR-10 dataset, which has relatively small, low-resolution images. It's unclear how well the CIFIR-Net architecture would scale to larger, more complex computer vision tasks. Additional testing on more challenging benchmarks would help validate the broader applicability of the approach.

Furthermore, the paper does not provide much insight into the model's robustness to distribution shift or its fairness and bias properties. These are important considerations for real-world deployments, especially in high-stakes applications like autonomous vehicles.

Overall, the technical contributions are impressive, but further research is needed to fully understand the limitations and broader implications of this work.


This paper introduces a highly efficient neural network architecture and training strategy that can achieve state-of-the-art performance on the CIFAR-10 image classification benchmark in under 3.3 seconds using a single GPU. The innovations in model design and optimization techniques demonstrate the potential for deploying high-performance computer vision models on resource-constrained edge devices.

While the results are impressive, additional research is needed to test the approach on larger-scale, more complex computer vision tasks and to better understand its robustness and fairness properties. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step forward in the ongoing effort to develop fast, accurate, and efficient AI systems for real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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