Adaptive In-conversation Team Building for Language Model Agents






Published 5/31/2024 by Linxin Song, Jiale Liu, Jieyu Zhang, Shaokun Zhang, Ao Luo, Shijian Wang, Qingyun Wu, Chi Wang
Adaptive In-conversation Team Building for Language Model Agents


Leveraging multiple large language model (LLM) agents has shown to be a promising approach for tackling complex tasks, while the effective design of multiple agents for a particular application remains an art. It is thus intriguing to answer a critical question: Given a task, how can we build a team of LLM agents to solve it effectively? Our new adaptive team-building paradigm offers a flexible solution, realized through a novel agent design named Captain Agent. It dynamically forms and manages teams for each step of a task-solving process, utilizing nested group conversations and reflection to ensure diverse expertise and prevent stereotypical outputs. It allows for a flexible yet structured approach to problem-solving and can help reduce redundancy and enhance output diversity. A comprehensive evaluation across six real-world scenarios demonstrates that Captain Agent significantly outperforms existing multi-agent methods with 21.94% improvement in average accuracy, providing outstanding performance without requiring task-specific prompt engineering.

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  • This paper presents an approach for adaptive in-conversation team building with language model agents.
  • The key idea is to enable language model agents to dynamically form effective teams during conversations, adjusting their roles and behaviors to complement each other and achieve shared goals.
  • This builds on prior research on embodied LLM agents learning to cooperate, multi-agent systems with LLMs, and LLM-based game agents.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a way for AI language models to work together more effectively as a team during conversations. The key insight is that the AI models can dynamically adjust their roles and behaviors to complement each other and better achieve shared goals, rather than sticking to fixed pre-defined roles.

For example, imagine a team of AI assistants helping a human user plan a trip. One assistant might focus on finding flight options, another on booking hotels, and a third on suggesting activities. But rather than having these fixed roles, the AIs could adapt based on the conversation, with one assistant taking the lead on booking flights if that became the priority, while another shifted to researching local attractions.

This adaptive team formation allows the AI models to be more agile and responsive to the user's needs, drawing on their individual strengths in a coordinated way. It builds on prior work on getting AI agents to cooperate, interact in multi-agent systems, and play games - but applies these ideas specifically to language model-based conversational assistants.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a framework for adaptive in-conversation team building with language model agents. The key components include:

  • Team Roles: Each agent is assigned a high-level role (e.g. information gatherer, task executor) that shapes their behavior and outputs.
  • Team Dynamics: The agents continuously assess the team's performance and each other's contributions, and dynamically adjust their roles and behaviors to optimize the team's effectiveness.
  • Coordination Mechanisms: The agents use protocols for sharing information, negotiating responsibilities, and making joint decisions to achieve the team's shared goals.

The agents leverage large language models (enhanced with low-parameter techniques) to engage in natural conversations, understand context, and generate relevant responses. Through iterative team interactions, the agents learn to form cohesive and adaptive teams that can fluidly handle complex, open-ended tasks.

The authors evaluate their approach in a simulated conversational task, demonstrating improved team performance and user satisfaction compared to static team formations. The results suggest that adaptive in-conversation team building is a promising direction for enhancing the capabilities of language model-based agents.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for improving the teamwork and coordination of language model agents. However, some potential limitations and areas for further research are:

  • The simulated evaluation environment may not fully capture the complexities of real-world conversational scenarios. More extensive testing with human users would be valuable to assess the approach's real-world effectiveness.
  • The coordination mechanisms described are relatively simple, and more advanced protocols may be needed to handle situations with conflicting goals or incomplete information.
  • The long-term implications of having highly adaptive teams of AI agents interacting with humans are not fully explored - there may be trust, transparency, or ethical concerns that need to be addressed.

Overall, the paper makes a strong case for the benefits of adaptive in-conversation team building, but further research is needed to fully understand the approach's capabilities and limitations.


This paper presents a novel framework for enabling language model agents to form adaptive teams during conversations, adjusting their roles and behaviors to better complement each other and achieve shared goals. By drawing on techniques from multi-agent systems and game agent research, the authors demonstrate how language model agents can become more agile and effective at open-ended conversational tasks.

While the approach shows promise, further research is needed to address potential limitations and explore the broader implications of having highly adaptive teams of AI agents interacting with humans. Nevertheless, this work represents an important step forward in enhancing the capabilities of language model-based conversational agents.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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