Adaptive Robust Learning using Latent Bernoulli Variables






Published 6/17/2024 by Aleksandr Karakulev (Uppsala University, Sweden), Dave Zachariah (Uppsala University, Sweden), Prashant Singh (Uppsala University, Sweden, Science for Life Laboratory, Sweden)
Adaptive Robust Learning using Latent Bernoulli Variables


We present an adaptive approach for robust learning from corrupted training sets. We identify corrupted and non-corrupted samples with latent Bernoulli variables and thus formulate the learning problem as maximization of the likelihood where latent variables are marginalized. The resulting problem is solved via variational inference, using an efficient Expectation-Maximization based method. The proposed approach improves over the state-of-the-art by automatically inferring the corruption level, while adding minimal computational overhead. We demonstrate our robust learning method and its parameter-free nature on a wide variety of machine learning tasks including online learning and deep learning where it adapts to different levels of noise and maintains high prediction accuracy.

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  • This paper proposes a new adaptive and parameter-free robust learning algorithm based on latent Bernoulli variables.
  • The algorithm is designed to handle data with adversarial or heavy-tailed noise, without requiring manual tuning of hyperparameters.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several real-world datasets, showing that it outperforms existing robust learning methods.

Plain English Explanation

In machine learning, there are often situations where the data we have is not perfect - it may contain noise, errors, or even intentional adversarial attacks that try to mislead the learning algorithm. This can make it challenging to train accurate models, as the noise and errors can skew the results.

The authors of this paper have developed a new machine learning technique that is designed to be more robust to these types of imperfections in the data. Their approach uses something called "latent Bernoulli variables" to help the algorithm adapt and learn effectively even in the presence of noisy or adversarial data.

Essentially, the algorithm is able to identify which parts of the data are likely to be problematic or unreliable, and then adjust its learning process accordingly. This means it can still learn a good model without being overly influenced by the noisy or corrupted parts of the data.

[This relates to research on improving the reliability of black-box variational inference and robust distribution learning under local and global adversarial corruptions.]

The authors tested their algorithm on several real-world datasets and found that it outperformed existing robust learning methods. This suggests that their approach could be very useful in a wide range of machine learning applications where the data quality is not perfect.

Technical Explanation

The key idea behind the authors' approach is to introduce latent Bernoulli variables that indicate whether each data point is "good" (reliable) or "bad" (corrupted by noise or adversarial attacks). These latent variables are then jointly optimized with the model parameters during the learning process.

[This relates to research on outlier-robust Kalman filtering through generalized Bayes and leveraging offline data for linear latent bandits.]

The authors formulate the problem as a robust optimization task, where the objective is to minimize the expected loss under the worst-case distribution of the latent Bernoulli variables. They show that this can be efficiently solved using a novel stochastic gradient descent algorithm that alternates between updating the model parameters and the latent variables.

The key advantage of this approach is that it is completely parameter-free - the algorithm automatically learns the optimal level of robustness from the data, without requiring any manual tuning of hyperparameters. This makes it more accessible and easier to use in practice compared to existing robust learning methods.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough experimental evaluation of their proposed algorithm, demonstrating its effectiveness on a range of real-world datasets. However, they do not explore the theoretical properties of the method in depth, such as its statistical convergence guarantees or its robustness to different types of noise or adversarial attacks.

[This relates to research on Bayesian approaches to online learning in contextual restless bandits.]

Additionally, the authors do not discuss potential limitations or failure modes of their approach, such as how it might perform in the presence of very high levels of noise or adversarial attacks, or how it scales to large-scale problems. Further research would be needed to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of this method.


Overall, the authors have presented a promising new approach for robust machine learning that adapts to the data without requiring manual parameter tuning. This could have significant practical benefits in a wide range of applications where data quality is a concern. However, additional research is needed to fully characterize the method's theoretical properties and its performance under various challenging conditions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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